


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Trump, a perspective. Snobbery?

This is not written as a Trump fan. It’s written simply as a Trump observer. 

It’s only when you have spent some time [and let’s be honest, it’s all some people have done for the last four years] listening to Trump detractors wax critical of everything this president, no, person [some still trot out the mantra: ‘he is not MY president’] represents to them without a single acknowledgement of anything he may have achieved in that time. And there has been much however that isn’t the point here. 

It’s easy to be critical. Of anything. It’s just lazy. It takes no effort at all. It also takes no objective or [ironically] critical thinking especially when the media is forming your opinions for you.

And, I have come to discover, much of Trump hatred is engendered within a blind snobbery. There is a large sector of America that simply cannot bear the idea that this boorish, uncouth bad hair day dude could be their president. It is embarrassingly beneath them. Hence the continued denial that he actually is. And, let’s be honest here, unlike Joe Biden, Trump actually is the president. Still. For now. 

Another thing the Trump bashing media takes pains to ignore while they ramp up the catch phrase “president elect” thereby planting it in the collective American psyche in hope that it will come to pass...

Based on the electoral college results, it should, of course, be a fait accompli but everyone downplays [most notably the mainstream media] the impending congressional session where the electoral college votes are ratified for a final time and where objections can be raised as to the legitimacy of these results. Any objections, if seconded [and Republicans could hold sway] then this election is far from over.

Any articles that do speculate on this dynamic, in the mainstream press, round firmly on the conclusion that this would be the last ditch act of a desperate man and would likely fail. It would represent the death throes of a loser unwilling to accept defeat. And that may be the eventual outcome but we would be disingenuous if we were to glibly proclaim this to have been a normal or seemingly ethical or logical election. 

Can we rely on that pathological hatred harboured by the anti Trumpers to have swung a seemingly landsliding [in Trump’s favour at the time] result overnight to render sleepy Joe Biden, not only a better ballot total than Barack Obama but the biggest win in US election history with apparently over 80 million votes?

Despite the flagrantly anomalous torpedoing of precedents by the most unlikely of candidates, the nation and its courts seem to have similarly dispensed with basic mathematics at the same time where 1.8 million and 2.5 million can apparently mean the same thing and nobody bats an eye.... So yes, folks, this situation IS unprecedented and I don’t discount a stormy congressional/senate undertaking in January when Mike Pence is tasked with proclaiming Trump a loser [or not....]. 

I wouldn’t want to call it. 

All I can say is that, like with COVID, there is something horribly fishy about the entire US election this time round and the US media, driven by anti Trump propaganda, are determined to ignore the big fat elephant in the voting booth who can’t tally votes yet is still believed. 

Come on, nobody [and I mean NOBODY] actually believes Biden is even remotely presidential material. Even less so than Trump ever was. The only conclusion must be that it wasn’t Biden’s fit or popularity that turned things around, it was the swing votes of all those who hate Trump that much. This even when the election was unarguably ramping up in Trump’s favour. 

One thing that must surely be questioned: during the claims of election fraud and ballot tampering and anomalous numbers....when any of these issues are scrutinised even in the most cursory way, not one single controversial ballot appears for Trump. Every single ballot after the night they purportedly stopped counting, was in favour of that scamp, Joe Biden. 

Funny that, huh?

I guess people really do hate Trump that much.

Or could it be they are just snobs?

Or maybe it was a bit dodgy after all...?

Can’t wait for January 6th when all will be settled once and for all...

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Vegan Pigeon-Holing

I read a piece the other day (by an American vegan) pigeon-holing vegans as being almost exclusively right-leaning hipsters who supported the gun lobby and saw everything and anything leftist as conspiracy  and that as such these vegans also believed that plant-based living exempted them from infection as their immune systems were far superior to the rest of society and that those suffering from COVID-19 (sic) just needed to have a vegan immune system. She wrote this in a generic way which is as facile as saying that all the human omnivores on the planet are NOT tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists and believe the official narrative of COVID because they are all of the same mindset. That’s just spurious horse shit I’m sure you’d agree.

And I don’t fit into her shoehorned categorisation of what this imagined cult of proselytising vegans are supposed to stand for.

For me it is very simple - I am a) not saying there isn’t a virus - I am saying that it hasn’t been isolated - but without that scientific standard on which to base the whole COVID narrative, it cannot be supported empirically in any way b) not advocating that all vegans are by default healthier than their meat-eating compatriots - not at all. Vegans eat all manner of shit and a whole heap of processed crap that is as unhealthy as anything anyone else eats (the meme here case in point but so what) - the premise of veganism is simple - it’s a lifestyle that involves no animal products. That’s it. It doesn’t thus by default propel vegans to an immediately higher realm of consciousness - that is a mistake that many who are in judgement of vegans for just being vegans, make and, it must be said, many vegans assume superiority as a result too. It isn’t good for the cause but I believe that needs to be taken up with each vegan as you meet them. Plant-based diets are, unarguably healthier than meat-rich and dairy-based lifestyles. Again, it doesn’t follow that farming only plants is going to save the planet (if one thinks it needs saving, of course) - what gets missed here is that the healthy and sustainable component comes in when a diet is largely organic as that is, without any doubt, the healthiest and most sustainable way for humans to exist. 

I have huge moral issues against people who wantonly and consciously don’t give a fuck about the knock-on effects of the meat and dairy industry and think that organically farmed meat and dairy products somehow benefit the animals - they don’t. They do however benefit the land and the human species. If one can avoid chemicalised, processed food - that is a no brainer but it doesn’t necessarily just pertain to plants. 

That’s where the simplistic viewpoint offered up by the author of the article I’m referencing, falls away as well - vegans, by default don’t just think their immune systems are healthier and in better shape because of veganism - it’s about the purity of the food that is being consumed but hey - if you’re a vegan pisshead who downs a litre of brandy every evening and are partial to some chemical recreation then it really doesn’t matter that you’re not partaking of flesh - your lifestyle will still take its toll on your immune system. 

The basis of good health management is avoiding that type of toxicity and plants alone don’t provide that - they have to be organic, non-contaminated plants that aren’t laced with glyphosate and other heavy metal toxins during the chemicalised factory farming process. 

Similarly, organically produced meat is far healthier than the GMO-fed, chemicalised mass produced product that most humans carnivores eat and probably synthesised, plant-based “meats”. 

So to just create this narrow band of vegan denialists, while it may apply to some vegans, it certainly isn’t a meaningful brush with which to tar all of us.

The other unarguable factor is what is delivered via vaccines by way of attrition as side-effects and using a very simple analogy - if vaccines were this optimal health-benefit then the most vaccinated population on the planet (Americans) would by default be the healthiest among us but in reality, they are among the unhealthiest of all the developed nations bar none and have the highest infant mortality rates and SIDS rates and allergy rates and and developmental disorders and autism rates and on and on - don’t believe me - check out the CDC website itself. 

By the same token, to lump the politics of veganism into this discussion is similarly just ridiculous. I, in the author’s opinion, am a right wing anti-liberal gun-loving conspiracy theorist who believes that by eating plants I have a claim to a superior immunity somehow....

How is there any relationship between my politics and my organic vegan lifestyle?

I believe in not harming animals and, for that matter humans - ergo: I never have and never will own a gun - I don’t believe in them. You get rid of every firearm on the planet and we’d be a long way toward pacifying the population. 

And the only reason one would be seen to be so-called “right wing” is simply by dint of the fact that these are the narrow parameters that our political landscape has been restricted to - you’re either a Republican or a Democrat - Labour or Tory and so it goes on - each so-called democracy deliberately perverted into a two-party system - not for our convenience but for ease of separation. Exactly what’s happening on the planet. 

So simply because I see through the hateful leftist (not my word) so-called liberal (it isn’t) media and its ownership by the Deep State machine, this automatically makes me anti this (correct) but it neither automatically makes me right wing, a Republican or Socialist nor by default, a Trump lover. But if the choice is boiled down to having only one choice to oppose the maniacs that have hijacked our health and media, then that’s the side on which one has to fall, warts and all.

I have sympathy for the writer and her husband who got sick, that sucks but it has nothing to do with vegan denialism or militancy - just everything to do with people simply getting sick in the same way two people from the same genetic background may each smoke 70 cigarettes a day for 20 years and one may develop cancer and die and the other not - but who knows what other factors are at play here that compromise health, not least of which may just be simply ongoing environmental toxicity - consumed over time. Exposure to 5G radiation, workplace toxic exposure and, of course - stress. 

It was, in short, a stupid article making quantum and paradigm leaps attempting, unsuccessfully to categorise a lifestyle choice into a socio-political one-size-fits-all analysis. That doesn’t work - not at all.

And many of the processed “plant” based alternatives don’t automatically presuppose healthier eating but by the same token, it’s not just about that - it’s about not harming other sentient beings - if we choose to eat shit and harm ourselves, that is still our prerogative - a choice - something that we deny the animals that we breed and abuse, traumatise and eventually murder. To me - that’s the point and it is a fundamentally flawed, selfish and immoral one.

Sunday, 27 September 2020

CONSPIRACY is conspiracy - it’s never just a theory...

Conspiracy (in law: The crime of conspiracy consists in the agreement of two or more persons to do an illegal act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means.)

For conspiracy to exist (as it does everywhere in the world and has done since man inhabited this planet) it doesn’t require the widespread cooperation of thousands of people sworn to secrecy, as has been conjectured in argument against anyone who might question an official narrative, it only requires for a handful of well-placed people who exert sufficient influence over policy, to concoct a plot and then set it in motion.

It’s the way hierarchies work and have done since time immemorial - the policy-makers occupy the narrow pinnacle at the peak of the pyramid, devise a plan and an ultimate endgame, rough this out and then issue instructions to the next echelon of the hierarchy (with the salient details withheld), which in turn devolves downward in ever diminishing detail through the ranks until the workers at the base of the pyramid structure carry out the actual deeds to move the plan along.

Do they have any clue as to the ultimate outcome desired by the upper handful? No, of course not but on analysis they are all working for this common goal and if one were to take a simplistic view of the organisation, one might by led to conclude that everyone was in on it - they’re not and this obtains in most organisational structures where businesses are concerned. 

Let’s expand this example into the current situation. 

Now let’s be clear here - there is a tiny fraction of people who control businesses across the planet, executives who sit on the boards of banks and industrial corporations and indeed, health and pharmaceutical corporations not least of which are the WHO and so-called regulatory bodies like the CDC. These organisations are not the sterile non-profit public interest bodies one might imagine they should be - far from it. They actually exist in a very profit-driven paradigm and derive a huge percentage of their income from medical patents, royalties and the sale of medicine and in particular, vaccines. This is readily accessible information.

But back to the Pyramid Corporation for a second where we have the most influential board members, owners and/or sponsors of governments (yep, they pretty much own the purportedly “elected” officials) financial, industrial and pharmaceutical, corporations as well as mainstream and social media platforms and who, without question, use (faux) philanthropy as another means to garner further profit from an already captive mass audience. 

Let’s assume for a moment that this handful of execs formulate a plan to generate massive profits and at the same time perhaps further another, more sinister end...

For example, the most powerful and influential tools at their disposal are those of media and public health. They have driven natural healing and medicine underground in favour of a purely science (sic) based allopathic model which creates an absolute dependence on their chemical creations (drugs) and in a repeat business version that ensures annuity income for each citizen’s life cycle and, as they own the governments and their systems of taxation, the death business too. 

This model is unassailably devious and clever - they own the research facilities - in fact, fund them so get to say who researches what and what the outcomes of that research should be. When anyone deviates from the program or diverts down a pathway that challenges the desired outcome, that person is usually shut down pretty quickly - people like Peter Duesberg, Kary Mullis and Judy Mikovits are but 3 immediately recognisable examples. People who were employed by these corporations, at the top of their game in their respective fields yet when, driven by the results of their research, called the official narrative into question , suddenly had their funding pulled, were character-assassinated by the very people who once held them in such high esteem and new charges were found to replace them. People like Anthony Fauci feature prominently in this narrative, on the wrong side of the chasm, of course. 

So if one controls the direction of medical research (which they do), they can manipulate the outcome of that research (which they do). All pharmaceutical corporations who supply drugs to the citizens of the US, for example, are convicted felons who have been responsible for scientific fraud, medical malpractice and have wittingly killed hundreds of thousands of Americans if not millions. They have actuarial personnel and departments tasked with running the numbers for medicines where the likely side-effects will result in a certain number of deaths, which will translate into lawsuits and possibly settlement payouts - these are weighed up against the profits that will be made and if the financial offset is sufficiently negligible, the drug (dangers fully known) will be launched on the public anyway. In a nutshell - the profits far outweigh the potential liability. 

These are the people who make the policy and they make the drugs, including the vaccines. And these are the people who indirectly supply the science that drives the WHO and who have stakes in the profits of that organisation to boot. They are unscrupulously deceitful from the get-go (their legal track record demonstrates that) and by dint of the fact that they hold the lion’s shareholding of the the global media (both mainstream and social) they broadcast a false narrative around the products they create and sell and particularly around the safety of those products. These profit driven felons seem to hold the trust of the public unswervingly. It is astonishing. 

Okay, so you have the drugs, you own the science and the published results, you have the media and the WHO in your pocket - all that is left to do is broadcast that there is likely - no hang on - definitely going to be a viral pandemic very soon, which will comprise a new coronavirus (something on which you unsurprisingly already hold patents) and the world will require to behave exactly as we are about to outline in this narrative that we called Event 201. 

While we are at it, the same group of influencers (during the 1980’s) launched the era of viral detection by means of antibody testing (more on that in a second) which basically meant that they could bamboozle the world in one fell swoop by using a new testing methodology (for which the same influencers would own the test kit royalties) to say that someone had tested positive for HIV... We must pause again here for a second and reread that statement: “Tested positive for HIV” now that sounds definitive right? Problem is - it absolutely is not. Not even close. 

In the first instance - the test did not test for viral particles in blood. It had to be the case as nobody had then or has since, ever isolated HIV (not even the illustrious Judy Mikovits, certainly not to Koch’s or Rivers’ standards) so they had to come up with this new fangled technique which went something like this: 

A) We don’t have a benchmark for the virus as it has never been isolated so we cannot find it in blood

B) Let us assume that certain antibodies that are present in immunocompromised individuals (fullblown AIDS patients, of which there were a few in the 1980’s) are specific to the virus as they are present in all of these AIDS patients

C) Let us say that if you have x amount of these antibodies (proteins) in your test sample, that you are HIV positive - in other words, if the antibodies are there, the virus must be there too right - otherwise why would these people be dying of AIDS?

D) Just to be safe and because we believe in the science being empirical (which it isn’t) let us run a second antibody test and if that is positive too, we will run a third confirmatory test using another antibody type protocol and then and only then if the third test is positive then the patient will be deemed to be HIV positive. If any one test through the series returns a negative result then the patient is HIV negative. 

Flawless right?

Well, no actually, very flawed indeed. First up (certainly in Africa) they stopped doing the second test very early on - I mean who could afford it and why bother if the poor old black dude tested positive in the first place - I mean he was just a poor African and we all know that black lives, especially African ones, are far less valuable than white ones...

In the second place, a raft of common conditions (again, especially in Africa) lit up the test with false-positives so there was no definitive way to say with any scientific certainty that anyone actually had the virus. Pregnancy, malaria, cholera, hepatitis, flu,  and around another 65 or so ailments completely unrelated to AIDS all rendered false-positives on the test. This was a way to rapidly build a very flawed infection database if these factors were being ignored (which they were). What it suggested, if anyone had bothered to do the math, was that when the immune system was under stress, certain exosomic responses occurred naturally and these regularly read as positives on the antibody test. 

Just to paint a detail in this picture demonstrating just how ridiculous this situation was - an antibody test result indicating a certain reading could be determined as being HIV positive in a Lab in Africa (it gets worse) but when that same test reading was (or is) sent to Australia or the US, it may very well be read as HIV negative. In other words, the test (sic) was totally interpretive, some in the real world might say, fickle or some others may tell the truth and say it was total bullshit. 

Later in rural Africa, diagnosis of HIV infection was done without any testing whatsoever - merely through examination and observation and if a patient exhibited certain symptoms and weight loss over a prescribed timeframe, he/she was diagnosed as being HIV positive. This, people, is not science - this is utter nonsense. Sadly, we bought it - well most of us and those who didn’t and spoke out about it - were shut  down. 

And so a pandemic was declared on the basis of this fatally flawed testing methodology when it was likely that as much as 80% of the people tested had no virus in them at all, much less HIV. But that didn’t stop the medical establishment saying they had AIDS and ultimately forcing treatment on them.

So phase 1 of convincing the world there was an infection problem was achieved. Done through a press conference announcement in 1984 not through any scientifically peer-reviewed published study but hey, why not. Their media made sure that went out on all the right wires and any dissent was rapidly crushed. People were too scared to question the science - I mean this was all new which is why they needed a new test too right? 

Phase 2 was establishing an infection database, which was done very successfully using the fatally flawed testing method described above, and a very hefty profit was made on the sale and distribution of these test kits globally. The money was really starting to roll in now.

Phase 3 - let’s get them some drugs. We have to announce that there is no cure for AIDS (let’s be honest - you can’t cure a virus you haven’t found yet) but everyone everywhere is working on a cure - more research (ramp up the interest - forget cancer, that’s old news) everyone was looking for a cure for AIDS - their media coverage was awesome - more sales, more profit, money rolling in - the AIDS industry was a goldmine. We have drugs, we have many drugs - these things called antivirals but as we called HIV a retrovirus, these will now be renamed antiretrovirals (sounds so grand and expensive and technical) and we shall un-mothball some chemotherapy (failed) cancer meds too and repackage these and give them to all of these dirty infected gay men everywhere. Enter the era of ARV’s and the introduction of AZT which killed tens of thousands of gay men across the planet. Watch the fatality curve when this is introduced - it goes off the charts - but wait, I hear you say, those men died of AIDS didn’t they? Well, that’s certainly what they wrote on their death certificates. But if you examine the real cause of death, they were systematically poisoned by AZT and usually died of liver failure such was the horrendous toxicity of the drug, even by its creator, Jerome P Horwitz’s own admission - he had shelved the drug for that very reason. No problem for gays and poor Africans though. The mainstream to this day ascribe enormous success to AZT as being the first “effective” drug for HIV treatment. If by killing gay men in droves is the measure of success then - hey, fair enough. 

And let’s be very honest here - the profits from the drugs were truly off the charts, now real money was rolling in. Billions of dollars annually. 

And if you were to ask the owners of those drug empires if they regretted losing a few million gay men and some worthless Africans - they’d say, not at all, if they were totally honest. I mean, these are the guys that run the profitability numbers on deaths versus litigation payouts and the numbers were very good indeed - especially if you controlled the narrative. Which they did and continue to do. 

What could have happened in any random scenario in LA or in Africa, however, was that if someone with, say hepatitis or malaria had tested positive (sic) on an Elisa antibody test (the so-called HIV test) then instead of screaming “HIV POSITIVE!” these people could simply have been treated for the ailment which lit up the test in the first place, placed on immune-boosting food, supplements and/or vitamins and instructed where possible to alter their lifestyle, which, in the case of the original AIDS victims - fast-track homosexuals primarily on the west coast of the US - could’ve been readily achieved. Not so simple though if you’re a crushingly poor African villager living in squalor with no decent potable water, no waterborne sewage systems and the effects of poverty, poor diet and disease all around you. These conditions lead very rapidly to immunocompromisation and we all know the immune responses were instrumental in causing many false positives on these ridiculous tests. And so the train of iatrogenicide ran on relentlessly. 

And if you check the worldwide death for AIDS stats (which are spurious in the extreme, of course) you will find that statistically heterosexuals do not get AIDS, not even sex workers and white heterosexual women are the unlikeliest of all, which is pretty selective for a randomly sexually-transmitted virus wouldn’t you say. Not so, for poor African women though - they were statistically more likely to return a positive reading - gee, I wonder why?

And so the AIDS train ran on...

Pause - so far it would only take the few in the know at the upper echelons of the base corporation to steer their pet scientists and the media in one direction. The medical establishment per-se (no disrespect) is merely the retail outlet for the already “established science” when, in fact the real statement here should be: the dictates of the “scientific establishment” as the science in the case of HIV has never been established no matter what that mainstream may deign to tell you. 

And once the momentum has been gained, it’s usually just routine to trot out the old rebuttal chestnuts when real journalists and scientists point out the flaws in the HIV=AIDS paradigm, like: “the science is settled” “conspiracy theorists” “tin-foil hat wearing idiots” etc. Hunt them in packs, through the media, deaths threats, ruin their careers, ridicule and ostracise them - very easy to do when you own the media and the the politicians who masquerade as policy-makers. 

But when people like Kary Mullis (remember him from a few paragraphs back?) win a Nobel Prize for his invention, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) analysis then it should demonstrate that he’s no fool regardless of his leisure activities (the mainstream elect to use his eccentric lifestyle and openly admitted recreational drug use as a means to try and disingenuously discredit him). Mullis tried unsuccessfully for several decades, up until his death in 2019, to locate the paper or any study that empirically demonstrated that HIV was “the probable cause of AIDS” - he never found that document though it wasn’t for lack of trying. An additional crucial piece of information about Mullis and PCR - he said on more than one occasion that it should NOT be used for diagnostical determination of viruses nor for measuring viral load. He said that.

So now that that picture has been painted - it amply demonstrates how over a relatively short period of time, a scenario can be established utilising flawed science and media control to determine a spectacularly high repeat profitability year on year.

What is even more concerning is that this slipped largely unnoticed under the general public’s radar. And why not? The public has an innate trust of authoritarian assertions particularly when public health is concerned so if people are indeed dying and these happen to be mostly gay men and impoverished Africans, it stands to reason that what has been said regarding sexual transmission of a virus (which nobody has ever proved) and eventual death by opportunistic infection when the immune system shuts down is exactly what’s happening - then why question it? Why question the drugs? Why question their motives?

Well, I would draw the reader to the opening gambit where it has been unarguably established that the pharmaceutical companies making these drugs (all of them) are convicted felons who hold much more regard for profit (particularly repeat profit) than they ever will for public health or curatives - the latter being totally counterintuitive to their very raison-d’être - sickness management and repeat business. 

Fast forward to 2020 and we find that there is a demonstrably superior model for this year - no longer will the target audience be restricted to gays and poor Africans - that model was certainly viable but how would one target the entire population without killing too many of them and still retain the repeat business with a few sweeteners thrown in? 

What better way than some form of the common cold? 

Enter SARS-COV-2 and here we are. This could prove to be the ultimate conspiracy for conspiracy it most certainly is. 

The HIV scam was the proof-of-concept experiment that paved the way for a lead-in to Event 201 which set the tone for the chaos that was to ensue. Very specifically organised chaos, it must be said.

With the public trust in the authoritarian medical science that had been established with AIDS and antibody testing which had become an accepted modality for testing for virus (even though it never has), the world was poised for the new grand scale social engineering event. 

You do not need a particularly virulent virus at all for there to be widespread impact, not when you own the narrative and have already warned people this is coming. And knowing human nature the way we do, so many people thrive on the drama and fear the worst. Remember, they had a testing methodology that was demonstrably inaccurate and could be shown to be lit up by naturally occurring immune-responses and flu, colds etc. so even if the public questioned the figures when they cottoned on to the falsely attributed deaths (the WHO came up with a doozie to cover that one), the more people that were tested, the more false-positives that would occur so there again was the perfect model to assert a second wave of infection when nobody was actually sick and the whole planet had attained natural herd immunity months before. 

I don’t know how else to paint this picture to demonstrate how simple it actually is to create a pandemic, ramp up fear, control the population and garner obscene profits into the bargain - while setting everyone up for the coup-de-grâce - the global vaccine that isn’t and never has been necessary but is being dangled as the sword of Damocles - you won’t be allowed to live a normal life unless you are vaccinated. This pertaining to a supposed virus with a better than 99.8% recovery rate. They simply cannot manipulate the numbers any longer - it’s all falling apart so they have to resort to the trickery of ramping up numbers with the tests to say - “see, it hasn’t gone away - we still need a vaccine!”

We really don’t and it HAS gone away - it went away a long time ago - was done and dusted within a couple of months even at its supposed epicentre at Wuhan and Sweden as well as Japan (no lockdowns) flattened their curve within the same timeframe despite scathing criticism through that Pharma-owned sock-puppet media. 

Just because the word “conspiracy” gets unpacked every time a person (oftentimes a very educated person) questions an unarguably spurious narrative, even if it has been “accepted” by populist consensus, doesn’t make that person wrong and it would be extremely naive to think that conspiracy in the legal sense of the word - “plots by more than one person to act by unlawful means” doesn’t happen - it is a way of doing business - everywhere and no more so than by the felonious pharmaceutical industry whose love of profit is self evident.

If, however, as Robert F Kennedy Jr says, they are prepared to kill thousands of Americans and ride the lawsuits to turn a buck then why would we think when it comes to vaccines (where they don’t even have to safety test) they have suddenly found Jesus and wouldn’t lie to us about them?

Come on, folks - do the math. 

Have a look round at the people who haven’t succumbed to any virus this flu season despite the establishment’s best efforts and ask yourself if this is such a bad disease then how come you have to go for a test to find it when people aren’t even sick? 

I don’t think there is anything much else to say about this situation other than it’s about time we took our lives and our planet back.

I’m not really into the whole Q-Anon phenomenon but that’s certainly what it is - what I will predict, however, is that when Trump regains the presidency in November, I think there’s a very strong possibility that COVID-19 will rapidly die soon thereafter. 

Let’s wait and see, shall we...

Maybe Trump is an alien...

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Coronavirus- the scam

Coronavirus - the scam - we’ve been here before...

Ladies and gentlemen, you weren’t listening in the 1980’s when President Thabo Mbeki  of South Africa called a whole lot of the “science” into question regarding that old chestnut HIV.
And now here we are again.
Mbeki was right, by the way - right to question the bogus HIV test, the toxic meds and right to have his then health minister Manto Tshabalala Msimang investigate the HIV-AIDS panic and “claimed” pandemic that was apparently rife in that country.
It wasn’t - it never happened - but yes, people did die.
Mostly from the meds that were forced on the government and by default, on victims (I choose the word carefully) - not patients, victims.
Msimang, that unfortunate health minister was vindicated posthumously as well - the man who started the whole HIV scam (yes, it was a scam - still is) one, Luc Montagnier (later to receive a Nobel prize in medicine for this “work”) admitted that, contrary to his original assertions about HIV and its incurability and its inevitable and ultimate progression to immune suppression and death, that one could, in fact, not only live with the virus but that with proper nutrition, vitamins, clean water & sanitation (i.e. NOT impoverished living conditions and what Msimang had been saying all along), one could actually “cure it”.  He said this on camera circa 2002, decades after he’d been lauded by the establishment for his isolation of HIV (which he never actually did) - long after he’d received millions as his percentage of the HIV testing kit sales (in concert with his pal, Robert Gallo in the US) and, of course, long after the pharmaceutical industry had made (probably) trillions from the sales of those test kits and the antiretroviral meds they sold to purportedly manage the symptoms of AIDS.
What is significant in this story is that despite numerous exposés of this scam, it has never been widely accepted by the public because the medical establishment (read: Big Pharma) through the power of the media, torpedoed every attempt by the truth-tellers (labelled dissidents or HIV-denialists) to build the story.
Journalists, scientists and other professionals were lambasted if they drifted off the reservation (that is, promoted the scientific truth about the fraud) and this is now rearing its head in precisely the same way with coronavirus. The difference being, of course, this may affect you not just gay men or impoverished Africans as was the case with HIV, a very tricky and selective virus, behaving like no other virus has ever done or is likely to do again.  No, with coronavirus, that’s something transmitted by ordinary people in public through an airborne pathogen. No dirty gay sex or poor black people to contend with - someone on the bus or at the airport might randomly infect you - oh my God! 
And they have isolated the pathogen right? I mean they have to in order to test for virus to empirically diagnose that people actually have it, right? Well, yes, that’s what one has to do to prove the existence of a virus and then build a test that actually tests for that virus.
At least,  it’s what they are required to do scientifically for it to be valid but it ain’t what they’re doing - this is the old HIV-soft-shoe-shuffle yet again. But on a much grander scale (if we buy into it and let the bullshit blossom unchecked.)
To explain:
Step  1: Create a virus but don’t necessarily do it scientifically.
They did this with HIV - nobody has ever isolated the virus - even the original claimant (Montagnier) later admitted this was never achieved. Every electromicrographic representation of the “virus” is bogus.
What really got HIV up and running, however, wasn’t science - it was the media. Once the HIV “sample” had crossed the Atlantic from France to the US, one Prof Robert Gallo (circa April 1984) backed by the US NIH (National Institutes of Health) called a press-conference to make the startling pronouncement that he had “discovered” the thing that was causing fatal immune-suppression in certain cohorts of gay men in the US, that it was a virus and it was called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and that he believed it was sexually transmitted - etc. etc. etc. The rest, as they say....
There was supposed to be a scientific paper published by Gallo supporting this claim - that he had isolated pure virus - truth is, he never did. The paper was there but it didn’t hold up as nobody could replicate the work and Montagnier was ready to sue Gallo and the US government for stealing his work and his thunder.
No worries though, they (France and the US) decided to share the accolades and, of course the spoils - a testing kit and drugs loomed large in the trans-Atlantic event horizon. 
Happening in the background was a groundswell from a cohort of respected scientists and virologists and journalists (even lawyers in South Africa) that the science associated with all of these claims was spurious in the extreme and didn’t hold up under any form of scrutiny but since the media had got hold of and released Gallo’s story (that’s all it was), panic in the gay fast-track community was feverish. 
The noise from that community and the public, who are always scared of a new virus, especially when the media is ramping up the hysteria regarding infection etc. was much louder than any dissident voices no matter how credentialed they may have been, Nobel laureates among them.
It was too late - the HIV media train was up and running globally and there was no stopping it. Any of this sounding familiar yet?

Step 2: Provide a testing methodology to detect infection.
Enter: the (so-called) AIDS test which didn’t then and never has tested for viral particles. As HIV had never been purified and test animals had never been successfully infected to replicate the same illness, there was no valid way of producing a testing methodology that could detect virus in a blood sample but hey, no problem to Bob and Luc - they came up with an ingenious alternative - a test that could (sort of) identify a biological marker that could (they claimed) be associated with the virus - in their case - a protein, in fact an antibody - yes, one of the things that actually protects the body from viral attack. It was claimed (spuriously if one reads the test-kit literature) that the presence of HIV (even though the kit didn’t detect the virus itself) could be linked to this protein and thus by association, a positive reading meant that you were likely to have HIV. But to be safe (and fair play to the US & France - such nice guys) they called for a second confirmatory test which, if positive, dictated a third and final test (using a different methodology but still no viral detection) and only then would the patient be deemed HIV+ if that test again confirmed the presence of the hapless protein, which, it has to be said, does seem to be present when an immune system is compromised or hard at work but to make the quantum leap to pin this on HIV, is total hit-and-hope nonsense.
The problems are manifold - firstly, it was assumed that only HIV lit up this test positively but over 70 common conditions ranging from the flu to pregnancy to malaria to hepatitis - also returned positive readings on the test - false ones. And the establishment being what it is, may have started with benign and benevolent intentions but pretty soon no 2nd and/or 3rd test was being done - just one test, a positive reading which could have been pregnancy, a cold, flu or maybe you were just run down but NO - HIV did this - you are HIV+ you filthy dirty gay or black person (delete that which is not applicable) and you are going to die.
Okay so now we have 2 conditions fulfilled (not of Koch’s Postulates - the gold standard for viral determination) but of the bogus virus hoedown - we have announced there is a virus - haven’t isolated it yet despite that we have a testing kit that allegedly diagnoses the virus that we haven’t isolated. Champion. - let’s keep rolling. 

Step 3: Build a data base using the testing results  - yes, we know it could be building a database of positive results that have absolutely nothing to do with a virus but hey - it’s starting to look more profitable by the day. In no time at all infections stats are released through the WHO (spurious as they may well be) and now they can get to use a word nobody had ever heard of before the 1980’s - PANDEMIC - this isn’t just a common-or-garden epidemic - this is worldwide pandemic proportionality. 
And, it has to be said, the Internet hadn’t come online while this was happening - no it hasn’t always been there folks , it got feet properly after 1989. So the media weren’t quite as efficient then but they did have TV at their disposal and boy did they use that.
Repeat the bullshit on the news ad-nauseam  - AIDS is a pandemic, it is sexually transmitted, everyone is at risk and you should be tested just to be safe. No mention of the non-specificity of the test of course and that you might very likely be misdiagnosed.  
The fearmongering was rampant. 

Step 4: Get the infected people on meds ASAP.
And here was the most insidious ploy of all - the meds. They were demonstrably dangerous - so-called antiretroviral (ARV) chemotherapy medications from AZT to ddi to nevirapine and other horrific cell-destroying compounds, some of which (in the case of AZT) had been shelved as a cancer treatment having been found to be too profoundly toxic. No problem for gays and blacks though - they were dying of compromised immune systems anyway so what the hell...
Thing was, these cocktails of drugs induced the very symptoms of the condition they were purportedly treating by compromising the immune system even more, which, when under further attack produced whatever antigens it could to try and protect itself, very often to no avail. The mortality rate of gay men “infected” with AIDS in the US, skyrocketed when AZT was introduced but it was no problem to make the assumption that death was caused by the AIDS rather than the toxic drugs they were being fed. Ergo: the pandemic and the (bogus) statistics continued to grow. As did the fear of this syndrome and, of course, the virus.
It was in the media and on the internet - Wikipedia even - it HAD to be true...
Tens of thousands of people who elected to ignore the nonsense and follow a pathway of lifestyle change, healthy eating and avoidance of ARV treatment, have lived and continue to live normal, healthy lives. The attrition rate of those on ARV’s can be seen through any cursory investigation into this narrative, which I urge you to do.
But the establishment and Wikipedia will continue to defend the HIV scam to the bitter end, now promoting prophylactic meds for HIV and a vaccine, which is usually the ultimate endgame but the entire narrative is built on a pack of lies, now relegated to the history of the condition - Mbeki, Msimang and the dissidents who exposed this fraud, were right then and they will, one day be vindicated in history when the truth comes out. A footnote to the above tragedy is that despite profiting from the HIV (sic) test kits all over the world, it was deemed (by that illustrious body, the WHO) that testing in remote sectors of Africa wasn’t necessary, a symptomatic diagnosis (euphemistically referred to as the Bangui definition of AIDS) was acceptable and a clinician could merely observe a patient for a number of days and if 3 or more noted conditions (common among impoverished Africans without access to proper water and sanitation), a diagnosis of AIDS (i.e. being HIV+) could be registered and a regime of ARV treatment could ensue - more vague guesswork and more deaths and more HIV+ fatalities... you see the picture emerging here, right...

Fast forward to today, coronavirus and we have a reprise of the story above with the notable exception that the potential victims are not just sexually actively gay people or impoverished Africans - but the narrative is exactly the same.
There has been no viral isolation - just claims of a new strain of corona and there is certainly no virus testing kit but we have heard that  (the meds) a vaccine is on its way or has already been formulated. These guys are getting good at this but we are still the same stupid gullible people swallowing the bullshit by the bucketload. 

David Crowe has been through the HIV scam with a fine-tooth comb and has come out the other side still blazing away with supportable science behind him and thanks to him (and the efforts of others) thousands of people diagnosed as having this virus, have avoided or gone off the ARV’s and that has literally saved their lives. These initiatives continue unabated in the interest of public information and health. 

The detailed extract of what I have placed below can be found at the link:

He writes: 

“Virus Existence
Scientists are detecting novel RNA in multiple patients with pneumonia-like conditions, and are assuming that the detection of RNA (which is believed to be wrapped in proteins to form an RNA virus, as coronaviruses are believed to be) is equivalent to isolation of the virus. It is not, and one of the groups of scientists was honest enough to admit this:
“we did not perform tests for detecting infectious virus in blood” 
But, despite this admission, earlier in the paper they repeatedly referred to the 41 cases (out of 59 similar cases) that tested positive for this RNA as, “41 patients... confirmed to be infected with 2019-nCoV19 
Another paper quietly admitted that:
“our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates” 
Koch’s postulates, first stated by the great German bacteriologist Robert Koch in the late 1800s, can simply be stated as:
• Purify the pathogen (e.g. virus) from many cases with a particular illness.
• Expose susceptible animals (obviously not humans) to the pathogen.
• Verify that the same illness is produced.
• Some add that you should also re-purify the pathogen, just to be sure that it
really is creating the illness.
Famous virologist Thomas Rivers stated in a 1936 speech, “It is obvious that Koch's postulates have not been satisfied in viral diseases”. That was a long time ago, but the same problem still continues. None of the papers referenced in this article have even attempted to purify the virus. And the word ‘isolation’ has been so debased by virologists it means nothing (e.g. adding impure materials to a cell culture and seeing cell death is ‘isolation’).
Reference [1] did publish electron micrographs, but it can clearly be seen in the lesser magnified photo, that the particles believed to be coronavirus are not purified as the quantity of material that is cellular is much greater. The paper notes that the photos are from “human airway epithelial cells”. Also consider that the photo included in the article will certainly be the “best” photo, i.e. the one with the greatest number of particles. Lab technicians may be encouraged to spend hours to look around to find the most photogenic image, the one that most looks like pure virus.
There is no way to tell that the RNA being used in the new coronavirus PCR test is found in those particles seen in the electron micrograph. There is no connection between the test, and the particles, and no proof that the particles are viral.
A similar situation was revealed in March 1997 concerning HIV, when two papers published in the same issue of the journal “Virology” revealed that the vast majority of what had previously been called “pure HIV” was impurities that were clearly not HIV, and the mixture also included microvesicles that look very similar to HIV under an electron microscope, but are of cellular origin.”

People, stop drinking the Kool-Aid and start listening to the science and the backstory I’ve painted above -  it’s the same crap, different day, same agenda.
Corona - move along, nothing to see here - if we all push back and don’t buy tickets for the show - there is no show.
Until the next time.
Hopefully by then we will have learned or at least remembered HIV and corona and all the other invented pathogens that are promoted as the biological threat that will wipe us all out.
Viruses, even if real, don’t have an agenda - they have a biological imperative to gestate, replicate and succeed - our “leaders” on the other hand, seem to be hellbent on imposing a not-so-subtle campaign of eugenics on the global population, royalty and US one-percenters having openly admitted this.
They are the real threat to the common man.

Sunday, 16 February 2020


Endings are hard
Beginnings are sometimes harder still
Sifting through the distraction of other peoples' dramas
Dilute the parts of you that are the most important
The memory of your brother's smile
His manic antics
The fold of newspaper around three fingers
Involuntarily caressing the edge of a page for comfort
A rhythm, a mantra as big as the bang that started it all
As soothing as the silent music of the cosmos
The bittersweet beauty of a tear as it rolls down your cheek
Pearls of eternity
And the transformation of longing
Into the joy of the moment you now grasp...

Saturday, 8 February 2020

The most incisive information yet on coronavirus

Story by Celia Farber with research contributions from Tracy Beanz
Part one of an UncoverDC Investigation
It’s breathtaking how we have all become self-invented virologists; how strong our opinions are on “viruses,” and what they have in mind for us. It’s never good. I am known for “denying” the horrors attributed to HIV, which was projected to kill 90 million Americans by 1993, and my denialism brought violent retaliation—but if you check the numbers, I was correct. So were many others, all similarly destroyed for the sin of countering wild fear in an age of viral-mania.
Fear drives markets, and HIV is now a trillion-dollar industry. The level of HIV (measured by questionable technologies) has remained a steady line in the US population since they began measuring. It has not “gone up.” Africa, predicted to be “wiped off the map,” has instead seen a population explosion the same size as the entire US population; over 350 million, since the mid-1980’s.
They (the globalists) have been gunning for the next AIDS for a long time.
Bird flu fizzled, SARS, MERS—all of them fizzled. Now we have a new monster, and we are calling it “corona,” instead of its actual name which is 2019 n-CoV, also known as the “novel” coronavirus. This is indeed a new nightmare, but not necessarily for the reasons we are being told.
Tracy Beanz and I have been studying the “Corona Situation”, as I will call it, and we are ready to separate some wheat from some chaff. Please know that “viruses” are the most dangerous geo-political pieces on the chess board. Globalists know this and have known it since AIDS.
Classical virology, along with classical virologists, were destroyed by AIDS and displaced by industries of population control and control of the earth’s resources. That said, let’s look closely at the “Corona Situation”. The story is directed by mass media, and therefore, we must navigate via media “events.” However, before we can say anything intelligible, we must go back, and set the stage. We must tell the back story, and separate media stories from what is actually happening.
China just locked down 14 million people. Only China can do something on that scale. Someone should tell Bernie Sanders’ lusty socialists that this is precisely what their revered ideology can deliver. That said, we have to presume there is an enormous problem in China. What is the nature of it?
What our Creator calls a “virus” verses what the mass globalist media, UN, Bill Gates, or Laurie Garret call a “virus” are very different. In many cases, “viruses” are technological artifacts, “seen” in the lucrative tests patented to “detect” them, lacking any real scientific rigor or model to find out what- left to their own devices- and without trillion dollar geopolitical warfare and industry, they might actually doto cells.
Viruses are, with few exceptions, benign, harmless, sometimes even helpful. The notion that we must declare “war” on them emerges from the post federal reserve military industrial complex, central to which, is the CDC—a military organization. Some recommended reading: Fear Of The Invisible by Janine Roberts. Roberts revealed that “retroviruses” are in fact helpful DNA messenger systems working to protect us against a barrage of toxic threats.
The idea that “viruses” (especially RNA viruses) have extreme pathogenicity, super-evil intention, high intelligence, and capacity to spread via human contact, is the single greatest concept a globalist controller has at his disposal. So, we proceed with respect for nature, and begin with a quote from Rudolph Steiner, that perfectly addresses the spiritual battle we face.
In 1914, Rudolf Steiner said
“People today are haunted by a fear we can compare with the medieval fear of ghosts.  It is the fear of germs.  … The modern age has lost this belief in the spiritual world; it believes in material things.  It therefore has a fear of material beings, be they ever so small….Germs flourish most intensively when we take nothing but materialistic thoughts into sleep with us…(or) live in the center of an epidemic or endemic illness, and (tend) to think of nothing but the sickness all around, filled only with a fear of getting sick….If this fear can be reduced, even a little by, for example, active love and, while tending the sick, forgetting for a time that one might also be infected, the conditions are less favorable for the germs….If people were given thoughts that lead them away from materialism and spur them on to active love out of the spirit, it would serve the future of humanity better.”  
Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path, May 5, 1914 
Rudolf Steiner and Germ Ghosts, 
Dr. Kelly Sutton 
This is important. Viruses have become negative deities in a secular world. If there is a unifying global religion, it is the faith in the necessity of fearing “emerging” viruses, pandemics, “novel” diseases and so forth. Hype, speed, media, guilt, globalism—all of this breaks down foundational epidemiology, which depends on slowness and rigor. With all these new “viral outbreaks,” we can’t distinguish between the media’s movie and reality. Generally lacking? Viral purification, reliable gold-standard testing, causation modeling, and Koch’s Postulates; four principles that must be met before you can state that an organism causes a disease.
So, what do we know for sure?
Coronaviruses are a family of common cold viruses. They were detected in the 1960’s and have likely been “around” since the dawn of mankind. There are said to be seven of them. They all cause cough, fever, headache, and respiratory issues. None have ever been considered highly lethal, though it’s hard to separate them from common pneumonia, which is the leading cause of death from infectious disease in the world.  
The most famous corona-associated illness is SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.) Another, less famous, was called MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.) MERS was thought to have originated in camels. For SARS, which “emerged” in China in 2002 and set off its own panic industrial complex, the final statistics were 8,437 cases in 30 countries, 813 deaths. For MERS, identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012, they were 2,494 cases in 27 countries, with 858 deaths. This, despite the fact that Saudi farmers kissed their camels in defiance of government orders to practice “camel avoidance.”
From a 2012 BBC report, this delightful bit:
In recent days, Saudi Arabia has urged people to wear masks and gloves when dealing with camels, to stay away from raw camel meat and camel milk, and not to go near sick animals, the newspaper Gulf News reports. But some people have refused to listen to the government’s advice, posting videos and sending messages in support of camels.
In one video, a man stands between a pair of camels and asks it to sneeze. “Look at me! Sneeze, sneeze! They say there’s Corona in this,” the man says, while hugging and kissing his two camels. Then he shakes one of the camels’ heads and says, “She says no. Is there Corona in you? She says no.” 
In a 2005 paper, coronavirus was described in children hospitalized with respiratory tract infections in the Netherlands, where 9.3% of 300 specimens tested positive for human coronavirus. None died. Ah, you say, but this was not the novel Corona virus. This is true, and the significance of that we will get to shortly.
Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in adults and children in rural China, and the fourth leading cause of death overall. As biochemist Dr. Dave Rasnick points out in a recent interview, 2.8 million to 17 million Chinese die of pneumonia every year.
Still, the narrative about the new coronavirus (2019 nCoV) is this: A “string of mysterious pneumonia cases” appeared in the city of Wuhan, population 11 million, thought (for reasons never explained) to be associated with a seafood market, selling a variety of animals, including live ones. I am not clear what makes one pneumonia “mysterious” but not another, in China.
According to
“Officials reported the outbreak to the World Health Organization on Dec 31….By Jan. 7, Chinese authorities had isolated 2019 nCoV as the cause of the disease, and shared the genome a few days later. This allowed other countries to test for the virus, and for scientists to begin devising treatments and investigating how the outbreak began.”
The WHO declared the Corona outbreak a “public health emergency” on January 30th.  There are reports of mass cremations, of people being arrested, imprisoned for shooting video inside hospitals; but there is also seemingly state sanctioned video of brave doctors tearfully bidding their families goodbye to march off into certain death on the Corona battle front. It’s never been more important to use the word “ostensibly” in front of every “fact” we believe we see on our screens.
The media landscape is this: legacy media are scolding “conspiracy” theorists for spreading “falsehoods” about the novel coronavirus. Chief among them? That it is a biological weapon that “escaped” a level 4 lab or was possibly stolen by Chinese spies working at level 4 labs in Canada. Said conspiracy theorists, many of them, are citing a draft paper, now retracted, that claimed there were four “HIV inserts” in the nCoV genome; a genome which China shared as soon as it was sequenced. For more information on genomes, you can find that interview mentioned above in a link at the bottom of this piece.
Dr. Francis Boyle of The Council for Responsible Genetics has been featured on InfoWars and other outlets with his theory that this is a bio-weapon, with a fusion of HIV, SARS, and synthetic vectors. He is coining the term “death scientists,” scientists working with the weaponization of organisms, who seek out pathogens to DNA splice, enhance, and reverse engineer with vaccines. “The whole synthetic biology field has been financed by The Pentagon, for biological warfare purposes,” he told Owen Shroyer, pointing out that there is a BSL-4 lab in Wuhan.
My point does not necessarily conflict with his: My point is that none of this goes on in nature. The Globalists’ evil is precisely that they impose upon nature their own dark works. The effect is to displace that which is nature, creation, which aims always at life, with something that aims always at death.
This is, in my mind, the great danger.
I don’t deny that any weaponized pathogen could cause a “pandemic.” I deny that a coronavirus as seen in medical literature past and present shows any signs of sudden death pathogenic impact, and possibly even more so one that was briefly reported to contain “HIV”. As a scholar of twenty years on the topic of HIV, I speak from a position of some stature.
The other conspiracy theorists are being derided over the notion that corona scare is a prelude for a vaccine that already exists. Here it gets interesting. The best way to find truth in this arena is to look at the admonishment and derision in mainstream media and investigate the opposite. There is always a very precise way you are meant to respond to viral terror campaigns, to be a good person, appropriately aware of the threat.
A January 25th USA Today article scolds:
“Following the outbreak of a respiratory disease caused by a new coronavirus in Wuhan, China in December and the announcement of the first American case Jan. 21, several groups and individuals are circulating false rumors on Facebook about the mystery pathogen.
Numerous posts claim the virus has been patented — and some even suggest, incorrectly, that the virus was made in a lab and a vaccine already exists.
“The new fad disease called the ‘coronavirus’ is sweeping headlines,” one Facebook posttaken from Twitter, reads.
Another, which was shared by others, and is part of a series of false coronavirus posts, proclaims that the virus is “‘new’ yet it was lab created and patented in 2015 (in development since 03’).
In fact, there is no vaccine yet available for the new coronavirus, which for now goes by the unwieldy moniker of 2019 novel coronavirus, or 2019-nCoV. And there is no patent related to the new virus, either.”
This makes it sound like no vaccines exist for any coronavirus. In fact, the US developed a vaccine for SARS, and it was used in China. To wit, from HowStuffWorks:
“In 2004, U.S. researchers successfully gave a SARS vaccine to mice in a trial. The researchers later exposed these mice to the actual SARS vaccine; they found that these mice had very few virus particles in their lungs compared to mice who never received the SARS vaccine. This type of vaccine is much safer than other vaccines that are commonly used, as it uses DNA, rather than killed forms of the actual virus, such as in the conventional flu vaccine.
In China, in 2004, researchers successfully vaccinated people with the SARS vaccine. They found that there were very few side effects associated with the vaccine. Researchers claim that an effective and approved SARS vaccine takes three to five years to produce. There is hope, therefore, that if there is another SARS outbreak in the future, the world will be well-equipped with an effective vaccine[source: SciDevNet].”
On Del Bigtree’s show The Highwire, scientist James Lyons-Weiler from The Institute for Applied Knowledge stepped forward and said he had analyzed the new Corona virus’ entire genetic sequence and found a “weird element.” He said:
I’ve analyzed the entire genome sequence of this and compared to the entire genome sequence of all the other coronavirus….There is this weird element that doesn’t belong there. I have found that it actually did match a vector technology that was from the 1998, that was the first time it was published in the National Academy of Sciences. This victor technology is a mechanism by which molecular biologists insert new genes into viruses and bacteria. It’s really unusual to find a vector technology in a virus that is circulating among humans. So one thing we can say for certain is this particular virus has a laboratory origin. It should not be in the wild. If you take that sequence and compare it to other proteins that it encodes we find that it is actually a SARS protein that was put into coronavirus for the purpose of making the vaccine work better.”
I would implore you to visit Dr. Lyons-Weiler’s website and take a read through some of the research done into this recent outbreak. Eye opening, for sure. There will be more we address here. Much more, in fact.
Put simply, the SARS scare led to a SARS vaccine. The new coronavirus has a “weird element” that is an “insert,” or “vector technology” that is a “SARS protein,” that was supposed to make the vaccine work better. The mystery is, why is a coronavirus, a family of viruses which cause respiratory distress but are not commonly fatal, (basically cold viruses) and have been around seemingly forever, suddenly causing China to shut down, leading to global panic?
I found five words in a PLoS paper from 2006, that worried me. The paper is called “Vaccine Efficacy In Senescent Mice Challenged with Recombinant SARS-CoV Bearing Epidemic and Zoonotic Spike Variants”. The five words are: “…pathological changes in the lungs.” Never mind that it worried me, it worried the authors of the paper. They wrote:
“The researchers created vaccines based on SARS-CoV S and SARS-CoV N by taking the genes coding for those proteins and inserting them into another type of virus particle that acted as a delivery vehicle. They injected mice with these vaccines and then tested whether the mice generated an immune response against the specific SARS proteins, which they did. The next step was to work out whether mice injected with the vaccines would be protected against later infection with SARS-CoV. The researchers found that mice injected with vaccine based on SARS-CoV S were protected against later infection with a standard SARS-CoV strain, both in the short term (eight weeks after vaccination) and the long term (54 weeks after vaccination). However, the vaccine based on SARS-CoV N did not seem to result in protection, and, worryingly, caused pathological changes in the lungs of mice following virus challenge.” (emphasis added) 
If we are looking at a bio-lab catastrophe here, it seems likely the catastrophe was caused by genetic tampering gone wrong. What happens to Chinese people, vaccinated with SARS vaccine, who are then re-exposed to a coronavirus? Is this what is making this coronavirus so deadly? Or, is it deadly? Is it deadly only in Chinese? Have any non-Chinese died? The literature on 2019 n-CoV does not reflect catastrophic pathogenicity that would explain events in China. We must also factor in that we don’t know what the true death toll is, nor can we know who to trust. We are dealing with the nation of China; a communist authoritarian society not well known for truthfulness in information, especially when that information could be detrimental to their image.
In a paper titled Corona Virus Panic, David Crowe, who hosts a podcast called The Infectious Myth, and heads the largely ignored think tank “Rethinking AIDS,” established in the early 90’s to give voice to the many scientists objecting to Robert Gallo’s infectious HIV/AIDS hypothesis, the following puzzling facts were cited about actual Corona cases:
“The symptom onset date of the first patient identified was Dec 1, 2019. None of his family members developed fever or any respiratory symptoms. No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases.
Crowe has broken down cluster groups exposed to 2019 n-CoV.  In an email to UncoverDC, he said:
“In one paper trying to establish a transmission chain, one of the important people in the chain, who did get quite sick, tested negative despite 18 different samples being tested in various ways. While her son, the 10-year-old, was positive without clinical symptoms.
In another paper trying to establish a transmission chain, three German employees tested positive after meeting with a healthy Chinese woman whose first symptoms were on the plane back to China. Two of those three had no major illness. The third had something similar to a flu, took 3 days off work (not knowing at this time about the Chinese woman’s diagnosis), took no special precautions, and came back to work the same day the Chinese woman informed the company she’d tested positive.”
Well that’s interesting.
Either the test is useless, or Germans are immune.
At, I found this:
“Most corona viruses that infect humans are relatively benign and cause mild respiratory diseases such as the common cold,” said Susan Weiss, a corona virus researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, in a phone interview.”
The reported case fatality rate of 2019 nCoV is around 2-3%, as compared to 10% for SARS. There have been a handful of cases in the United States, people returning from China, and one transmission between a married couple in close proximity. All so far have had mild symptoms and recovered.
Again, according to Fact
“Initial reports indicate that while healthy people can fall seriously ill, deaths are largely confined to older folks and those with pre-existing conditions such a diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and liver cirrhosis.” 
From reporting, this does not appear to be a “level 4” pathogen. Neither particularly infectious nor particularly pathogenic. But why then, would China elect to quarantine 14 million and shut down its own economy? Something is very, very wrong here.
I happened upon—who else—Laurie Garrett (CFR, Bill Gates’ favorite author) on a talk show the other day, setting us straight about coronavirus. She was honest enough to admit coronaviruses are one of two common families of cold viruses, then she advised the usual precautions: hand washing, gloves, and avoidance of human contact. When asked about that part by one of the hosts, a change came over her. Her voice became louder, and she grew extra animated when she said, in an almost irritated tone of voice: “We call it social distancing.”
We do?
How many millions of dollars in Globalist slush funds did it take for them to produce that little gem of social engineering?
None of the deferential hosts challenged her on the long list of plagues she has peddled that failed to materialize, including AIDS, Bird Flu, SARS, Zika–
Here’s a classic Laurie Garrett lede, from a 2005 article in Foreign Affairs titled The Next Pandemic?
“Scientists have long forecast the appearance of an influenza virus capable of infecting 40 percent of the world’s human population and killing unimaginable numbers. Recently, a new strain, H5N1 avian influenza, has shown all the earmarks of becoming that disease. Until now, it has largely been confined to certain bird species, but that may be changing.”
And this graph is also a classic:
“In short, doom may loom. But note the “may.” If the relentlessly evolving virus becomes capable of human-to-human transmission, develops a power of contagion typical of human influenzas, and maintains its extraordinary virulence, humanity could well face a pandemic unlike any ever witnessed. Or nothing at all could happen. Scientists cannot predict with certainty what this H5N1 influenza will do.”
Yes, Laurie, we note the “may.” It’s one of your favorite words. A great many things “may” happen, but media ought to devote itself to what has happened.
Johns Hopkins University has launched a “visualization tool,” to help you see all the countries where Corona cases turn up. The CDC has also “…launched its own state and global maps to show the location of confirmed cases.”
And what’s more? Every single detail of the script for this corona “pandemic” was foreshadowed in the CDC-backed Soderberg propaganda film Contagion, in 2011: The virus originates from Hong Kong. People keel over dead. It came from bats. The CDC recommends “social distancing.” It is feared to be a biological weapon. It trashes “conspiracy theorists” and people who peddle “herbs” and “snake oil” on the internet. Public quarantines are imposed. It was filmed literally on the grounds (Druid Hills) of CDC headquarters in Atlanta, EIS officers were script consultants, as well as CDC, and Laurie Garrett, Lawrence Brilliant, the WHO, W. Ian Lipkin and a host of other plague luminaries. Scientists praised the ghastly movie—even Paul Offit loved it.
It was produced by Jeffrey Skoll’s Participant Productions “dedicated to entertainment intended to spur social change.” And its budget was a whopping $60 million.
There are many ways to interpret the mass quarantine in China. Most media, and NIH’s Anthony Fauci, have taken Chinese action as an indication of a coming “pandemic.” But the Chinese are already suggesting the worst is over–that early detection and “timely quarantine,” while waiting out the incubation period will end the crisis. Zhong Nanshan, described as a “renowned Chinese respiratory expert,” has said the death rate can be expected to drop soon. Unlike HIV, the Chinese themselves have promised this will not be rolled out as a “forever virus”, but rather, as Nanshan says, “Those without clinical symptoms do not actually have the disease.” That means it likely won’t become a parallel monetary system, like the HIV industry.
But that doesn’t mean the trillion dollar HIV industry isn’t getting in on the action. A combination of two anti-HIV drugs is being used to treat novel corona patients, which is alarming, as it could peg highly toxic drugs to a lung related illness that scientists, by their own admission, don’t have really any answers about. That is worrying many scientists in the field, and many of them are sounding the alarm. We’ve already established that up to 17 million Chinese die of pneumonia (as opposed to “mysterious pneumonia”) every year. I still do not understand what made these pneumonia cases stand out, leading to the lock-down and the global panic. HIV drugs are certainly not indicated as first line treatment for pneumonia.
Globalists like global diseases and pandemics. They love contagion and nothing else. Environmentally induced illnesses don’t interest them at all. All their conferences, grants, NGO’s, galas– all of that depends upon contagion as religion. A curious and off-putting faith in the invisible viral deity’s capacity to do supernatural things we can’t see yet.
Nobody should listen to a word Anthony Fauci says, that much is certain. He has yet to come clean that none of his propaganda about HIV’s sexual spread has panned out, never mind its lack of purification, pathogenicity, etc. A 10-year study was done that Tony Fauci would prefer we never mention. Known as the “Padian study,” it was a study to see how infectious HIV was. The focus was on HIV antibodies. In the study were 175 “discordant” couples, one HIV positive, one HIV negative. The couples had sex freely and often unprotected over a 10 year period. No seroconversions were observed. Padian has express fury at “deniers” who cite her study as proof the HIV theory is wrong. But the study is hard to deny or erase from history. All they can ever do is destroy the messengers.
We don’t know what is going in in China—not yet. It’s clear that something is very wrong, and that it has lots of people, from government bureaucrats to the citizens experiencing these conditions in China, to our elected officials, and even the CDC, confused. The only question is, what exactly are they confused about? Does anybody have the script or are we working from a tear in the globalist’s tightly spun fabric?
Or better to say: Straight-jacket.
This is a continuing series from UncoverDC. Please continue to check back here for new information. To read more of Celia’s work on HIV, and view the full interview with Dr. David Rasnick, please click here.
Celia Farber is s a contributor to UncoverDC and The Epoch Times, and has in the past written for Harper’s, Esquire, Rolling Stone and more. Having been gravely injured in legacy media, she never wants to go back. She is the recipient of the Semmelweis International Society Clean Hands Award For Investigative Journalism, the author of “Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS”. She is also the editor of The Truth Barrier, an investigative and literary website.