


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Saturday, 25 November 2017


I don't care whether you're omnivore, carnivore, vegetarian or vegan - please tell me you don't believe this Tory delusion that animals don't have feelings and couldn't possibly be sentient in any way...
Are they fucking for real?
This isn't about empirical science - the more science we conduct, the more we're supporting the opposite assertion - that these are sensitivite, tactile and, for many of them, much to the militant materialists dismay, problem-solving creatures - i.e. they have the capacity to reason.
I was once in the thrall of science and the authoritative assertions that animals don't have emotions nor do they "understand" when they've done something "wrong" but I can assure those experts out there that once you've really lived with animals, especially groups of animals, you discern their individual personalities and the behaviour they exhibit is beyond simply a pre-programmed biological imperative. And this isn't merely and conveniently anthropomorphising animals I've known - this is about interacting and living with them as family members - decades of such observation and interface.
What supremely arrogant fucks there are ostensibly in charge of this world who make this assumption that only humans have that inbuilt ability to evolve.
One of the facets we tout as human uniqueness and that supposedly sets us apart from the "lesser beasts" is the gift of free will - the ability to choose and yet, as noted, the more we observe these so called lesser species, the more we are exposed to their adaptability and their capacity for making better choices even if it may simply be in the pursuit of food or survival.  If you analyse our purportedly evolved imperatives, we make those choices too and given that we're supposedly the supreme (sic) being on this planet, we (from a majority perspective) make the worst food choices imaginable even from a supposedly evolved position.
And now they're trying to tell us that animals are simply unthinking, unfeeling, commodities not deserving of our respect.
I can tell you where my disrespect lies - with these soulless ghouls who deign to think for us. They don't represent me or anything remotely human or humane.
I will side with the animals every time.
It's always about profit or "sport" with these creatures, and no, I'm not talking about the animals.