Trump, a perspective. Snobbery?
This is not written as a Trump fan. It’s written simply as a Trump observer.
It’s only when you have spent some time [and let’s be honest, it’s all some people have done for the last four years] listening to Trump detractors wax critical of everything this president, no, person [some still trot out the mantra: ‘he is not MY president’] represents to them without a single acknowledgement of anything he may have achieved in that time. And there has been much however that isn’t the point here.
It’s easy to be critical. Of anything. It’s just lazy. It takes no effort at all. It also takes no objective or [ironically] critical thinking especially when the media is forming your opinions for you.
And, I have come to discover, much of Trump hatred is engendered within a blind snobbery. There is a large sector of America that simply cannot bear the idea that this boorish, uncouth bad hair day dude could be their president. It is embarrassingly beneath them. Hence the continued denial that he actually is. And, let’s be honest here, unlike Joe Biden, Trump actually is the president. Still. For now.
Another thing the Trump bashing media takes pains to ignore while they ramp up the catch phrase “president elect” thereby planting it in the collective American psyche in hope that it will come to pass...
Based on the electoral college results, it should, of course, be a fait accompli but everyone downplays [most notably the mainstream media] the impending congressional session where the electoral college votes are ratified for a final time and where objections can be raised as to the legitimacy of these results. Any objections, if seconded [and Republicans could hold sway] then this election is far from over.
Any articles that do speculate on this dynamic, in the mainstream press, round firmly on the conclusion that this would be the last ditch act of a desperate man and would likely fail. It would represent the death throes of a loser unwilling to accept defeat. And that may be the eventual outcome but we would be disingenuous if we were to glibly proclaim this to have been a normal or seemingly ethical or logical election.
Can we rely on that pathological hatred harboured by the anti Trumpers to have swung a seemingly landsliding [in Trump’s favour at the time] result overnight to render sleepy Joe Biden, not only a better ballot total than Barack Obama but the biggest win in US election history with apparently over 80 million votes?
Despite the flagrantly anomalous torpedoing of precedents by the most unlikely of candidates, the nation and its courts seem to have similarly dispensed with basic mathematics at the same time where 1.8 million and 2.5 million can apparently mean the same thing and nobody bats an eye.... So yes, folks, this situation IS unprecedented and I don’t discount a stormy congressional/senate undertaking in January when Mike Pence is tasked with proclaiming Trump a loser [or not....].
I wouldn’t want to call it.
All I can say is that, like with COVID, there is something horribly fishy about the entire US election this time round and the US media, driven by anti Trump propaganda, are determined to ignore the big fat elephant in the voting booth who can’t tally votes yet is still believed.
Come on, nobody [and I mean NOBODY] actually believes Biden is even remotely presidential material. Even less so than Trump ever was. The only conclusion must be that it wasn’t Biden’s fit or popularity that turned things around, it was the swing votes of all those who hate Trump that much. This even when the election was unarguably ramping up in Trump’s favour.
One thing that must surely be questioned: during the claims of election fraud and ballot tampering and anomalous numbers....when any of these issues are scrutinised even in the most cursory way, not one single controversial ballot appears for Trump. Every single ballot after the night they purportedly stopped counting, was in favour of that scamp, Joe Biden.
Funny that, huh?
I guess people really do hate Trump that much.
Or could it be they are just snobs?
Or maybe it was a bit dodgy after all...?
Can’t wait for January 6th when all will be settled once and for all...