


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Sunday, 31 January 2021

Throwing out the Trump with the bathwater

America (maybe around half of America, who knows any more?), your vitriolic antipathy toward Donald Trump is self-evident - I get that and I am not trying to convince you to change your opinion - you are most certainly entitled to it. But much of it seems to be founded on a personal grudge pertaining to his “undeserved” formative privilege and the demeanour presumptively associated with that.
I am not so much concerned with Trump-bashing or his behaviour, lack of social decorum or indeed how he got to where he got to as there are many first hand accounts one could cite that would torpedo your opinion of the man insofar as his base nature is concerned and to be honest, without knowing him personally and utilising the media as a yardstick for the measure of DJT, I think we would be all be reaching. 
It’s the easiest, laziest thing in the world to do - rely on questionable media “opinion” to form our own impressions and yet that is precisely what has occurred with Trump particularly throughout his presidency. 
No single deed or verbal expression has gone untainted by the Obamedia machine (Barack’s singular and lasting legacy - the championing of fake news - there are many more but that is truly the spikiest barb in his crown of thorns) when it comes to Donald Trump and even as his presence (supposedly) recedes in the wake of the puppet-presidency of Biden, any media associated with the former president is still unarguably tainted with blatant bias. 
What I would elect then to focus on, without regurgitating the White House rhetoric and floral language, (although I have posted a link should you be interested in reading what actually occurred during those 4 years) is the raft of events/policies/achievements/milestones - call them what you will, that did, in fact unarguably occur under the Trump Administration. 
And yes, I can easily pull apart the claims to greatness during the fake coronavirus pandemic and the steps implemented by the Trump Administration in promoting 5G, both of which initiatives are highly questionable, in my view. There are also some environmental policies I’d argue against but I am certainly with Trump on many of the big ticket items that had the farthest reaching impact on both America and the world, when it came to doing business, trade agreements and, in fact, environmental policies per-se. 
If I thought he got everything right that would fringe on blind sycophancy and believe me, I am no fan of the Trump demeanour and ego, nor of his oftentimes smug and smarmy delivery but if I was to judge everyone with whom I have worked and/or collaborated with and/or admired in certain ways over the years, I’d easily find fault with all of them.  
That one of the most bellicose presidents in recent memory (Barack Obama) can garner a Nobel Peace award over his successor who held fast in preventing or avoiding any wars whatsoever on his watch, speaks volumes to the power of the political obfuscation that obtained during the Obama years, a narrative that served to propagandise all that he touched and conversely taint any opposition as the fake-media paradigm took hold. When Trump assumed office, despite the media support (read: bias) Clinton enjoyed throughout that presidential campaign, the anti-Trump rhetoric ramped up unabated and has continued in that vein ever since to the point that nobody in America can place any legitimacy on the opinions of the mockingbird media and yet they still do, blindly and faithfully such has been the power of turning them against their last president. 
I say all of this, not as a Trump supporter, but as an objective observer from without the American pantomime as it has unfolded over the last decade or so. But to say these things merely sets one up to be branded a right wing conservative Trump supporter when I (and many others) am none of those things. I cherish liberalism, in the true sense of what it represents “freedom” as enshrined in various democratic constitutions and the right of individuals to that self-determination in every respect - not this reversal of those very tenets that are as far from liberal or free or democratic as one can get. Therefore ironically, there is arguably more innate freedom preserved within the ideals of many Republicans in America today than as demonstrated through the bias, hate-speech, censorship, vitriol and abject conservatism of the so-called Democrats who have taken the leftist ideal in rotation through 180ยบ to end up on the opposite side of the political compass. Except, of course, where the elites are concerned - then and only then should those (with that privilege) enjoy proper rights of freedom and choice - it’s not the domain of the masses. And irony upon irony, those liberties and rights to self-determination are the very precepts that Trump has fought so hard for 4 years to protect - the democratic liberties of ordinary Americans. 
Biden, in his first few days of office, has nailed the Democrat colours to the mast in his swathe of executive orders that not only set out to simply overturn policies that Trump initiated (the blind ole Americans by dint of that fake news machine see anything that Trump did and being overturned as a positive move) regardless of the fact that it will crush state economies and jobs and further disenfranchise the working class Americans that Sleepy Joe promised he would look after....yeah, right.
In case anyone has forgotten, the very definition of “democracy” is a rule of the mob - the masses and their right to decide policy by majority. The fraudulent election made a mockery of that and the elitist hegemonic technocracy that obtains in the US hammers the final nails into that coffin too. The wobbly pen hand of Joe Biden as it sweeps across another executive order of federal overreach (something else Trump legislated to curtail) does not represent the will of the masses, the ordinary American, the most disenfranchised of the population - it squarely represents the will of the Deep State elitist cabal which is what this rabid press and acquiescent non-thinking Americans believe is the pathway to a better United States when all that they are really supporting is a Trump-free America which has to be better than one with him at the helm, right?
Wrong. So very wrong that it hurts and will continue to hurt until the pain that is brought to bear by this globalist technocracy reaches the point where those clamouring to rid themselves of the scourge of Donald Trump will realise they have just woken up in the pot of boiling water only they had no idea it was this hot or have any idea how it got to be that way.
I can tell you - because you elected to permit a patently fraudulent election, which you swept under the rug, to hold sway, which compromised the judiciary ensuring that it wasn’t challenged while this insane narrative was bolstered by the fatally biased mainstream and social media machine - all of these measures terminal symptoms of a dying democracy, which you, America deemed to be okay - that big picture - ridding yourselves of Trump - seemed more important than any old constitutional rights or tenets, at the time. 
Fact is, it wasn’t, it isn’t but it is done and, I do believe, so may America be - done. 
And you guys did this - not because of Donald Trump - but to spite him.
But it’s okay - Trump is out and that’s all that counts.... 
Never before in the history of the world can I see the metaphor of throwing the baby out with the bathwater being so emphatically valid.
But this, of course, is just my opinion.