


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Sunday, 22 August 2021

THE WAR ON THE ORDINARY AUSTRALIAN 2021 (under the pretext of a pandemic)


The Australian “authorities” continue to distort the situation in this country around the so-called COVID pandemic, using these bogus data to keep ordinary healthy Aussies locked up and on their knees, preventing them from working under threat of unnecessary vaccination as the upper echelon of corporate society continues to reap its ill gotten rewards.

This statement reads like something from a dystopian Nazi nightmare when war is being waged by a government against a specific section of its society which happens to be the normal, healthy, driven, independent thinkers in that society - the ones any sane administration would be lauding as valuable citizens. Not so here or now.

This is a war and we require to close ranks, uniting against the most egregious tyranny this country has ever seen.

Australia 23/08/2021 covid reality 

Statement on Australian govt health website

“The first cases of COVID-19 in Australia were identified in late January 2020. Following a peak of cases at the end of March, low numbers of cases were reported each day until early-June 2020. From mid-June 2020, cases increased and peaked in early August 2020 and then declined. Since late-September 2020, a low number of new cases continue to be reported each day.”

A low number of cases and it’s been on the decline but the testing is problematic and is falsely overstating “cases”

The cumulative “cases” (giving the benefit of the doubt) since Feb 2020 is 43,119 (most likely dramatically overstated by false positives) but let’s say it is the case. 

Now here’s the bitter reality that they’re locking healthy people down over:

Feb 2020 - Aug 2020 there were cumulatively 25,746 cases 

7 months period - 3,678 cases per month on average. 

This is when the deaths (supposedly with COVID) spiked at around 833 

Rate of death - 119 per month 

Average ages of death around 87 years old (as it is every year)

Sep 2020 - Aug 2021 there were an additional 17,373 cases (43,119 in total since the start of the so called “pandemic”) 

12 month period - 1,448 cases per month on average - a drop of 60% on the preceding year 

Additional deaths (with COVID) 145 

Rate of death - 12.1 per month - a drop of 90% on the preceding year 

Average ages of death around 87 years old 

Current number of active cases 10,223 

Hospitalisations - 554 (5.4%) mostly elderly 

In other words - 94.6% of “cases” are mild or inconsequential or don’t even have symptoms which is in keeping with the rate of false positives likely from the bogus PCR testing. 

ICU - 94 (0.9%) same or less than seasonal flu 

Conclusion - even if you buy the covid narrative, there is no pandemic, there are no spikes in death rates. In fact, 2020 had the lowest crude death rate across the population in the last decade - this in the peak of a supposedly deadly pandemic. 

And in 2021 the case rate and the death rate has dropped so dramatically that it makes the 2019 flu season look like a real pandemic when there were 313,000 confirmed cases of flu and over 4,000 deaths. But hey, no problem then. 

There is no justification for any of these lockdowns of healthy people, closures of business and restrictions on normal movement. It is patently ridiculous and worse, unlawful especially when experimental medical interventions are being forced on Australians for no good reason at all, where these are patently risky, (injury and death stats already attest to this) and where SARS type infections are being very effectively treated and cured elsewhere in the world for next to no  cost and with upward of 93% efficacy. Ivermectin cures this disease. Fact. 

Australians are being coerced, bullied and blackmailed into getting this jab just so they can carry on earning a living. 

It is beyond outrageous. It is criminally negligent and a perpetration of human rights abuses - an attack on its own population. 

We need to stand up and fight this tyranny with the facts and the figures and the law - it is on out side and what is being done by these criminals in office should not and will not stand. 

Stand up and fight, Aussies. 

Tuesday, 17 August 2021



Herd immunity - the re-re-definition thereof - the ever evolving gospel of the World Health Organisation…. 

So now they’re announcing everywhere that herd immunity is a physical impossibility for Covert-19…. this on the back of the WHO changing their definition of “herd immunity” in December 2020 stating that vaccination was the only way to achieve this (see below) where they suddenly wrote out the possibility of attaining herd immunity through natural exposure and relying on innate immunity to do its job. 

I guess they’re going to have to rewrite that definition yet again. It will be interesting to see what horseshit they come up with this time. 

And why has this come about?

Simple really - the “vaccines” don’t work. They are not preventing infection or transmission which is their core duty. That’s the only way that herd immunity could possibly work with vaccination - the chemicalised intervention has to be an effective preventative measure. 

That’s the way natural herd immunity works and always has and will continue to do despite what the vaccine salesmen tell you. 

They’ve blown it. 

But hey, instead of admitting that they fucked up (the legal, ethical and professional ramifications would be beyond imagining) they’ll defend the vaccine to the bitter end simply saying that they couldn’t keep up with the ever mutating virus so that’s why boosters will be necessary. More bullshit  but lots more profit. 

And guess what? Your own innate immune system (unless immunocompromised - potentially by these mRNA meds) adapts to any mutations and variants the pathogenic world can throw at you unless of course your immune system has been reprogrammed to only defend itself against specific pathogens, which is the case with the COVID (non) “vaccines.” They create immunocompromise…

The upshot - there never was any need for a vaccine (arguably there never has been in the entire history of humanity) and we are far too quick to assume that we weren’t originally designed with an evolving immune system that has the means to defend us against pretty much anything coming our way. 

I’m confident in mine though and will remain so forever.

Can’t wait to see the next pearl of wisdom to hit the WHO website - Rev 3 of herd immunity. 

Are you starting to comprehend that there is a lot of intentional obfuscation going on here yet? 

And might I remind you all that the WHO as with the CDC and the technocrats driving the narrative that repeats the messianic virtue of vaccines (unarguably failing here again), Rupert Murdoch and most governments around the world have one thing in common - they are all significantly financially invested in vaccines, none more so than the ones they’re promoting so emphatically right now. 

So again, they can never admit there’s anything wrong with them. They will literally defend them to the death and beyond. 

Ponder that for a bit while the WHO cooks up a new story. 

This is what the WHO, before December last year had on their website as the definition of herd immunity:  (Link here)

“ Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. This means that even people who haven’t been infected, or in whom an infection hasn’t triggered an immune response, they are protected because people around them who are immune can act as buffers between them and an infected person. The threshold for establishing herd immunity for COVID-19 is not yet clear.”


Which they suddenly (and not so surprisingly given their commercial stake in vaccines) changed to this  (Link here)  :

“Herd immunity,” also known as “population immunity,” is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.

Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a  virus, not by exposing them to it.”



In other words, the concept of relying on and utilising one’s own innate immune system was summarily written out of their previous advice and vaccination was blatantly promoted instead. Vaccination was the only way to attain it….

Only, suddenly - it isn’t. 

Back to the drawing board or here’s an idea - just leave nature to its own devices - but as there is no profit in that, a new improved booster and definition and obfuscation is sure to be appearing on the wire pretty soon….

Watch this space….

Monday, 9 August 2021


 Open letter to construction industry employers:

I’m in construction and I just drafted this letter which I will be sending to my management tomorrow. 

I’ve just resigned but this cowardly stance of employers just standing behind the health “orders” is simply egregious. 

Letter to employer 

Dear sirs 


I bring to your attention this latest and egregious imposition on workers’ civil liberties with regard to body autonomy and an attempt at forced experimental medical intervention as recently issued through the State government media release, which, it must be stressed,  is not a law.

I urge you to read this through as I believe you know and understand my diligence and attention to detail when it comes to technical matters, none more so than this.

Anyone’s position on COVID notwithstanding, this coercive bullying tactic basically threatening people with their livelihoods against a demonstrably unnecessary and potentially more dangerous procedure just beggars credulity. And that this company is simply falling into line without any consideration for their employees overarching civil rights, is just shocking. Government overreach on this issue has been steadily increasing and instead of approaching the situation in a meaningful manner and advising citizens of their rights and options when faced with a so-called medical emergency (which the factual data demonstrates this is not), instead they resort to pushing their agenda for mass vaccination onto employers and businesses, leaving the employees to deal with the coercion directly. It is absolutely outrageous. 

This is not an anti-vaxx protest, please understand that – it is an emphatic protest against the proposed implementation of coercive measures and attempted erosion of individual rights, measures which are unarguably unlawful – the current COVID jabs just happens to be the vehicle for this descent into tyranny, for that’s exactly what is being proposed.

There has been a rush from authorities to corral Australians into getting this jab as if it were the be-all and end-all to everything when, even with the so-called Delta variant of this virus and a seriously flawed means of diagnosis aside, which is falsely inflating “infection” rates, the mortality is far lower than any flu events we have experienced in the last  decade – and I do not say this lightly or based on any strange, fringe conspiracy theories or populist rhetoric – this is based on my own research of government websites and databases here and around the world. The number of people reaching similar conclusions is growing while the unwarranted restrictions being imposed by this and other governments is fatally impacting the lives and wellbeing of the people to a far greater degree than any virus ever could.


The response to COVID has been beyond the pale globally and Australia has fallen into that sycophancy of blindly following the authoritarian pronouncements from the WHO and the CDC and other acknowledged health specialists – except when they selectively choose not to. I will expand on that below.

People have been overwhelmed by the absolute scaremongering garbage that has spewed forth from the media and the sock-puppet politicians who are merely following a script rather than actually employing any form of critical interrogative thinking and delving into the minutiae of the issue – they rely instead on the same sycophantically acquiescent supposed health experts when facts and figures (even with spurious infection and mortality rates) demonstrate a markedly different picture to the one the authorities and the media continue to paint.


The reality (even buying into the COvID conflation) is that in 2021 there have been allegedly 7,218 cases and 24 deaths during this year as the infection rate and death rates have dropped dramatically from 2020 (deaths were 82 per month in 2020 and 3 per month in 2021 - a drop of 96%) regardless, which has nothing to do with vaccination (which doesn’t even prevent infection or transmission) so the actual chance of dying from it (allowing for fake diagnosis) is actually 1 in 300 and not 1 in 35 as asserted in The Australian. Again, more media misrepresentation of the numbers where they are using the total claimed infection rates against the total claimed death rate to date. What they aren’t telling you is that even with this spurious infection and death rate, of the supposed 35 thousand plus cases, there was almost 29 thousand of those counted between Feb and Dec of 2020 and the peak death “spike” occurred in Jul / Aug of that year when nobody was really panicking.

What they also aren’t telling you is that, as with flu every year, the deaths that are occurring (that 933 total) is still comprised of elderly people between 75-90 years old (at end of life) and where over 80% of these people had pre-existing health issues. To be brutal - seasonal flu or whatever, they were likely to have died anyway.

In 2019 there were over 4,000 flu related deaths in Australia. The worst infection and death count in the last decade yet no panic or lockdown or unwarranted restrictions because it was simply another seasonal occurrence.

The only difference that has occurred in 2020 and 2021 is the way the media has reported this but there still aren’t any excess deaths or infections - in fact there are less.

In Australia over the last few years counting deaths from ALL causes per week as follows:


2010 - total deaths all causes = 143,473 (2,759 deaths per wk)

Deaths from flu = 2,373


2014 - total deaths all causes = 153,580 (2,953 deaths per wk)

Deaths from flu = 2,879


2019 - total deaths all causes = 168,960 (3,249 deaths per wk)

Deaths from flu = 4,124


2020 - total deaths all causes = 143,205 (2,753 deaths per wk)

Deaths from flu = 2,170

Deaths ASSIGNED to COVID = 833 (figures vary depending on source)

(2020 the peak of the pandemic last year and we had the lowest mortality count for flu/respiratory related in decades and more chance of dying from the flu than from COVID)


2021 - total deaths all causes to Mar 2021 (12 weeks) = 31,363 (2,613 deaths per wk)

Deaths from flu to Mar 2021 = 833 (69 per wk)

Deaths assigned to COVID = 0 (0 per wk)

And now 24 deaths assigned to COvID up to the 7th Aug = 24 (0.75 per wk)

The death rate is lower on average than any in the last decade and sure, perhaps people are more conscious of infection than ever before, I mean who wouldn’t be - but masks and vaccines haven’t made that difference in fact both of those measures are very likely to cause unnecessary attrition.


These figures which are not being broadcast to the public through the media or the government are readily available on the ABS and government health websites and they demonstrate quite clearly that we are not and never have been in the grip of any epidemic let alone a pandemic and that this certainly does not warrant any form of police or military intervention to have understandably disgruntled citizens protest these ridiculous measures as they have done and continue to do.


Besides, the entire premise on which this pandemic has been based is fatally flawed from the get-go as it is based on an entirely unfit for purpose modality, the PCR process (it is not a test – it is an analytical tool)


And, then, to top it all off, there is this detailed, medical article which explains why the current PCR test for COVID-19 is actually 'scientifically meaningless. You can read the full, original article yourself via this link.

You should also read this article which explains the 10 fatal flaws with the current test for covid-19 and why it should be axed.

Please see this document, entitled "The WHO Declares all PCR Tests at High CT to be Potentially 100% False Positives" to understand why governments cannot rely on PCR test results as justification for continued lockdowns or restrictions.

This web page from NSW Health shows that the current number of cycles being used for PCR tests in Australia is 40 - 45 cycles, considerably higher than what the World Health Organisation prescribes for accurate testing!

And, the CDC are now recommending that laboratories stop using PCR tests (to cease from 21/12/2021) because they cannot properly differentiate between covid and the flu!  You can read a copy of that critical CDC Laboratory Alert here.

Yet Australia elects to continue running this ridiculously high cycle threshold PCR “test” which are fated inevitably to ramp up the (false) positives which are then taken to be COVID cases when they demonstrably are not.

I also urge you to read the detailed research conducted by the Covid Medical Network, which includes detailed studies on masks, PCR testing, lockdowns & mental health, and much more, from doctors right here in Australia.


The CDC has now admitted that there is no 'Gold Standard' for the isolation of any virus, anywhere in the world - including COVID-19.  If the virus hasn't even been isolated yet then how do they justify all the lock downs, restrictions, masks, social distancing, vaccines etc.? You can read the full article here.

In addition to this and based on admissions through the health authorities in Alberta Canada, they have reopened their province to resume normal life as they failed to prove that the virus, even in the so-called Delta variant was any more harmful than seasonal flu even if it may have been shown to be marginally more infectious, bearing in mind they too were using the PCR process to determine those “case” counts in the first place. 

Australia blindly and determinedly ignores all of these developments and directives to the detriment of its credibility and its citizens’ wellbeing.

Researchers now admit that they made a big mistake with the COVID-19 'vaccine' and the spike proteins that they produce are a toxin that has been proven to enter the blood stream - something they said previously wasn't possible. You can read the full details of that report here

These revelations have been made known to the Australian parliament however, they refuse to accept the changing landscape and the possibility that they might just have overstepped in all of these areas – got it wrong. But you can rest assured that trillions of dollars are being made in the upper echelons of society and especially through those highly invested in pharmaceutical products and particularly vaccines – when there are effective, approved, peer-reviewed drugs available to combat and cure this thing. Also presented to government who, disingenuously elect to simply look the other way. More outrageous self-interested behaviour which does not have Australian citizens’ wellbeing at heart.


People seem to be increasingly concerned - and rightly so - about being 'forced' to partake in one of the COVID medical experiments aka 'vaccine'. Workers in the health fields are particularly concerned but need not be as the government has now officially come out categorically explained that no employee can force you to either get vaccinated or disclose your vaccination status. You can read the full statement here. Although this specifically relates to aged care, it would apply equally to all health care workers, otherwise they could be sued for discrimination. Yet the health industry continues to threaten their employees with dismissal unless they take this unapproved medication that is causing startling attrition all over the world – something that is continually downplayed as the scaremongering of the virus is exaggerated.

In the High Court case of Attorney-General (Vic) v The Commonwealth (“Pharmaceutical Benefits Case”) (1945) 71 CLR 237 at 257, on page 257, the Court clearly stated that, "But the Parliament could not pass a law requiring citizens of the States to keep their premises clean or to submit to vaccination or immunization." So, quite clearly, the Government cannot make covid-19 vaccinations mandatory in any way, shape or form and that means that no employer can either!

Many people are concerned about their employers forcing, or coercing them, into getting a covid vaccine, with some even threatening to fire them. Please read this important article from  Safe Work Australia, which explains why they simply CANNOT do that!

This status has not changed, regional govt health releases notwithstanding. The local governments are simply pushing this agenda onto employers rather than deal with it themselves, however there are lawyers in NSW that are already rallying to protect workers’ rights and some have issued the following advice to people facing this clinical coercion just to retain their livelihoods:


“IMPORTANT announcement for construction workers.

If you go to work and your boss says you can't come to work until you get jabbed, then go straight to the NSW Police and report that your boss has made the following threats against you:

1. Assault - threatened to cause you injury.

2. Battery or apprehension of a battery by forcibly jabbing you with a poison.

3. Extortion - no jab no job and no pay.

4. Blackmail - the same as 3.”


This would be my own approach were I faced with a similar predicament.


So instead of merely acquiescing to these unwarranted demands being novated by government onto employers to do their dirty work blindly and with no questioning of that authority, I would strongly urge you to look introspectively into the ethos that they preach as being an employer that cares for its workers as if they were family. That doesn’t appear to be the case here at all.

There is no doubt that this situation is extremely divisive, however, it also offers up opportunities to become united behind what we know to be right based on the actual science, the facts, the figures and the obvious misrepresentation of that information as can be evidenced on a daily basis with the most cursory objective research.

If people were dying like flies around us and as is being reported across the globe, a cursory examination of the same government databases and unpacking (as I have done and continue to do) the actual death rates from all causes between 2019 – 2021 and where one would expect to see these hundreds of thousands of excess deaths – they are simply not there – the government statistics do not support what is being claimed and that goes for the UK, the US, India, everywhere that I have examined the data. And that should be of more concern than anything else – the fact that the information is being deliberately distorted and this is certainly the case here in Australia.


Why that is occurring is a case for speculation but occurring it most certainly is – that is verifiable through any form of independent research.


Thus I urge you to review what is going on in this company and take a more critical look at the bigger picture before robotically acting as a postman for a fatally misrepresentative government .


What they are attempting to impose on ordinary Australians and indeed your employees, is unlawful, immoral and in fact unconscionable especially as this company, and the manufacturers of these so-called vaccines are exempt from any liability should an injury or death occur. Where there is a claimed supposed efficacy of these meds of around 92-95% (amelioration of symptoms and transmission – although in Malta and Israel, both highly vaccinated counties, the infection of fully vaccinated people is still statistically significant at over 65% - ergo, it is not reliable) one cannot dismiss (although the government and media continues to do so) the fact that there is a likelihood (even if you do get infected) of 95% of those cases being mild (the govt data attests to this) and that the recovery rate in almost all of the population is still upward of 99.8% which is more effective than any vaccine ever produced.

So there is no scientific or even mathematical reason to get this jab, there are available cheaper, effective alternatives so why this obsessive campaign to have everyone in Australia and the world vaccinated? They say, to attain herd immunity that protects everyone accordingly, however, the WHO, coincidentally a significant stakeholder in commercial vaccines, in October last year  (see detail here) changed the definition of that term from: 


“ Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. This means that even people who haven’t been infected, or in whom an infection hasn’t triggered an immune response, they are protected because people around them who are immune can act as buffers between them and an infected person. The threshold for establishing herd immunity for COVID-19 is not yet clear.”


To this (see detail here)  :

“Herd immunity,” also known as “population immunity,” is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.

Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a  virus, not by exposing them to it.”



In other words, the concept of relying on and utilising one’s own innate immune system was summarily written out of their previous advice and vaccination was blatantly promoted instead.


I am happy to discuss this further but I can assure you that I will be having this same conversation with my new employer accordingly.



Insert your signature here….


This missive would not have been out of place in Berlin circa 1937 with the spectre of the yellow star to be worn by the filthy Jews only this time they’re gearing up for the unclean to be identified if they don’t have the vaccine passport… 

I find it almost impossible to remind myself that I’m living in 21st century Australia when I see what the self-serving tyrants in this government seek to impose on the people who elected them into office.

We should be doing everything possible to have them removed although it isn’t just the people we should be replacing, it should be the entire system itself. It doesn’t work and hasn’t for some time now. f