CSI My and Me, Me, Me, Me, Me – the HO-Ratio
I Googled: “I hate Horatio Cane” and got 34,800 results.
This didn’t surprise me, I have to admit.
God, Chuck Norris and Horatio Caine (Cane?) are all in the same league – only I don’t really hate God – I’ve never met Him yet – well not in a form that I can consciously recall. Besides, God is usually too busy supporting Blue Bulls rugby to waste His time with saps like me…
And believe me – I’ve given Horatio a full go. With the fantastic advent of PVR’s in this decade, I’ve taken to selectively recording the programmes that I really want to watch. And was CSI on that list? Yeah, I guess it kinda was for a while.
Grissom, y’see, had launched the CSI ship and his crew were an accessible and likeable bunch to my mind. I could even put up with Gary Sinise’s wooden style in the New York version of the show but when confronted with Horatio and his blonde sidekick with the Canadian accent (? – y’know words like home, road, boat etc. just don’t come out right) – I found myself cringing more than I had ever done through any single episode of The Office. Difference being, The Office styled itself on its cringe factor and made compelling watching - a testament to the genius of Ricky Gervais. But CSI Miami was taking itself seriously and the Ho-Ratio was something I’d never experienced before.
What’s up with that hands-on-the-hips-head-cocked-to-one-side-sunglassy-whisper he’s got going? I mean, Chuck Norris wishes he was Horatio Caine. Ho just assumes the position and delivers the whisper in his all-seeing, all-knowing, harbinger of criminal doom style that involves so much less exertion than a screech-accompanied roundhouse kick up the side of the head.
It’s a wonder the casting director didn’t spurn Morgan Freeman in the God role for Bruce Almighty. If he’d just watched one episode of CSI Miami, he’d have known right there and then the Almighty Incarnate was on the Florida set in the personage of one David Caruso and He fancied Himself as an actor.
The problem is, of course, that God can’t act worth toffee and should really stick to sorting out Universal catastrophes like GW Bush, global warming and Reality TV – stuff He’s qualified to deal with.
I mean He created all of that stuff (although I think GW and probably most politicians are the handiwork of Lucifer, who on second thought was God’s creation anyway so I guess He still has to assume responsibility for it all…)
It would probably explain why the whole planetary shooting match is going to hell if God/David spends so much time on the set of CSI Miami perfecting that terminally annoying fucking acting style(?)
I thought it might just be me until I did the Google thing and found verbose invectives in abundance on the Internet – collective souls who really couldn’t get through an episode of this crud without deleting it from the PVR or pacing up and down outside, contemplating taking up serial-killing (starting with the cast of CSI Miami) or at the very least starting to chain-smoke rather than facing Ho-Ratio's raisin-rumpled visage on the small screen.
I have a theory on David’s sullen, sombre thespian methodology: if he had to crack a smile, I reckon his face would get so lost in the wrinkled, desiccated skin created by this new expression that he’d never be able to revert back to the omnipotent husky sneer without radical surgery or something.
Horatio’s fizhog is the antithesis of Botox expressionlessness and it’s only his fear of moving too many facial muscles around that prevents any meaningful nuances from emerging. Hence his monotonous, monosyllabic delivery, dripping condescension and nauseating screen presence - a combination that makes you wanna just up and trash the tv to be rid of it...
The turtleneck in Ho’s case is no sweater, of course, it’s his actual wrinkly, freckly neck poking out from the oversized shirt collars, themselves encased in dubiously styled suits that look like Sonny Crockett rejects from the 80’s…
Being of the ginger type hair colour myself (but thankfully no actor), I ponder over the correlation between this pigmentation (Caruso, Norris et-al) and the abysmal acting abilities that accompany it. Is it mere coincidence or is it some cosmic law that ginger-haired men are always going to be fucking atrociously annoying actors?
I don’t know.
But you can rest assured that I will never tempt fate in this regard. I, for one, don’t suffer from a God complex.
Now go and do something useful while I practice my tap-dancing routine on the swimming pool…in readiness for my next audition…
I Googled: “I hate Horatio Cane” and got 34,800 results.
This didn’t surprise me, I have to admit.
God, Chuck Norris and Horatio Caine (Cane?) are all in the same league – only I don’t really hate God – I’ve never met Him yet – well not in a form that I can consciously recall. Besides, God is usually too busy supporting Blue Bulls rugby to waste His time with saps like me…
And believe me – I’ve given Horatio a full go. With the fantastic advent of PVR’s in this decade, I’ve taken to selectively recording the programmes that I really want to watch. And was CSI on that list? Yeah, I guess it kinda was for a while.
Grissom, y’see, had launched the CSI ship and his crew were an accessible and likeable bunch to my mind. I could even put up with Gary Sinise’s wooden style in the New York version of the show but when confronted with Horatio and his blonde sidekick with the Canadian accent (? – y’know words like home, road, boat etc. just don’t come out right) – I found myself cringing more than I had ever done through any single episode of The Office. Difference being, The Office styled itself on its cringe factor and made compelling watching - a testament to the genius of Ricky Gervais. But CSI Miami was taking itself seriously and the Ho-Ratio was something I’d never experienced before.
What’s up with that hands-on-the-hips-head-cocked-to-one-side-sunglassy-whisper he’s got going? I mean, Chuck Norris wishes he was Horatio Caine. Ho just assumes the position and delivers the whisper in his all-seeing, all-knowing, harbinger of criminal doom style that involves so much less exertion than a screech-accompanied roundhouse kick up the side of the head.
It’s a wonder the casting director didn’t spurn Morgan Freeman in the God role for Bruce Almighty. If he’d just watched one episode of CSI Miami, he’d have known right there and then the Almighty Incarnate was on the Florida set in the personage of one David Caruso and He fancied Himself as an actor.
The problem is, of course, that God can’t act worth toffee and should really stick to sorting out Universal catastrophes like GW Bush, global warming and Reality TV – stuff He’s qualified to deal with.
I mean He created all of that stuff (although I think GW and probably most politicians are the handiwork of Lucifer, who on second thought was God’s creation anyway so I guess He still has to assume responsibility for it all…)
It would probably explain why the whole planetary shooting match is going to hell if God/David spends so much time on the set of CSI Miami perfecting that terminally annoying fucking acting style(?)
I thought it might just be me until I did the Google thing and found verbose invectives in abundance on the Internet – collective souls who really couldn’t get through an episode of this crud without deleting it from the PVR or pacing up and down outside, contemplating taking up serial-killing (starting with the cast of CSI Miami) or at the very least starting to chain-smoke rather than facing Ho-Ratio's raisin-rumpled visage on the small screen.
I have a theory on David’s sullen, sombre thespian methodology: if he had to crack a smile, I reckon his face would get so lost in the wrinkled, desiccated skin created by this new expression that he’d never be able to revert back to the omnipotent husky sneer without radical surgery or something.
Horatio’s fizhog is the antithesis of Botox expressionlessness and it’s only his fear of moving too many facial muscles around that prevents any meaningful nuances from emerging. Hence his monotonous, monosyllabic delivery, dripping condescension and nauseating screen presence - a combination that makes you wanna just up and trash the tv to be rid of it...
The turtleneck in Ho’s case is no sweater, of course, it’s his actual wrinkly, freckly neck poking out from the oversized shirt collars, themselves encased in dubiously styled suits that look like Sonny Crockett rejects from the 80’s…
Being of the ginger type hair colour myself (but thankfully no actor), I ponder over the correlation between this pigmentation (Caruso, Norris et-al) and the abysmal acting abilities that accompany it. Is it mere coincidence or is it some cosmic law that ginger-haired men are always going to be fucking atrociously annoying actors?
I don’t know.
But you can rest assured that I will never tempt fate in this regard. I, for one, don’t suffer from a God complex.
Now go and do something useful while I practice my tap-dancing routine on the swimming pool…in readiness for my next audition…
Dear Paul! Could I use the picture and qoute you on my blog??? Would be great (of course I backlink it to you.) Thank you.
Sure, go crazy.
You’re welcome to use any material as long as there’s a back-link.
Let me just get this straight (having viewed your blog) –are you a fan or not?
Doesn’t seem quite clear – seems there’s a grudging respect laced with a large degree of parody.
Do you secretly fantasise about David then hate yourself for doing so? (LOL)
PS –I think my own caricature is much better than the one on your blog…
Thank you. It is greatly appreciated. No, I'm not exactly a fan. I agree with most of what you said but the fantasizing.
LoL sanoi...
Let me just get this straight (having viewed your blog) –are you a fan or not?
She is not a fan .. she is a stalker.. she is obsesseed about the person she hates.
check out this page.
Just to put things in perspective -I use the blog and the Internet as a tool for publishing & sharing thoughts & accessing information - not as an ethereal hunting territory...
The Caruso/Ho-Ratio post is a once-off parody of the man and his style(?)
Job done, chuckle had - next subject.
The only recurring thread throughout my blog is the controversy surrounding the (alleged) correlation between HIV and AIDS.
As far as Mr Caruso goes - I'm done with him.
Cheers & good humour
Tanya, tanya, tanya - nice try, really. I'm flattered that you call me "stalker". Well, that is just your opinion nothing more or less. You should really stop smoking that bad stuff.
One of you has more than one site dedicated to the denigration of David Caruso, the other has a site dedicated to the activities of the Caruso trasher...
Sounds a little obsessive on both counts to me.
Would it not be more beneficial all round to use the technology at our disposal a little more responsibly?
Still, whatever floats your boat...
I wish I had that much time on my hands...
Vixen said...
Tanya, tanya, tanya - nice try, really. I'm flattered that you call me "stalker". Well, that is just your opinion nothing more or less. You should really stop smoking that bad stuff.
not my opinion.. it is the truth!!!
sorry but i don't need to smoke anything, I bet you've forgot your pill once again.
LoL sanoi...
One of you has more than one site dedicated to the denigration of David Caruso, the other has a site dedicated to the activities of the Caruso trasher...
Sounds a little obsessive on both counts to me.
Would it not be more beneficial all round to use the technology at our disposal a little more responsibly?
Still, whatever floats your boat...
I wish I had that much time on my hands
That's true, but non of them are not mine.. LOL::
Sounds a little obsessive on both counts to me.
RIGHT. I may be obsessed wih caruso but Tanya is obviously obsessed with ME. But hey I don't mind. My very own stalker. Funny.
@LoL: As this blog belongs to me, I'd like to speak on my own behalf.
Just to offer some perspective here, though your entry is obviously tongue-in-cheek, I suspect that when you gave "Vixen" permission to back-link your content from her personal blog(s), you weren’t aware she used multiple pseudonyms to back-link your entry from IMDb (among other sites), and in a manner that deliberately mischaracterizes the fact that it's satirical.
That's how I found myself on your blog -- via a back-link from IMDb.com (which I’ve regularly surfed for years).
Now, I assume that the web surfers, looking on from the sites receiving these back-links, don't appreciate that your content (or anyone's content, for that matter) has been seemingly misappropriated. We also get a little annoyed that this subsequently disrupts the folks trying to mind their business on normal internet message boards.
Where unmoderated websites are especially concerned, such patterns of disruption are why I initially launched the blog.
...And is why I cringe at the idea that you perceive my blog to reflect an obsession. I do have real "off-line" priorities (as my rarely-updated blog might suggest), and as it became clear that this character had serious "issues," I've made less of an effort to bother "keeping up".
Truth be told, I would much rather prefer that my favorite websites were just actively moderated.
For what reasons ever you post those things it is still obsessed. But I always knew that. Just the pot calling the kettle black. Laughable. Too bad if people are allowed to post their opinions, right? Just because it is right for you doesn't mean it has to be right for others.
I never misappropriated anything - but it is good to know that I have so many - obsessed ones (ouch!) out there. LOL
Rachel, thanks for the heads-up on your perspective.
I have to confess to being somewhat virginal at this whole blog thing; thus you are correct in your assumption that I was unaware of any multiplicity involved regarding backlinks or the motive for doing so.
Your lucid (and I believe, plausible) explanation of your own motivation for your whacko blog now makes more sense and I apologise if I characterised you inaccurately.
I can categorically state that my own blogging motivations are sound and certainly not driven by obsession in any way (except perhaps my personal conviction of the entire global HIV = AIDS scam).
I do certanly take exception to anyone who deliberately misrepresents someone's blog content, which behaviour may, as a consequence, inadevertently tar the ethical blogger with same brush as an obsessive-compulsive Internet predator.
It is not only disruptive, as you put it, it is downright pernicious.
If that has happened in this case - I will be heartily pissed off and will take care to investigate more fully anyone asking permission to backlink in future.
I am so naive...
But thanks for your frankness of response. It is appreciated.
Would also be nice to learn more about you...
@LoL: No need to apologize! I fully understand how and why you (or anyone, really) would be bewildered by my blog at face value.
I’ve began anticipating the need to explain myself to fellow bloggers because admittedly, my blog’s theme is rather unorthodox. And I’d say that these misunderstandings are pretty inevitable, perhaps because of the very issues of anonymity/multiplicity involved, as you mentioned.
You’re not naïve at all; the circumstances are really bizarre to begin with and there's no way you would've known what was going on. In fact, I hope you aren't in any way deterred from granting permissions for back-links in the future.
I've actually been quietly and thoughtfully reading your other entries (critiquing the characterization of the "HIV/AIDS" debate). Though my undergraduate concentration was primarily in political theory, I also studied a bit of international politics/geopolitics/human rights so I'm intrigued by a good deal of your writing.
Far from obsessive; from what I've read thus far, I would think that your AIDS-relevant entries appear to be deeply informative.
Oh, as for more about myself:
I’m a twenty-something year old student from Toronto (Canada). I spend a lot of time on the computer -- though not necessarily on-line – as a result of my studies. When I am on-line, I tend to silently lurk, read and enjoy websites/blogs that feature a variety of topics – TV shows, political debate, political satire, general satire, music and pop culture.
I'm also easily amused and enjoy irony, euphemisms/innuendo, camp, dark humor and (as I’ve mentioned) satire.
Your blog would thus seem to be right up my alley.
Actually, I've already had a good chuckle at your "SA Idol/Idle" entry and -- in spite of the weird circumstances -- even rather enjoyed "The Ho-ratio" (I do watch CSI: Miami but I have a good sense of humor about all the shows I enjoy).
I'm, ah...also prone to long, detailed forum/blog comments when given the chance.
Sorry 'bout that. :o)
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