


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Thursday, 26 June 2014


I've always said that it's never too late to have a happy childhood and never has this been truer than it is today. 
Once upon a time we were children and we engaged with our imaginary friends. - now we're all grown up and there is Facebook. 

Nothing's really changed then.....

👫 👥 😱

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Will the real ISIS please stand up...

How dare these self-proclaimed Iraqi fundamentalist so-called "liberators" (more like exterminators) assume the name of the sacred Egyptian goddess, the feminine principle of that holy trinity.
There she is on the right in the picture with Osiris, her king, husband, lover and god in the middle and their son, Horus, the hawk-headed god to the left.
Theirs was a sacred union of balance and harmony unlike the marauding jihadists who're indiscriminately slaughtering men, women and children all in the name of their supposedly sacred principle when all that is ever really about is the assumption of power, which is an illusion in the first place if your "authority" has to be handed down through the agency of terror and intimidation.
The US "liberation" (aka invasion) of Iraq which ousted the maniacal dictator Saddam Hussein has certainly turned into a halcyon province has it not as evidenced by the recent goings-on? I'm sure people are queueing up to emigrate their in their thousands now that they're free from tyranny...
Oh, hang on - they aren't...oops.
And now these murderous fucktards besmirch the good name of Isis, the goddess...which is really just semantically inaccurate in any event if we are so hung up on acronyms.
Their name is "the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" which, in my book, acronymises to ISIL not ISIS, so they can go fuck themselves if they think I shall ever associate the true ISIS with this band of amoral fucktards.
Isis lives but not through this contemporary aberration. 

Caution: Unsolicited bumswill coming your way

CNN's iReport, which is news to me (pardon the pun), - are they for real?

Wikipedia describes the service (sic) thus: "iReport (also I-Report) is CNN's citizen journalism initiative that allows people from around the globe to contribute pictures and video of breaking news stories. It is similar to Wikinews in that it allows, and encourages, regular citizens to submit stories, photos and videos related to any breaking news. Submissions are not edited, fact-checked, or screened."

So in essence, it's an unsubstantiated public blogging forum which inundates cyberspace with private opinions - nothing more, nothing less. Then people repost some of the crap that's disgorged there, all neatly trimmed with the CNN logo as if that lends the "article" some credibility... as if CNN was the doyen of objectivity in the first place.

When, in fact, knobrot69's racist vitriol is just that - someone ineloquently venting their spleen and claiming their grammatically challenged bumswill to be factual reporting.

Isn't there enough effluence clogging the Internet pipelines as it is?

What startles me more perhaps than the cludge and the ease with which it gets dispensed, is our own suspension of incredulity as we consume more and more of this as part of our chosen reality.

I long for the return of those days when people just screamed into pillows or hit a punching bag when they wanted to vent - it was private and uninfectious.

Now the slime just oozes from the internet like thousand year old sewage...

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Finally - The First Book of PRANA (Parts 1 - 4) available online

It's been a while coming but eventually the rewrite and tweaking of PRANA has been done and the book made available in Kobo and Kindle formats.
To find links to these please visit my author website at the link below...
Book links to my website
This is a story that may change the very fabric of the universe...or maybe it already has.

The First Book of PRANA (Parts 1 - 4) 
The first part of Jack Tyler's dust with the devil.
Not when there are other options available, Jack.
Thus begins the walk-in and Lucifer's first experience of wearing a human "fat suit" in the 3rd dimensional realm.
As if that wasn't debilitating enough - then there are those crazy human emotions to deal with - those damn feelings that Lucifer's brother, Michael had introduced into the mix.
And that's when it all starts to go horribly wrong...