


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


I want to hire the ad agency that took on the St Patrick account. 
That organisation did the business don't you think?
I mean, everywhere on the planet, people of every persuasion get dressed up as leprechauns, march in festive parades, drink green beverages (often of the alcoholic type) and generally revere, for at least one day of the year, all things Irish. 
What the fuck happened to the clowns that handled the St Andrew (Scotland), St George (England) and St David (Wales) accounts? 
Where in the world do people go and get blue, white or red for the day and behave in a typically Scottish, English or Welsh manner? 
What did the Irish do so differently abroad that their culture is celebrated through the iconic reverence of a fabled personage whereas the others receded into virtual obscurity? 
I bet that most people haven't even got a clue on which days of the year those other Saints' days fall....
No, didn't think so. 
Bizarre, isn't it. 

Friday, 7 March 2014

I want my mummy...bring back the goddess

From the persecution of independent-thinking women as witches, the suppression of gnosis through destruction of libraries, misogynistic interpretations and dogmatic preaching of ancient gospels in Judaism, Islam and Christianity, the passing of legislation preventing women from having electoral rights, the perpetuation of a subservient role through media advertising in the twentieth century, men have persistently eroded the status of women in society to the degree that even if she is  capable of doing the same job as a man, her salary scale is less than her male counterpart - why? Simply because she is a woman? Yes, of course but also because men are scared of her. 
In this machismo respect, men have been the decision-making force on our planet since time immemorial and if we were to analyse the present status of Earth as a result, I'd have to say that they'd done a pretty godawful job to date. We are forever on the brink. And this is no accident. It's by flawed design. 
It's the male ploy - divide and rule and maintain a state of fear through an illusory yet compelling Damoclean threat and the masses shall play ball. 
Through this relentless intellectual and physical/material sovereignty, we have reduced our collective world view to that of a series of systems driven by, no, reliant upon external technology and physical dominance to the absolute detriment of our spiritual and emotional aspects. 
As CS Lewis observed: "You don't have a soul - you are a soul. You have a body."
With the perpetuation of this feminine subjugation, we are bereft of spirit - we are rendered soulless. Spirituality in this man's world is reduced to organised religions squabbling over real estate while extorting money from their congregations to fund these conflicts. It's a beautiful, self-perpetuating system and is as much about spirituality as politics is about serving the people. Smokeandmirrorsism. 
Men have been subverting information from the day they realised they had to masculate God, as all of these creation stories made a whole lot more sense if a feminine principle were in play. If we were to take the gender role out of the equation: God made humankind in its image - i.e. Created a microcosmic blueprint here on Earth in line with the Hermetic principle of "as above, so below". Ergo: it would follow that the divine creator of new life from a macrocosmic perspective would be feminine as on Earth - a goddess. 
This would confer absolute and divine status upon women on Earth and they simply could not have that. This, coupled with the fact that anthropogenic parthenogenesis is entirely plausible (asexual reproduction without the need of externally introduced fertilisation - virgin birth) would render the male role expendable - finite. And while this may not be a regular or noticed occurrence, we have no way of knowing whether or not this has been going on for millennia. It occurs in so-called lesser mammals and has been successfully achieved in the lab. 
The most significant case recorded would, of course, be that of Mary, mother of Jesus, this subverted to the realm of fantasy and the miraculous. Perhaps not. 
We've even written the feminine out of the holy trinity that obtained in the forerunner of Christianity - from God, Goddess, Progeny (Osiris, Isis, Horus) to the mechanical: Father, Son, Holy Spirit - woman? Boom! Gone. 
The bottom line is that women have that infinite potential and are more representative of godlike power than the attributes that were bestowed upon men. I believe we've been trying to assert our illusory authority ever since instead of revering what women actually are and what they truly represent. 
If we allowed the true natural order of things to unfold and women had been acknowledged in the role of creators and nurturers of, not only families, but communities and nations, I do believe this world of ours and humankind per-se would be in a far more balanced and healthier state. 
Left to men, it's a sorry pile of crap I'm afraid. 
And by way of personal experience - throughout my career, I've always preferred working with empowered women (not women aspiring to be men but women in touch with their inner feminine power) who've been decisive, far more productive than men and prone to making humane decisions that serve a greater good rather than just elitist self interest. In that way, they too prosper in a sustainable paradigm. 
What men have created in fiscal, environmental and governmental systems throughout history have resulted in the most unsustainable world imaginable. 
It's a work in progress but I firmly believe that if we want to save ourselves, we need to suspend our ridiculous egos and start handing power over to those designed to use it. Women. Goddesses. 
The ironic paradox here is that men choose to rule through fear while being the most frightened creatures on the planet - a classic case of perpetuating the cycle of abuse. 
Men have failed and I'd love to pity them but we need to do something. Something different. And fast.