


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Friday, 8 November 2019


Whenever this topic is raised, the supporters of vaccination become almost rabid in their defence of the drugs as if to not vaccinate and have a choice about that is somehow the most dangerous, irresponsible thing imaginable.
It truly isn’t.
What is asserted by the media, the medical establishment and particularly the pharmaceutical industry itself is the following:

1.     Vaccines are safe - they have been rigorously tested
2.     Vaccines do not cause autism
3.     Vaccination, when up around 95%+ uptake confers “herd immunity”
4.     Unvaccinated kids pose a threat to vaccinated kids
5.     To not vaccinate your children is akin to giving them a death sentence
6.     Vaccines eradicated polio and smallpox
7.     The establishment (and the pharmaceutical industry) would not lie about vaccines - that would be unethical
8.     Mercury has been removed from all vaccines
9.     The anti-vaccination movement is a recent and dangerous fad peopled by uninformed, hysterical pseudoscientists and hippies who get their bogus information from the internet and social media

1. Vaccines are safe.

Very hard to make this claim empirically when no vaccine has ever been subjected to a double blind inert placebo safety trial. They simply have not been tested in this way. As modern vaccines were originally developed in a fast-track mode to “combat” the threat of biological warfare, they were conveniently reclassified from the status of drugs to “biologics” thereby bypassing the need for long-term (years-long) safety trials as is mandatory with all other drugs. Vaccines can go from lab to pharmacy in as little as weeks with no double-blind inert placebo testing whatsoever. The establishment will tell you that it is unethical to withhold “life-saving” drugs from the public and children in particular or to run trials where measles is tested, however, they have no problem issuing drugs to market that have not been safety tested on any study group whatsoever with no way of knowing or predicting the potential harm. Studies are regularly yet meaninglessly done using a previous version of a vaccine as a baseline for the new vaccine - that is not recognised science - that is junk science and would be rejected in peer review for any drug other than vaccines. Many pro-vaccine articles and blogs etc. do, however, attempt to debunk the statement that vaccines do not undergo double-blind inert placebo safety trials and cite links to so-called double blind inert placebo studies, but when investigated, 99% of them are, in fact controlled vaccine v vaccine studies, which proves nothing without an inceptual baseline on the first vaccine, which has never been done. That’s the point.

Therefore there is no scientifically documented risk profile for a single commercial vaccine

The DTP vaccine (in clinical trials - vaccinated v unvaccinated) returned a 10 times greater risk of death in infants who were vaccinated (from other causes) than the unvaccinated cohort.

According to the CDC website, children who were born prior to 1989 (when the vaccine schedule was dramatically ramped up) have only a 12% chance of contracting a chronic illness (as listed on the vaccine inserts and their website) whereas, children born after 1989 who were subjected to the new increased schedule, have a 54% chance of contracting one of these chronic illnesses. (But nothing to do with the vaccines, even though these illnesses are all listed as adverse reactions to the vaccines.)

Since the advent of the vaccine injury compensation fund in 1986 (and even though vaccine makers are exempt from prosecution regardless of the lack of safety or how serious the damage the vaccine may cause - even death) over $4billion has been paid out to victims of vaccine injury, many of these listed as ASD injuries. Startlingly, however, since doctors and hospitals derive huge financial benefits from Big Pharma, less than 5% of true vaccine injuries are actually formally recorded as such. If they were, the cases and payouts would be off the charts - ergo, the stats and the factual reality is grossly downplayed.

Vaccines can and do cause serious chronic adverse side-effects including ASD (autism) and other permanent neurological disabilities and death as well as a host of autoimmune diseases, cancer, development disorders, allergies, asthma - the list is extensive. The place that you will see the statistics of current chronic ailments afflicting US children is on the CDC website. The other place you will find this exact same list is in the vaccine inserts. Coincidence? Extremely unlikely.

The reported incidence of cervical cancer in young women and girls through the administering of the HPV vaccine, is shockingly high yet is downplayed in the media for obvious reasons. This vaccine is regularly and tragically destroying young women’s lives quite unnecessarily. [3]

The flu vaccine is ineffective and while the package inserts state that the vaccine will not give you flu, the side effects are listed as: headaches, nausea, coughing, runny nose, joint pains - in fact, all the symptoms of flu - fancy that. But it’s not flu - just feels like it. Oh, and many of the flu vaccines still have mercury in them.

2. Vaccines do not cause autism

Vaccines can and do cause a range of ASD’s and the vaccine makers assert as much in their package inserts so the populist platitude by the establishment that vaccines definitely do not cause autism is as bogus as the safety claims. The makers of the drugs even admit this. Doctors and/or the media and/or the government and/or the regulators either don’t know what they’re talking about, which is of extreme concern or they do and they are blatantly lying to the public, which is an even bigger concern.

The Vaccine Court has paid out numerous vaccine injury cases where autism was listed as the injury sustained. Ergo, the legal system has also ruled that vaccines can and do cause autism.

3. Vaccination, when up around 95%+ uptake confers “herd immunity”

This is patently and provably false. Many studies and reported events have demonstrated that vaccinated cohorts of the population where the uptake is as high as 98% does not automatically confer a so-called herd-immunity to the rest of the cohort. In fact, it is very often the case that the vaccinated members of the group contract the illnesses against which they have been vaccinated. This is particularly prevalent with measles and mumps but seldom, if ever, reported in the mainstream media.

Even entirely vaccinated cohorts (such was the case recently on a US naval vessel - the USS Fort McHenry) contract the diseases against which they have been vaccinated - in the case in point - mumps, where the ship could not put into harbour for several weeks until the epidemic had passed. [1]

What is, however, unarguable, is the fact that non-vaccinated kids who contract measles and/or other diseases naturally, will, once the illness has been dealt with by the body’s immune system, enjoy lifelong immunity from the contracted disease. Conversely, once a chemical vaccine has been administered, the body is reliant on frequent booster shots throughout one’s lifetime to maintain so-called immunity from the disease.

4. Unvaccinated kids pose a threat to vaccinated kids

If vaccines are effective in protecting those who receive them, there should be no logical reason whatsoever why an unvaccinated person should pose any form of threat to the vaccinated.

If however, as statistics have shown, the vaccinated still contract the diseases against which they have been vaccinated, then the infected vaccinated members of the group pose as much if not more of a threat to the group as the unvaccinated arguably might do.

Having said that, multiple studies measuring general health and wellbeing between vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts of the community, repeatedly show that the unvaccinated are by far healthier than the unvaccinated and far less likely to fall prey to the previously mentioned chronic lifetime ailments that beset the vaccinated cohort of the community. Yet the governments refuse to conduct a mass vaccinated v unvaccinated study despite the fact that they have the database at their disposal with government mandated medical records. The results of this study would kill this debate once and for all. [2]

5. To not vaccinate your children is akin to giving them a death sentence

This is patently false as the general approach to vaccination has been to “prevent” innocuous childhood ailments such as measles, mumps, chickenpox, and the like, all of which, although highly infectious, are minor illnesses for which natural immunity is adequately equipped to address, besides which, as noted, natural contraction of these illnesses will (in most cases) confer lifetime immunity.

It is a statistical reality that sanitation and improved hygiene and living standards throughout the world, reduced (and virtually eradicated) most of these illnesses decades, if not centuries ago prior to the introduction of vaccines.

It is not necessary to vaccinate a newborn baby against hepatitis unless the mother is a carrier of the virus and then again, there is every likelihood that the child’s natural immune system will cope with the virus accordingly as has occurred since time immemorial.

6. Vaccines eradicated polio and smallpox

This has been assumed as empirical fact through forced repetition of the assertion, however, once again it is mere populist perception rather than fact and is patently and demonstrably false.

Aside from a raft of issues with the polio vaccine including contamination with simian virus and cancer-causing cells, the disease has never been eradicated, although its prevalence was on dramatic decline before the introduction of the vaccine. Currently in the western and the developing world, variant strains of (polio)myelitis are not uncommon, thus the disease still exists but has simply been renamed in the interests of perpetuating a false perception as to the efficacy of the original vaccine. [4]

The original case for vaccination - a cure for smallpox as promoted by the father of vaccines, Edward Jenner, occurred with no understanding of bacterial and viral infection, thus no vaccine science actually existed. It was all pure trial and error experimentation - but you have to start somewhere, right? The idea was to culture cowpox virus (it was rumoured that milkmaids who had been exposed to cowpox seemed less susceptible to smallpox) and inject small amounts of it into humans to assist them in building antibodies (which were unknown at that stage) to smallpox. In order to test the theory, on May 14, 1796, he removed some fluid from a dairy maid named Sarah (Nelmes) and then injected it into the arm of James Phipps, a healthy 8-year old boy. … Phipps contracted cowpox, and six weeks later Jenner injected him with smallpox, in which he took the fluid from an actual pock. When James did not come down with smallpox, Jenner concluded that cowpox protects the human constitution from the infection of smallpox. This indeed is the basis upon which the entire field of vaccination rests. What is seldom mentioned in the popular retelling of this story is that Jenner re-vaccinated James Phipps 20 times, and that Phipps died of tuberculosis when he was 20 years old. Jenner also vaccinated his 11-month-old son Edward at least twice. Young Edward Jenner was reported to have had a bad reaction to the smallpox vaccination his father gave him and shown signs of “mild mental retardation.” He also succumbed to tuberculosis when he was 21 years old. It is interesting to note that tuberculosis has been linked to the smallpox vaccine. Alexander Wilder, MD, professor of pathology and former editor of The New York Medical Times said in the 19th century: “Vaccination is the infusion of a contaminating element into the system, and after such contamination you can never be sure of regaining the former purity of the body. Consumption (tuberculosis) follows in the wake of vaccination as certainly as effect follows cause.”

Moreover, smallpox attained its maximum mortality after vaccination was introduced. The mean annual mortality to 10,000 population from 1850 to 1869 was at the rate of 2.04, whereas in 1871 the death rate was 10.24 and in 1872 the death rate was 8.33, and this after the most laudable efforts to extend vaccination by legislative enactments. The fairytale legend of a country doctor making a discovery that saved the world from the devastation of smallpox is a fundamental medical belief that continues to be echoed by indoctrinated and naïve doctors whenever vaccines are challenged. Smallpox vaccine, in the minds of medical professionals remains a pillar of their vaccine faith. But the true history shows us a different reality. [5]

7. The establishment (and the pharmaceutical industry) would not lie about vaccines - that would be unethical

They can and they do lie and it is indeed unethical, however, the majority of clinicians maintain a firm “belief” in vaccines despite a plethora of science and mounting physical evidence in the field that vaccines can and do cause incalculable harm to tens of thousands of people, impacting many of them for life and even causing death. As has been demonstrated, repetition of a false statement by authorities and media such as “vaccines are safe” merely makes the statement widely heard, not factual.

The establishment also goes to extreme lengths to shut down any debate on this issue through (all) media and refuses to engage scientists and medical experts in public debates on vaccination. One has to ask oneself - if the “science is settled” as is claimed, why would there be any need to refuse a public debate when this should surely shut up the vaccine skeptics once and for all? Could it be that the science is not settled and the establishment is afraid of the revelations that would become public knowledge?

Given that vaccines (especially in the cases of the minor childhood ailments so frequently at the centre of this issue: measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox etc.) are demonstrably unnecessary for children when innate natural immunity is more than able to cope with these ailments, it would seem strange that such militant vehemence to “force” these drugs on the public is evident. This is exemplified by no-jab-no-school and no-jab-no-benefits policies in various countries where social/educational or financial punishment is threatened if parents refuse to vaccinate their children. This can only be described as medical tyranny - fascism - where the right to freedom of informed choice is removed from ordinary citizens, this on the pretext of being in the interest of public health, which is spurious in the extreme. It is in the interest of obscene profit and repeat business when vaccine-damaged victims are required to buy medication for life as a result of the chronic ailments suffered as the side-effects of vaccination.

What is even more staggering, is the fact that while vaccine injury can be (and very often is) proven through the onerous legal process, in the US, the manufacturers of the vaccines cannot be directly sued (they are legally exempt from liability) and no matter how serious the injury or how unsafe the product, they bear no responsibility. Not even when it comes to compensation. That is derived from a taxpayer funded budget - in other words, one gets to compensate oneself for the benefit of having been damaged by a drug company and that company gets off Scot free and has no incentive or compulsion to change the product that is causing the harm. This model would sit comfortably in the domain of organised crime (for that’s what this is) rather than in the public health sector where the Hippocratic Oath’s first tenet of Doing No Harm has fallen completely by the wayside.

The industry lies about these drugs to such a degree, employing pro-vaccine trolls and shills to promote the deception and shut down social media debates on the issue as well as shame any parent claiming a vaccine-injured child when under any circumstance other than vaccines, the doctor will take the word of the parent as the prime reference to infant health. One has to ask why this is? Is it perhaps that the vaccine business in the US alone grosses over $50 billion per annum and this is nothing compared with the treatment of the epidemic of chronic illnesses rife among the current American children (unknown prior to 1989 when the schedule was ramped up) which exceeds $500 billion per annum - mostly an annuity income for the industry for every victim’s life. The amounts are absolutely staggering. And if that is not worth lying and cheating for, I guess nothing is - even though they’re supposed to be doing this for public health not private profit.

8. Mercury has been removed from all vaccines

After years of debate around (unbelievably) the toxicity of mercury (as if this is somehow surprising), the pharmaceutical industry, for the most part, removed Thimerosal (the mercury-based preservative) from most of the childhood vaccines. But not from all of the flu shots. One has to ask why? Mercury is one of the most powerful neurotoxins known to man and yet for decades it was used in vaccines in quantities far in excess of any EPA listed safety levels. And these were being injected into day-old babies willy-nilly. [8]

Although they continued to claim that ethyl-mercury was “harmless’ manufacturers began voluntarily removing Thimerosal from pediatric vaccines around 2000. It is assumed that most pediatric vaccines containing Thimerosal were “off the shelves” by 2003. (No vaccines were recalled.) Even so, most infants are still routinely given Thimerosal-containing influenza vaccine even though there are Thimerosal-free and vaccines with trace amounts of Thimerosal. Infants receiving a Thimerosal-containing influenza vaccine are dosed at 6 months with 12.5 mcg of ethyl mercury and at 7 months with an additional 12.5 mcg. Adult Thimerosal-containing vaccines contain roughly 25mcg. All of these Thimerosal-containing version exceed federal safety guidelines [7]

It was deemed unsafe for pregnant mothers to eat mercury-rich tuna fish where the mercury content was far below that of the childhood vaccines, yet it was okay for the latter to be injected into newborn babies. In defence of this, Paul Offit (US Professor of vaccinology, owner of multiple vaccine patents and vocal defender of vaccinology) was heard to say that Thimerosal was the “safe” mercury and this type of mercury left the body safely within a week of vaccination. While it is true it say that no traces of mercury were found in the excreta, urine, blood, sweat, hair or nails of the recently vaccinated babies tested, further independent tests on lab animals (similarly injected) found the mercury had not left the body at all - it had merely gone to the brain where, when synthesising to organic mercury compound, it caused devastating and irreversible harm and mental retardation. This was what was also happening to the babies. Yet Offit was firm in his “belief” in the good old vaccines, even going as far as to say that babies’ immune systems could easily withstand 10,000 vaccine shots at any one time. He actually said this. And he’s The vaccine boss so no arguing with Paul. [6]

9. The anti-vaccination movement is a recent and dangerous fad peopled by uninformed, hysterical pseudoscientists and hippies who get their bogus information from the internet and social media

False on every count. The anti-vaccination movement has been live and well since the time of Edward Jenner when he first launched his questionable “preventative modality” on the public.

The science, while being far from “settled” as the mainstream would have one believe, is solidly tilted in favour of those who question vaccine safety. It is also more accurate to say that many people active in this safer vaccine campaign were, more often than is credited, once pro-vaccine and had their children on the current vaccine schedule and as the result of their own negative experiences with vaccines or further research, have opted to question the safety associated with vaccines as the information that is provided through the mainstream is, unarguably inaccurate at best and downright misleading in many cases. So not everyone can nor should they be tagged with this hysterical pejorative anti-vax title when, in fact they are simply pro-safe-vaccines.

Contrary to media-fuelled populist perception, many (if not most) people who been directly exposed to the dangers of vaccines and/or vaccine injury, are driven to research the topic and find out the background that is not being publicised by the establishment, the government or the media. RFK Jr’s website Children’s Health (Facebook will not allow the link to be shared here as part of their censorship against vaccine truth but you’ll find it easily enough if you care to look) was not established by this prominent environmental lawyer as a means to raise controversy - it was established through his efforts to eradicate environmental toxicity from the US, toxicity that was irresponsibly being perpetuated by greedy industrialists and the prime focus (initially) was on mercury from coal-fired power and other industrial plants but through these endeavours, he found a plethora of women (mothers mostly) who asked him, if his focus was on mercury, to look at vaccines and the potential dangers they posed. Most of these women had experienced debilitating injury suffered by their children as a result of vaccines. The demand for this investigation resulted in RFK Jr expanding his campaign against environmental toxicity to vaccines and the more he dug into the science, the more frightening were the revelations, especially the lack of safety. So the populist notion that anti-vaxx groups are uninformed hippies and airheads is beyond ridiculous and wholly inaccurate.
