


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Thursday, 28 August 2014


The age of virtual instant access may well be the contemporary cultural trend where our archaic collectables, mementos - call them what you will - seem redundant in the eyes of the pubescent thumb-texting technocrats, but with the supplanting of these tactile items (greeting cards, books, magazines, records/CD's etc.) by what's "accessible" in the cloud, ownership has fundamentally changed and I would argue, nuance has died. 
It isn't that hard to accept the world is an evolving, dynamic environment but I believe it to be fallacious to simply accept that technological advancement is by default an anthropocentric improvement. It's a change unarguably but it's only better from a time, size and convenience perspective. And if those are the precepts whereby we validate our existence then by all means we've achieved heaven on Earth - we've arrived. I elect to think otherwise without denying myself the use of technological tools. The untrendy concept of "balance" springs to mind. 
However, the "use it or lose it" premise most certainly does apply here. If less of something is being consumed, usually through the aggressive marketing of the online equivalent, then the tactile version begins to dwindle until it becomes an esoteric (in the original sense of the word) commodity and a specialist niche market evolves from that. Literature is the most obvious example. I'm a writer and I selfishly advocate the advancement of eBooks certainly, but a tablet will never feel better in my hands than a paperback or a coffee table book still does. And you will never experience the smell or the energy of the book unless that too will be interfaced via our handheld devices some time in the future. I suspend any astonishment in this area - I'm sure it will be done. 
With the advent of an electronically generated and maintained pool of data-resourcing, i.e. The Internet, we have been reprogrammed to think in an entirely different way and, I would posit, think less about individual problem solving and summarily hand that power over to the gods of cyberspace who even go as far as to evaluate where we are, what we've asked before and what we historically like to do in this space so they can algorithmically predict what we're going to ask this time around. And chances are we'll allow our search engine to do that for us too while they're algorithmically hinting at what others who bought this also bought. 

I had a spat online just yesterday with someone who wrote a post which, without the categorisation, labelling and stereotyping of groups of people, made absolutely no sense. Remove all the labels and the comment had no point. And that's what big brother does "for" us - categorises us into target consumer groups. That's what it boils down to. 
Our education system is not designed to create original thinkers who will trailblaze new pathways for the overarching benefit of humankind, where the majority will become high-powered decision-makers; the whole system is geared toward dumbing the rest of them down while simultaneously producing consumers. If we had a system that augmented the intelligence and worldliness of the masses, the population would become empowered and the elitist regimes that control everything would become redundant. It's our perceived yet illusory dependence on those we've elected and the technology they sell us that maintains us in this ongoing state of acquiescence. 
We haven't yet figured out the real evolutionary paradigm that's most powerful of all - there is strength in numbers and collective choices dictate our future. As passive consumers we don't realise or exercise that power - we're too busy handing it over via another handy cloud app that frees up more space in our home and saves us from leaving the house while the competitive distraction of sports and reality TV oozes from our screens, interspersed with massive doses of fear-laden newscasts running on repeat looping. 
This is how we elect to become informed. This is how we interface with others for the most part too. Conveniently. 
A fantastic meme I saw the other day said simply: stop the glorification of busy. 

And that's it in a nutshell. While we may be able to produce and procure things more efficiently than ever before, it's paradoxically bizarre don't you think that we've got so little time on our hands? Not really. Not when we fill up all the space and time we should have available to us with our constant link to everything through devices and IC technology. We are consumed with inane distraction because everyone else is doing it and "it's what's trending."
When the old fashioned businessman re-read the letter his secretary had typed for him, signed it, handed it back to her so it could be snail-mailed to the respondent, he generally phoned the client and arranged to have lunch or meet face to face while the wheels of non-instant access chugged along. There was time for other stuff too and if he was out of the office he was pretty much unreachable. Yet shit still got done and it got done properly albeit with less stress and in a longer timeline. So what? Nowadays, if you're not at your desk, they'll try the mobile. If you don't answer that, they'll text you or see if you're online somewhere else and message your through that vehicle. What they don't get or accept is that you might want to be unavailable. 
But here's the thing - it's okay for someone to be unreachable. The world does not come to an end if you don't have an answer within twelve nanoseconds of your desirous urge becoming manifest. 
We might have arguably better technology but that doesn't make us smarter - it only makes the devices smarter and as the devices become smarter we become dumber and more acquiescent while we believe that we're too busy for anything really - even reading to the end of an email or having the time to read a book. Who reads when you can skim and get the gist of it? Point being, the gist is what the consumers deem workable but those writing the stuff we skim, know the nuance and the devil to be in the details and that's the place the drones never look until it's too late. 
We may have less and less need for physical "clutter" when we can simply download or stream 1's and 0's to see or hear something that once we held in our hands or placed in a playback device but unless we have a backup somewhere that resides within our physical domain and we don't need a licence to validate the information, we don't actually own it. 
I love technology. 
As a tool. 
But the system is no longer a tool, the roles are reversed and through our total reliance on it, we become the system's bitch. 
So party on, bitches! 
I'd still rather have collectables and tactile stuff that reminds me of times and places as well as the now and I'd like to think I'll always have time to go for a walk with my wife. Those are important things in my life and I own them. 
As they said once upon a time in the Orange Free State: nothing is that important that it can't wait two weeks... 
Amen to that. I'm relearning that ideal and I like it. 

Saturday, 16 August 2014


Oh, Mork! Our Peter Pan has left
Leaving the world, forlorn, bereft.
My captain, oh my captain, why
Depart this world with no goodbye?
No Doubtfire, Goodnight Vietnam
We know you always gave a damn.
There's no Patch Adams red nosed face
Will heal our hurt or take your place.
Aladdin's genie, give us one
A single wish for our favourite son
Our Bicentennial Man can't go
No Death To Smoochy, no, no, no.
Our Garp, our Flubber can't be gone
The Popeye, Jack show must go on.
What dreams may come, you were a dream come true
Our best old dog and we will so miss you.
You'll always be our fisher king,
The greatest dad, you magic thing.
Frenetic, funny, on the ball
You mocked them one, you mocked them all.
The world has lost a special man
Which seems a really shitty plan
While we were laughing at your stuff
We'd no idea you'd had enough
Your soul was ours, you laid it bare
Yet we failed to see your own despair.
If you'd only asked, made a little fuss
We'd have helped you through as you did for us.
While we wept with mirth as you played the clown,
I've this feeling that we let you down.
And that's the saddest thing of all
In the laughter we never heard your call.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Brigit Strawbridge: Mass Insect Extinction; the Elephant in the Room?

Brigit Strawbridge: Mass Insect Extinction; the Elephant in the Room? 


The ultimate paradox has to be what Israel continues to do in Palestine. It is the most profound case of collective cognitive dissonance in the universe.
Illusory power driven by innate insecurity is what has more chance of destroying true Judaism than coexisting in an open state which practices religious freedom and tolerance. 
Hamas suffers from the same delusion. 
No belief system or culture has any chance of long term sustainability if it is forced on people through conflict. 

What is really being defended here?

Thursday, 7 August 2014


By dint of humankind's self-proclaimed custodianship of the planet as the supreme species, we rate ourselves more advanced and intelligent than any other creature with whom we purportedly share the rock.
Ergo: we should have some idea of how to make shit work by now. Sadly, when it comes to our much vaunted egotistical intelligence, we aren't really evolved at all.
Some three thousand years after the birth of mainstream religion (some admittedly came a bit later and many belief systems were extant long before that), we still cannot agree on anything pertaining to what that actually means.
We ostensibly agree (for those who do believe) that there is one supreme divine deity yet we have concocted books that interpret what that means exactly as there is a bunch of real estate involved and divine decrees which appear in some books but not in others.
These religious manuals were written by a host of people back in the day and it seems that this one deity on whom the works were all allegedly based had a real problem communicating its intentions unambiguously which seems rather odd for an all-seeing, omnipresent, omnipotent entity unless there was a mischievous intention behind it all. Who knows? Maybe there's an apocryphal Book Of Goofy still lurking undiscovered in a cave at Qumran that will put it all into context - the world was just a crazy joke and we keep missing the punchline.
Imagine for a moment that you were the Supreme Deity, creator of the universe and everything in it and you wanted to give these talking monkeys you'd just made some form of survival guide for their time on the planet....
Wouldn't you write one manual in the plainest, unambiguous manner and ensure that everyone understood its meaning? Hell, you wouldn't even have to use language or words - you could just program it into their DNA... but as 99% of it is supposedly "junk" anyway, maybe a few thousand years of ignoring our innate higher nature has just got that bit of junk switched off...
Instead, it is claimed, I supposedly wrote a manual for the Jews, a manual for the Buddhists, a manual for the Muslims, a manual for the Christians, one for the Sufis et-al? Why?
If I'd wanted to do that, I'd have made one for the scientists too just to show them that the divine order of things actually does conform to a logical, explicable arrangement - it's just that they haven't necessarily made the equipment to understand or measure it all just yet...but keep looking - oh and tell that Dawkins bloke to cheer up a bit, please.
That's what I would've done if I'd got the job as Supreme Creator of life, the universe and everything - made one book that explained everything and made it very plain that creating different sets of rules and interpretations and using different manuals to further your own loaded agendas wasn't in the interest of acknowledging the single deity nor was it ingenuous in any manner or form.
I didn't say that this lot was entitled to that real estate because I thought they were my finest work... Lucifer and the other angels were actually my finest work and look what happened to them...
Some clever human said at some point that with great power comes great responsibility and that's been the problem with you humans from the get-go - you've never taken responsibility for your own business and deeds - always fobbed it off on me...or that other handy scapegoat - the if that was an opposing force to the creator of the universe...pfffffftttttt.....
You lot decided to write your own books, claim they were my doing and then beat the shit out of each other when these interpretive manuscripts failed to convince your neighbours that they were doing it wrong when their own manual said otherwise. Can't you see the circular argument that's in play here? No? 
So if you all still agree that I'm the ultimate judge of humankind let me say this - what a bunch of stupid, egocentric morons you are expecting multiple sets of human-contrived dogma to work when they're simply designed to highlight your differences and place one contrived set of beliefs over another.
Rather take all of those books, see where the common ground is and delete all the other stuff that doesn't apply - y'know the stuff that says your mob are better than this or that mob.
Here's the cold, hard reality - none of you are chosen and conversely you all are - and ultimately no matter which strand of life's infinite  spider web you choose to walk along, you are all going to the middle point (whatever that means to you - death, ascension, oblivion, nothing, nirvana, whatever...) and the strands of the web are all linked and validated by a common spiral strand that holds it all together.
If I was to describe that common thread in your language, I'd call it love - it's the universal glue that keeps it all in place.
And after so many thousand years of proving to yourselves that fear and war and acrimony serve no higher purpose but only sow the seeds of discontent and destruction, don't you think that by now you should have learned that this self-serving, fear-based, materialistic, man-made religious bigotry isn't a constructive way forward?
You haven't?
Well, all I can say is that you should perhaps go back to the manual and read it again properly. Not the one that your own brand of manipulators wrote - the one that I imprinted in your heart and that speaks only one common language - the language of love.
It's really simple... 
Try it. It even feels nice.
And there will be no divine smiting involved at all if you decide to love your fellow planetary colleagues - smiting too is the domain of humankind. There will be only good consequences...
I don't know how else to put it really.
And if you don't believe in me, that's also fine - just be kind no matter what. 
You don't have to be a happy-clapper to be a nice person - it's a choice - yours.
May you all one day go in peace and love. That day could be today.
The Great Architect of the Universe, The Big Bang, God, Allah, Yahweh, Goddess, Wakan Tanka, It, Collective Consciousness, Nothing, Everything, 42, Your Conscience, Morality etc.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


There was this:

Which led to this:

Which resulted in this:

Which means I give up....
There is no hope. 
We're doomed. 

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


The small zinc dam on our property, calm, serene and a haven for birds, frogs and other diverse creatures. Until this morning that is...
I was chilling in bed, had just finished a deep meditation, had spoken to my darling wife and was finishing off my tea when the mobile buzzed into life. Caller ID - Johannes, our gardener.  
Strange, I thought. It's well after 8 - he should be here. 
"Yes, Johannes," I said. "What's happening?"
"Hello, sir," he replied, ever polite. "I've got the small bog here..."
"The what?" I said, bamboozled. "I don't understand..."
"The small bog, sir," he patiently repeated. 
"I don't understand what you're saying," I responded. "Are you here?"
"Yes, sir."
"I'll find you."
And so saying I leapt out of bed, hauled on my takkies and shorts, opened blinds, switched off lights and discovered that the front door had been open all night. Oh well...
That must be a sign, I thought. Let me head in that direction. 
So I trudged off through the front garden, noticing that the gate to the dam path was open. 
He must be close by. 
And then I heard it. A strange noise that didn't belong in the dam. A plaintive bleating accompanied by erratic splashing. 
Shit! The little duiker was in the dam, trapped in the shade cloth netting I'd installed there to shelter the fish. 
The small bog... The small BOK. Oh shit! 
"Johannes!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. The chop had gone to find me but lickety spit he arrived back at a gallop. By the time he'd reached the pump enclosure, I was stripped to my underpants and clambering over the dam wall. 
"Get in!" I holler at him. "It will need both of us!"
"Get IN, sir?" he warbled very nervously. 
"Get the fuck in the water!" I said quite calmly and so he starts to whip off the keks. 
By that stage I was halfway across the dam with the water level just high enough to chill my nuts to raisin sized pods. Fuck, it was cold. 
The terrified little buck was thrashing even more strenuously at my approach but it was evident he was very weak. I reached him, noting that his head had penetrated the netting and he was locked there, midway up his neck unable to go backward or forward. Or so I thought. My closeness spurred him into one last surge and he broke free from the netting and began a frantic doggy paddle around the perimeter of the dam away from me. 
"Cut him off," I said to Johannes who was by now immersed up to his nads as well and looking none too pleased at this turn of events. 
We steered the little guy toward the lilies but he flitted past me only to entangle himself in the shade netting once again, this time by the horns. 
I grabbed him, twisted him loose then we were both manhandling the duiker to the edge where I handed him over the wall to the shivering Johannes on the other side. 
"Okay," I said. "See if he can stand."
Johannes released him and we witnessed the Bambi on ice scene as he pedaled hopelessly in the dirt, too weak to hold his own weight. 
"Grab him" I yelled and Johannes did. "Right, let's get him to the hok at the back of the house. I'll meet you there." 
And so the underpanted men intrepidly set off toward the house. 
I met Johannes there with a whole bunch of towels and we managed to slowly calm the buck down while drying him off and talking quietly to the poor thing, him bleating and struggling to break free. 
Fortunately I still had the infra-red lamp in there from the days of Peggy's piglets and I got that going pronto. We moved him under the lamp while continuing to dry him. 

I made a couple of phone calls - to Karen and then Nicci at FreeMe Wildlife Rehabilitation organisation, following which I prepped a syringe with some Rescue solution which I administered to the buck. 
We closed off the front of the cage to prevent any scary distractions and added a bowl of water and buck pellets. 
By the time we'd sorted all of this out, the little bokkie was much calmer and was happily standing on his own. No apparent damage. 
This has to be a blessing in disguise and maybe it's the universe working out solutions for all our animals - not that I'm laying any claim to this little wild duiker. But the fact is, he must've been trapped in our property when we completed the installation of the bottom electric fence and he's been on his own in here for over a year, maybe two or three...
So I called Askari game lodge and spoke to Wiempie, the head ranger there who advised us to keep the buck caged for a couple of days and just make sure he had food and water and warmth. Wiempie was very stoked at the idea of taking our duiker and so are we. 
The little guy deserves to be out in wide open spaces where he can maybe even hook up with a bokkie babe. 
All in all for the best. 
Besides, we have no idea or control over what happens when I leave here. Maybe the new owner has a pack of boerbuls or other dogs which could make a duiker's life a misery and even terminate it quite horribly. 
And that, my friends, is the story of the duiker rescue. 
Tomorrow I take Cleo Catra, our old granny cat, to her new owner and then it's just me and the seven babies who'll be heading off to Oz and Karen, or as she is now known, Kazza Muzza...
Happy it's a warm day. My shoes are drying nicely. 

Monday, 4 August 2014


Everyone is horrified by what is going on in Gaza or at least, they should be.
It's been happening for a very long time now. It's not new.
But the horror has escalated in recent times and is now very firmly in our event horizon thanks to mainstream, social and other media.
Is that why we seem to care more now than we ever have before - it's just so in your face?
What have we been doing for the last few decades?
Do people have any clue how and when this mess really started?
Someone recently asked me for context on this issue and try as I might, I can only find one real story here and it isn't necessarily a popular one.
It's obvious (if anyone has been reading my posts on Facebook recently) that I have an inclination toward Palestinian sympathy but let me be clear - I don't condone what Hamas is, does or what it stands for and I do not believe for a moment that the average Palestinian Muslim does either but I sure as hell understand their desperate need for something to be done to resolve this humanitarian crisis.
And I think Hamas represents the ethos of the average Palestinian Muslim as much as militant women's-libbers represent the majority of women - they simply don't. But they act out anyway and establish a very convenient target as the bad-guy when the current global enemy has been firmly established as Islamic fundamentalism (now that the dirty commies aren't there any more)... and, hey, weren't those the guys who did the whole 9-11 thing and who encourage recruits to blow up themselves and as many infidels as possible? I guess so. 
It's in the Jihadist manual so it must be how every Muslim thinks, right? 
Erm, no, not the ones most of us know.
However, according to the US - there is no human rights crisis - at least that's what their UN Human Rights Council vote on a resolution into the matter emphatically says. It doesn't matter what low opinions we may have of the UN, a largely toothless tiger with contrived agendas, sure. But it certainly had teeth enough to have created the problem in the first place.
If a world forum is asking the question: Should the protagonists be suspending conflict while we are launching an enquiry into human rights issues in Gaza with a view in mind to addressing such atrocities as may be found? Should we not be addressing that fundamental question?
Instead, people embark on yet another pointless debate about the legitimacy of the UN, the hypocritical stance of nations who have horrific human rights records themselves and once again everything is fudged into a morass of illogical arguments...along the lines of: how can the sentiments of the nations with bad human rights track records be legitimate in the current situation?
Shouldn't we simply be sticking to the original question and answering that with the spirit of innate integrity?
Is Gaza a mess?
Are human rights atrocities being perpetrated there?
Should we be doing something about it?
In short - should we care?
And the answer to all of those questions by any sane, rational, empathetic, humane individual or nation would be a most emphatic yes. 
Not what our opinion of the UN Human Rights Council or their member states is...
The mere fact that the single largest claimant of western liberty and democracy votes NO in such a referendum pretty much indicates how loaded the agenda is when it comes to the situation in Palestine / Gaza / Israel - call it what you will. Ergo: there is no human rights problem. What does that say about the United States?
Everything we should already know, I guess. 
And when the represented G8 nations (France, UK, Italy, Germany et-al) as well as Ireland, Japan and others abstain from voting on such an issue, isn't that simply saying that they really don't care what's going on in Gaza either - it's not our problem?
That's certainly the way I see it.
And that doesn't just stagger me - it beggars incredulity. Are we that cold? Or more accurately - are the people we supposedly elected to represent us that cold?
Apparently so.
Edmund Burke's famous quote always springs to mind under such circumstances: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Well, I guess they have to be "good" to begin with...
And yet some of those self same nations (abstainers and naysayers) were the ones instrumental in creating the State of Israel in the first place when they voted (starting late 1947) in favour of establishing a unitary State in Palestine through UN Resolution 181 in which the (supposedly) Democratic Constitution would guarantee the human rights and fundamental freedom of all its citizens without distinction as to race, language or religion. Which all went kind of pear-shaped when the incumbent inhabitants strenuously objected before the US eventually admitted that the partitioning of Palestine to accommodate what was now being  referred to as a "Jewish" state (there goes the objectivity of religious affiliation) would not be a peaceful process and so the UN would have to get involved...
Not that the UN had the necessary authority to do what it ultimately did nor, it has to be said, was the resolution mandated through the second Security Council process but hey - they wanted what they wanted by a 58% majority so who needs actual due process...?
Thus began the displacement of the Palestinians and the creation of Israel.
I still maintain to my core that even with the illegal implementation of this partitioning of Palestine there may have been a modicum of hope had the world stuck to its original mandate of creating one or two national identities rather than assisting the militant Zionists to create a single State within (at first) then subsuming all of the region into a religious instead of a national identity where, within the space of a year, Palestinian Arabs, the majority of whom were Muslims, were being ruled by a divergent religious hegemony.
The US knew and admitted that this was going to become a military issue yet almost exclusively American Zionists forced the situation to transform the proposal of a unitary state where all religious affiliation was to be guaranteed, into a Jewish (read; militant Zionist) enclave with absolute power over all its residents new and incumbent.
It was a recipe for disaster and that is exactly what it has been ever since.
All that aside, I also still firmly believe that unless there is a shift from the legacy and current thinking based on religious zeal and military authority, there can never again be peace in this region.
It should be the United States of Israel or Palestine and it should be defined first and foremost on a national identity and secondly on religious and ethnic affiliation which should be tolerated with equanimity.
Any form of religious extremism that calls for violence or violation of another citizen's rights to worship as they will, should be summarily outlawed and such people or groups disavowed from representing any group politically.
But here's the thing. That means the Israeli hegemony has so much to give back and those pesky Palestinians so much to regain...
Given the track record of Israeli concession, it's never going to happen without a modern day miracle.
Holy land my ass! It's wholly land and wholly religion that is the fundamental problem.
It needs to go to another level for sure - a sane and higher level of enlightenment not a material level of possession and military authority.