Thursday, 13 November 2014
Saturday, 1 November 2014
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Oh, Mork! Our Peter Pan has left
Leaving the world, forlorn, bereft.
My captain, oh my captain, why
Depart this world with no goodbye?
No Doubtfire, Goodnight Vietnam
We know you always gave a damn.
There's no Patch Adams red nosed face
Will heal our hurt or take your place.
Aladdin's genie, give us one
A single wish for our favourite son
Our Bicentennial Man can't go
No Death To Smoochy, no, no, no.
Our Garp, our Flubber can't be gone
The Popeye, Jack show must go on.
What dreams may come, you were a dream come true
Our best old dog and we will so miss you.
You'll always be our fisher king,
The greatest dad, you magic thing.
Frenetic, funny, on the ball
You mocked them one, you mocked them all.
The world has lost a special man
Which seems a really shitty plan
While we were laughing at your stuff
We'd no idea you'd had enough
Your soul was ours, you laid it bare
Yet we failed to see your own despair.
If you'd only asked, made a little fuss
We'd have helped you through as you did for us.
While we wept with mirth as you played the clown,
I've this feeling that we let you down.
And that's the saddest thing of all
In the laughter we never heard your call.
Monday, 11 August 2014
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Monday, 4 August 2014
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
RIP Will Glibbery - a tragic loss to the world
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
I did, however, on my travels, while seeking to rehome our pigs, pending our emigration to Australia, discover from vets and pig sanctuaries that they are inundated with abandoned pigs which were sold as "miniature" animals and turned out to be no such thing.
When they did, after even two years exceed the "specifications" that had been promised them by the sellers, the shocked owners either sought redress, found other homes or just gave the pigs up. And more often than not, the sellers weren't interested in the plight of the owners when the pigs ballooned beyond specification. They were often just told that they had been overfeeding their pigs hence the oversized outcome. And yet, even when one feeds a pig the prescribed amount and quality of food (that isn't augmented with growth hormones and chemicals as in most of the commercially available feeds), these "little" guys still became much bigger than predicted.
So where is the margin for error and the acceptable parameter beyond which sellers are prepared to go when "miniature" pigs become bigger than envisaged? I have no idea but I do know that there are a lot of disgruntled pig owners out there who were arguably sold "a pig in a poke"...
One pig sanctuary went as far as to say categorically that teacup pigs simply did not exist, at least not as they are advertised far and wide - i.e. being these miniature creatures that do not grow taller or heavier than lapdogs, and Susan Spencer, whose website link I attach, would seem to concur with that opinion insofar as the claims of miniaturisation are concerned.
I'm not about to enter the debate around the genetics involved as I have no expertise in that area at all but logic would dictate to me that accomplished breeders of pigs would originally have been aiming to create animals that comprise bulk, after all these creatures were designed to be eaten so the optimisation of meat yield would have been the primary motivator.
Much later in time, as we (arguably) evolved into a species that took to keeping pigs for reasons other than simply edible commodities, people's needs became more specific and smaller pigs much more desirable as they were practically more manageable. Hence the advent of the so-called teacup pig or so it is claimed.
But the Teacup is not an actual breed which I find to be most surprising after all this time - teacups are merely a variety of pig created by the hybridisation of other breeds to create a smaller animal that conforms to certain specifications.... but here's the thing - they usually don't. And as asserted by Susan Spencer who runs Tiny Teacup Pigs and has written several books on the topic, none of them comply with the claims of the breeders that they will not exceed the size of a small terrier dog and weigh in at under 30kg. And yet these claims persist to the eternal detriment - not of the humans but of the pigs themselves when they are simply rejected.
One would have thought, given the marketability of small pigs that by now a successful strain would have been created that consistently yielded miniature animals and that those and those alone were interbred to maintain an exclusive breed and not rely on this hit and miss lottery that seems to obtain.
Folks, just be warned if you're considering a piggy as a pet - they start out as really, really minuscule mites and piglets must rank amongst the cutest baby animals around but they grow and they grow and they grow - for up to four years.
And until they officially proclaim that teacups are now, in fact, a breed, there can be no guarantees what your hybrid piglet is going to become - it's just educated guessing and when it goes "wrong", you're the one usually left holding the pig in the poke.
For me, they're worth it anyway big or small but I have 4 hectares in which they can roam and be pigs, others are not so fortunate and a larger than anticipated pig can wreak havoc in a suburban home and environment.
Whatever you do, think about the pig before you think about yourself. Please.
A pig, regardless of its size is a BIG commitment so don't own one if you're not prepared to make that commitment.
Potbellies can go from this:
To this in just 3 years:
I urge you to peruse this website. There is some interesting and very revealing information there.
Tiny Teacup Pigs can be found here
Thursday, 26 June 2014
👫 👥 😱
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Will the real ISIS please stand up...
Caution: Unsolicited bumswill coming your way
Wikipedia describes the service (sic) thus: "iReport (also I-Report) is CNN's citizen journalism initiative that allows people from around the globe to contribute pictures and video of breaking news stories. It is similar to Wikinews in that it allows, and encourages, regular citizens to submit stories, photos and videos related to any breaking news. Submissions are not edited, fact-checked, or screened."
So in essence, it's an unsubstantiated public blogging forum which inundates cyberspace with private opinions - nothing more, nothing less. Then people repost some of the crap that's disgorged there, all neatly trimmed with the CNN logo as if that lends the "article" some credibility... as if CNN was the doyen of objectivity in the first place.
When, in fact, knobrot69's racist vitriol is just that - someone ineloquently venting their spleen and claiming their grammatically challenged bumswill to be factual reporting.
Isn't there enough effluence clogging the Internet pipelines as it is?
What startles me more perhaps than the cludge and the ease with which it gets dispensed, is our own suspension of incredulity as we consume more and more of this as part of our chosen reality.
I long for the return of those days when people just screamed into pillows or hit a punching bag when they wanted to vent - it was private and uninfectious.
Now the slime just oozes from the internet like thousand year old sewage...
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Finally - The First Book of PRANA (Parts 1 - 4) available online
It's been a while coming but eventually the rewrite and tweaking of PRANA has been done and the book made available in Kobo and Kindle formats.
To find links to these please visit my author website at the link below...
Book links to my website
This is a story that may change the very fabric of the universe...or maybe it already has.
The First Book of PRANA (Parts 1 - 4)
The first part of Jack Tyler's dust with the devil.
Not when there are other options available, Jack.
Thus begins the walk-in and Lucifer's first experience of wearing a human "fat suit" in the 3rd dimensional realm.
As if that wasn't debilitating enough - then there are those crazy human emotions to deal with - those damn feelings that Lucifer's brother, Michael had introduced into the mix.
And that's when it all starts to go horribly wrong...