Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Don't you just hate it when everything you've worked for over a long period of time gets sucked into the hoover of corporate greed and the new kids on the block want to fuck you over for as little as possible?
One of my personal bugbears: at any given time, businessmen are given the opportunity to do the "right" and honourable thing and yet nine times out of ten they elect to try and screw over
a) The client
b) The suppliers
c) Their own people
d) All of the above
Done with this bullshit. Death to this and the birth of new beginnings...
Sunday, 15 December 2013
On Mandela's Final Farewell
On Mandela's final farewell
I know much will still be said, much has already been said but watching that funereal procession done military style with the mournful dirge echoing out across the Qunu plains and the accompanying cannon fusillade, this ritual has really brought it home to me quite emphatically.
It stirred within me much more emotion than I've felt up until now.
The liberator of a nation is truly being laid to rest now.
I guess the fact that these are the hills and fields in which the young Rolihlahla played with his friends, before embarking on a life of such magnitude, and to which he now returns, seem so much more poignant than the lying in state or the stadium event that preceded it. Certainly for me.
This is visceral. This is going home. This is saying goodbye.
This is the beginning of a new era should we allow that.
I sincerely hope that we do.
Hamba kahle, Madiba and thank you.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
E-Toll Gatvol
Engage the public - we did that - the ANC perception
A lie, of course, another disingenuous deception
And when, at last, we do find out their nasty little scheme
And challenge it they merely say: We don't know what you mean!
What they don't know or won't admit or choose just to ignore
I think they may have bitten off more than they've ever done before
The topic then, I'm glad you ask, it's packaged as e-Toll
The straw that breaks the camel's back - for us we're just GATVOL!
Friday, 29 November 2013
I once thought that it had to be me or perhaps just the calibre of the staff in the companies I dealt with through emailed correspondence, (which, in most countries, is legally binding communication), when it came to atrocious (read: nonexistent) email etiquette.
And it is clear that:
a) No-one in any business school teaches this stuff
b) Common sense is totally absent from the process
Why, for example, when you have taken the time to CC various recipients on a mail, does the primary respondent elect to REPLY rather than REPLY TO ALL when he responds?
Is this just retarded, unconsciously stupid, deliberately obtuse or obliviously ignorant?
I'm never sure...
But when I politely reply (after having added back all the omitted people in the mail trail) requesting that ALL on the mailing list should be included in any responses, more often than not, the fuckwit simply hits the REPLY button again and thus commences the process all over again...
And if you happen to mention a person in the context of a formal communiqué, it is apposite that that person is included in the CC window, otherwise what is being implied if they are omitted?
This is akin to talking behind one's back when transparency should be the order of the day. Besides, if what you are saying about that person in a professional capacity is in any way inaccurate, it at least offers them the right of reply unless, of course, you are intending to sully their name in a private discourse.
Then there is the content of the email itself.
You are generating an enquiry which involves several questions, which, in my usual project management anal-retentive approach, I place into a numbered list requesting that my queries are addresssed point for point.
Lo and behold, in the majority of cases, the respondent might answer 60 or 80% of your queries and omit replying to the rest and thus you sit wondering if
a) They didn't manage to read to the end of the mail (another contemporary disease that besets society in our abbreviated approach to any form of detail)...
b) They did read it all but don't have all the answers...
In either case, it requires yet another email politely (but firmly) asking the twat about the unanswered questions. And if it's a typical contemporary mailmoron, you can bet that you'll be adding in all the omitted recipients which he forgot to include in his incomplete response.
Even if the fucktard has read to the end of the mail (yeah, right!), then surely it makes sense to simply write a reply along the lines of: In answer to your queries 1 - 4, I advise as follows......, however, in the case of 5 & 6, I shall have to research those issues and get back to you (they usually say "revert" which they think means "get back to you" when in fact, it simply means to return to a previous state - interesting when they always seem to exist in a state of permanent opacity!).
But no, there is simply a part answer and no suggestion that they have read, understood and are working on the balance of the unanswered shit and so commences the next round of emails.
What really slays me is when I receive a mail requesting a bunch of detailed information which I send by return mail (to all recipients and more besides if that's apposite), usually embedded below each of the queries in the original text with a covering note in the body of my response. And very often even that fails when the information supplied is deemed to be "too complicated" or too much info to digest!
There is absolutely no doubt that as we "progress"with our technological "advancements" that the facets of common sense, courtesy and the ability to actually process information moves in the opposite direction entirely if there is any type of effort or real thinking involved.
And the cherry for me is when people ask: why do you send so many emails to me?
When the obvious reply would be: Because, you fucking retard, you failed to respond to all of my original enquires in the first place and you omitted the recipients on that email and those which followed so if you are going to adopt a piecemeal approach to dealing with issues then expect an iterative approach in return.
If, however, you elect to answer all queries meaningfully and entirely and include all original recipients in that response then - hey - we would get away with just two emails to address the entire caboodle.
You fucking arsehole!
End of rant
Sunday, 27 October 2013
We're doing the shoo-wow wander around the Soul Space Holistic Fair at Kloofzicht Lodge today - Karen and I, mingling with the masseuses, Tibetan singing bowl ringers, overpriced organic and vegan food vendors, soothsayers, transcendental practitioners and the like.
And it has to be said that the 1 hour neck, back and shoulders massage augmented my mood somewhat to a high degree of receptivity as far as the good vibes were concerned.
The music was funky, the wafting potpourri of Indian incense intoxicating, the Neo dancers rich in variant somatotypes and the ubiquitous hippy fashionistas predictably flared and shaggy, their beatific smiles punctuating the backdrop like mobile Woodstock wallpaper.
Karen, as is her wont, booked a session with a couple of space cadets aka psychic practitioners, the first appointment necessitating the scheduling of the second as the "specialist" in question took the opportunity to promote himself and his claimed skillset rather than offer some otherworldly insight into Karen's current life situation - the intended agenda as far as she was concerned.
A tad disgruntled, she booked another session with a different practitioner, this time a member of the fairer sex and one seemingly more willing to provide the promised service.
It has to be asked: if these people are indeed gifted and can see beyond the veil as it were, then surely they must have an inkling as to the expectations of the client seeking insight from them? And it doesn't take a clairvoyant to work out that a potential client isn't going to pay you a fee to hear a whole lot of promotional marketing fluff about yourself and if they do think or believe such a thing, they must surely be delusional?
It may however be that at some deeper, subconscious level, my lovely wife wasn't really seeking those specific insights and decided subliminally to sabotage the outcomes. If that was the case then it worked underwhelmingly well with the first self-proclaimed savant, however, the best was yet to come.
The lady lined up for the second session had agreed to see Karen on the strength of a good-natured urging from her husband and manager who convinced the good lady to forego her afternoon tea break and fit in an extra reading.
So resolved, Karen pitched up at the surprisingly vacant booth at the prescribed time only to be informed that said soothsayer had been whisked off by a medical team having tumbled down the stairs fracturing both of her arms in the process!
"Should she not have had some precognition of this event?" says I.
"I dunno," my wife replies as we head off for some exotic smelling tea inevitably devoid of any actual flavour.
As we sat sipping the overpriced subtle (read: tasteless) brew I was certain I spotted a broken-limbed homunculus reposing in Karen's handbag or was this vision the result of the odd flavoured mushrooms I had with lunch....?
I might have to ask the forest divas to confirm this one way or the other...
Monday, 21 October 2013
Extract from The First Book of PRANA (Parts 1 - 4)
Jack Tyler (recently rendered absent from control of his own being albeit remaining as a dispassionate observer from within himself), witnesses Lucifer (Lew), now in control of his body, spend the first night with Jack's wife, Jemma...
The road trip was upon me earlier than I’d anticipated. If
I’d been in possession of my human emotions I had a strong feeling I’d have
been throwing up at Lew’s saccharin sentimentality. Thankfully I was spared the
emotive aspects of his performance with Jemma but one thing he did manage to
secure, the sly dog, was her blessing for my road trip. By the time he’d
finished licking her toes, drooling where I’d never drooled before and generally
trading foreplay for grovelling, he’d pretty much won her over. She saw me in a
whole new light. It was a light I was certain would flicker and fade when I
regained control of my entire body sometime in the future. However, it was a
performance worthy of praise from the casual observer, if one had to measure it
upon physical performance alone. No small coincidence that Lew behaved like a
veritable demon. What transpired could hardly have been construed as lovemaking
but it was not without passion. He literally fucked her from one end of the
bedroom to the other, over the bath, in the bath, against the dressing table,
straddling the ottoman, on the bed, under the bed and finally half in and half
out of the dressing room. It was exhausting merely observing such a mercurial
bout of shagging. But inexplicably he had my good wife eating out of his hands
by the end of the evening.
The disaster of Kate’s botched pantomime performance was
nothing but a distant memory after Jemma’s fourth orgasm. I was certain I could
feel my manly organ increasing in length and girth beyond its usual capacity
and tried vainly to thrust this thought into Lew’s maddened lust-filled brain
as rapidly as he thrust my penis in and out of Jemma’s receptive quim.
Intercession was, however, useless, which was as diametrically opposed to his
prowess as was possible. Actions did indeed speak louder than words or, in this
case, thoughts.
I didn’t know if I’d ever given my wife an orgasm in all
the time I’d known her. She went through the motions of grunting, gasping and
panting at all the right times but nothing compared with the twisting,
shrieking frenzy I witnessed this night. There was no faking this. Her
misty-eyed devotion in the afterglow paid testament to that. Her fawning
acceptance of my need to forge into the regional wilderness in pursuit of
riches for our suddenly idyllic marriage nearly made me puke. I would have,
given the capacity. As it was I watched helplessly as my body lit a cigar and
polluted my lungs with its pungent smoke. Protesting that I was a non-smoker
was useless particularly as I didn’t really give a monkey’s anyway. Lew sat in
the darkened lounge wearing my bathrobe, smoking my guest cigars and sipping on
a Wild Turkey, feet tapping in time to Hotel California.
Somewhere amid the steamy, miasmic aftermath of sexual
madness, in a twist of Biggie Best linen, Jemma slumbered like a Cheshire cat.
There should have been something deeply disturbing about this, I thought. But
for the life of me I just couldn’t feel it.
The First Book Of PRANA - coming soon... watch this space...
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
this is one of those things...
It's time to take a break from Facebook for a little while and get some real work done...
It's unlikely I'll see what people are up to this week and I feel strangely liberated.
Later, folks....
Saturday, 12 October 2013
So let me get this straight:
When someone writes out: I (with a heart symbol) something....
That means literally: I LOVE something - right?
And when they don't have the means to create a heart symbol, they write out: I HEART something...
Why the fuck don't they just write: I LOVE something - which is what they meant to say in the first place?
I think I am going insane!
Monday, 7 October 2013
In Memoriam - Alan Yule and Margaret Sinclair Murray
Today is an evocative day on so many levels.
It's a day when I am more contemplative than usual which, for me, is often introspection overload.
But that's a process involving catharsis if you allow it to simply be.
I shall meditate on this day and, like some would have it, relink to the events it commemorates through the wonder of the hidden energies into which we can connect in those magical quiet moments.
Yes, there is magic - you only have to look for it. It's there.
You see, today is the anniversary of my father's birthday and I have no idea how old he would have been in corporeal years had he still been alive today - that's my sister, Norma's department. Girls know that kind of stuff, boys just don't - we're wired differently. He would've been somewhere in his eighties is all I really know.
But I never forget his birthday - how can I - he was my dad. He was the guy who took me to my first football match, always seemed so much larger than life when I was a wee boy and who had that irresistable dad smell - all Old Spice, Embassy filters and - well - dad. A safe, strong place to be. In my dad's arms.
He was the one who put the food on the table, introduced our family to the exotic cuisine he'd experienced as a distant voyager in the Royal Navy. Small children eating prawns and snails or paella wasn't exactly the order of the day in Portobello Edinburgh in the 60's - I doubt if it's the order of the day even now. He was the one who found it more challenging to break barriers in his professional career than he did geographically - he pioneered our relocation from Scotland to South Africa in the 70's rather than fuck around between Edinburgh and Glasgow. If you're going to make a change make it intercontinental why doncha! And I think of that today as we too are poised on another intercontinental excursion - Australia set to become our new home.
And that's where my dad eventually settled and where he died...my mum too.
My mum. That pint-sized firebrand who ran on laughter and goodwill. The woman who kept white spirit vinegar in the fridge much to my horror when it was mistakenly yet capaciously quaffed by a dessicated, hungover son (almost killing him in the process) when I stayed with her on one of my many visits. The elbow wielding, jumper-knitting, people-loving lady who sang to us in the sweetest voice or entertained us with silly rhymes and always encouraged us to be the best people we could ever be.
Diminutive of stature - gigantic in heart.
But even more significantly, as if separation, divorce and bitterness could keep my parents apart, my mother - mum- had other ideas.
Yes, they had been together for over thirty years (seems like a lifetime but isn't really that long when you are in your own special relationship) and they had drifted apart, South Africa and its man's-world ethos playing a potent role in that outcome so they had decided to try another continent to repair the rift. But Australia didn't have that capacity and nor, it turned out, did they.
But we always knew that despite the trials and acrimony that may have recycled throughout their relationship that dad was always the love of mum's life. Even when they were much older and apart, separated by denial, state borders and new relationships - they were always together in spirit.
To the degree that my mum chose to depart this world on his birthday. Yes, she joined him today somewhere, somehow because she knew he knew that they still had that love - the same love we could feel from them as children where unspokenly we had been given a gauge in our lives for what the real thing should feel like.
And I have been blessed enough to have found that.
Thus, on the day that my dad was born and my mum chose to join him in their eternal tryst - I give thanks to them and pay homage for the joy, the laughter, the lessons and most of all for the love.
My tears today are for sadness and for grace and for you.
I miss you both so very much...
Sunday, 6 October 2013
What is perhaps noteworthy that everyone has missed: they're both HIV+
That is, suffering from Hype Induced Vanity
Get a fucking life, girls!
Friday, 27 September 2013
Yeah, trust the pseudo-Americans to lay claim to a holiday in commemoration of their antecedents' genocidal tendencies. Go figure.
Mind you, they used to have a Dingaan's Day here in South Africa and while being a very significant and influential Zulu Chieftain of yore, he was actually a homicidal maniac.
The holiday has subsequently been renamed.
A nation lauds its heroes upon whom they've based their ethos and culture so I'm guessing in the US we can soon look forward to a Charles Manson Day, Bernie Madoff Day, Columbine Mass Murder Day right alongside the good old genocidal Columbus Day and so on....
In Australia they must by default then have a Terra Incognito Day to make the settlers feel better about nicking the Aboriginals' land before exterminating them in droves.
The point is - have we learned from this and more important - have we moved on and improved?
Not sure that we have on either count.
Mind you, they used to have a Dingaan's Day here in South Africa and while being a very significant and influential Zulu Chieftain of yore, he was actually a homicidal maniac.
The holiday has subsequently been renamed.
A nation lauds its heroes upon whom they've based their ethos and culture so I'm guessing in the US we can soon look forward to a Charles Manson Day, Bernie Madoff Day, Columbine Mass Murder Day right alongside the good old genocidal Columbus Day and so on....
In Australia they must by default then have a Terra Incognito Day to make the settlers feel better about nicking the Aboriginals' land before exterminating them in droves.
The point is - have we learned from this and more important - have we moved on and improved?
Not sure that we have on either count.
Monday, 23 September 2013
On Joan Rivers and female comedy
Well, whoever said that women aren't funny isn't sharing my reality although, as with anything in this society, men contrive to control everything through illusory assertions which, in the stratagem of forced repetition, most of us seem to accept as the stereotypical reality.
It's not - it's just product.
I made a statement on Facebook about Joan Rivers representing America metaphorically - plastic on the outside and cynical within which was a joke, of course, although I do harbour a very jaded opinion of America which is founded unfairly on what its so-called leaders do and say rather than the kaleidoscopic ethos of its colourful citizens who retain that magnificent quality of self deprecation and a vision that looks behind the bullshit.
And it's through the agency of comedy, particularly, nationally introspective parody that so many of us can laugh at ourselves although that process is so often laced with pathos at what we've collectively come to represent that the laughter might just be tinged with a touch of shame and inevitably, catharsis.
And sure there may indeed be far too many male comedians comparative to the female counterpoint so in that sense, Joan Rivers is iconic in that she is harsh, shameless and takes no prisoners just as Bill Maher, George Carlin et-al have always done - comedy has become socio-political commentary and has forged the essence of many a nation's conscience.
And as in days of yore, men have always known (at some level) the innate inner power of the feminine principle, the goddess energy - that which not only creates but enshrines the desire to nurture life and this has been perceived as a threat to that physical, bombastic, pervasive and illusory might that men have, for millennia, fought to maintain.
As life and our world continue to unfold and evolve, I think we all know (whether we care to admit it or not) that this feminine principle is the positive force that glues it all together despite the legacy of male destructiveness which has brought us to the brink of cataclysm and would have us continually poised there in a state of fear as a means of maintaining that male dominated "control".
I think "authentic" people help smash that illusion and perpetuate the freedom that cannot be compromised - that of our spirit where our strength and humour lie.
Joan may appear in a package of colourful nipped, tucked, superficiality but what lies beneath and what issues forth from those botoxed lips is the truth and there's the rub. The paradox of the parody.
Men currently and fragiley perpetuate a world of unsustainability which inevitably will be saved by the feminine principle and that, I do believe, is the real joke as the last laugh will be on men.
And the funniest woman on the planet is actually my wife. She makes me laugh in ways that every person should laugh - from the belly. And in laughter there should always be love.
It's not - it's just product.
I made a statement on Facebook about Joan Rivers representing America metaphorically - plastic on the outside and cynical within which was a joke, of course, although I do harbour a very jaded opinion of America which is founded unfairly on what its so-called leaders do and say rather than the kaleidoscopic ethos of its colourful citizens who retain that magnificent quality of self deprecation and a vision that looks behind the bullshit.
And it's through the agency of comedy, particularly, nationally introspective parody that so many of us can laugh at ourselves although that process is so often laced with pathos at what we've collectively come to represent that the laughter might just be tinged with a touch of shame and inevitably, catharsis.
And sure there may indeed be far too many male comedians comparative to the female counterpoint so in that sense, Joan Rivers is iconic in that she is harsh, shameless and takes no prisoners just as Bill Maher, George Carlin et-al have always done - comedy has become socio-political commentary and has forged the essence of many a nation's conscience.
And as in days of yore, men have always known (at some level) the innate inner power of the feminine principle, the goddess energy - that which not only creates but enshrines the desire to nurture life and this has been perceived as a threat to that physical, bombastic, pervasive and illusory might that men have, for millennia, fought to maintain.
As life and our world continue to unfold and evolve, I think we all know (whether we care to admit it or not) that this feminine principle is the positive force that glues it all together despite the legacy of male destructiveness which has brought us to the brink of cataclysm and would have us continually poised there in a state of fear as a means of maintaining that male dominated "control".
I think "authentic" people help smash that illusion and perpetuate the freedom that cannot be compromised - that of our spirit where our strength and humour lie.
Joan may appear in a package of colourful nipped, tucked, superficiality but what lies beneath and what issues forth from those botoxed lips is the truth and there's the rub. The paradox of the parody.
Men currently and fragiley perpetuate a world of unsustainability which inevitably will be saved by the feminine principle and that, I do believe, is the real joke as the last laugh will be on men.
And the funniest woman on the planet is actually my wife. She makes me laugh in ways that every person should laugh - from the belly. And in laughter there should always be love.
Friday, 20 September 2013
And so, as George Carlin might have once said: Here's another bunch of people who should be beaten to a pulp with mining equipment and left to bleed in a twitching heap - the feelgood fuckwits.
These are the people who always purport to take the higher moral ground usually because they've never struggled a day in their old-school-tie, daddy-paid-for-varsity-and-my-car-and-my-bail lives!
These are the ones who post a really tear-jerkingly, tragic then uplifting story on Facebook that has you snotty then ultimately all warm and fuzzy until they cap off their repost with:
"Like and repost if you care. Ignore means you don't care..."
What the fuck! Who suddenly made you the guilt police, douchebag?
If the story is good enough to repost, I'll fucking repost it - not because you have elected to give me a little nudge in the direction of moral rectitude. And just for that presumption - you can go fuck yourself, you sanctimonious, self-righteous, preachy little twat!
And the story can go fuck itself too just because of you!
And if that doesn't seem right and you're thinking - ag shame - two wrongs don't make a right - you can go fuck yourself as well - with the same rusty cheesegrater that Preachy Douchebag number one just used.
Let the story speak for itself, for fuck's sake. There are enough politically-correct, anal-retentive, OCD, control-freaky, authoritarian, nosy, holier-than-thou arseholes in the world as it is - we don't need to have our decision-making on Facebook and other social media networks policed as well - Zuckerberg and a few select US government agencies are already doing that on your behalf.
You wanna do something really morally upstanding and worthwhile? Go volunteer at a soup kitchen for the homeless, you supercilious knobhead - oh and remember to insist that the scabby, smelly poor bastards only consume wheat-free, ozone-friendly, free-range, animal-free, nutrition without any unnatural additives, preservatives, chemicals or synthetic substances...because it's all been donated by you, of course!
And when you're done with that - help undress the hapless gits, pare their corns, wash their feet and scrape the fungus off their asses before tucking them up in bed to an educational story with a suitably subtle and apposite socio-political moral to try get them on the same straight and oh-so narrow road that you believe yourself to be on...
Get that right and I'll repost anything you fucking wish anytime you wish it.
These are the people who always purport to take the higher moral ground usually because they've never struggled a day in their old-school-tie, daddy-paid-for-varsity-and-my-car-and-my-bail lives!
These are the ones who post a really tear-jerkingly, tragic then uplifting story on Facebook that has you snotty then ultimately all warm and fuzzy until they cap off their repost with:
"Like and repost if you care. Ignore means you don't care..."
![]() |
GAK! |
What the fuck! Who suddenly made you the guilt police, douchebag?
If the story is good enough to repost, I'll fucking repost it - not because you have elected to give me a little nudge in the direction of moral rectitude. And just for that presumption - you can go fuck yourself, you sanctimonious, self-righteous, preachy little twat!
And the story can go fuck itself too just because of you!
And if that doesn't seem right and you're thinking - ag shame - two wrongs don't make a right - you can go fuck yourself as well - with the same rusty cheesegrater that Preachy Douchebag number one just used.
Let the story speak for itself, for fuck's sake. There are enough politically-correct, anal-retentive, OCD, control-freaky, authoritarian, nosy, holier-than-thou arseholes in the world as it is - we don't need to have our decision-making on Facebook and other social media networks policed as well - Zuckerberg and a few select US government agencies are already doing that on your behalf.
You wanna do something really morally upstanding and worthwhile? Go volunteer at a soup kitchen for the homeless, you supercilious knobhead - oh and remember to insist that the scabby, smelly poor bastards only consume wheat-free, ozone-friendly, free-range, animal-free, nutrition without any unnatural additives, preservatives, chemicals or synthetic substances...because it's all been donated by you, of course!
![]() |
Holier-than-thou vomit only |
Get that right and I'll repost anything you fucking wish anytime you wish it.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Interesting that when we surf the Internet and use web applications like Facebook and suchlike, the boys at Google, Big Brother, the NSA, CIA, FBI et-al are all having a good old peek at what we're up to and where we are doing it from.
Yep, they are. Maybe not like in a surveillance-centre situation like Pine Gap in Australia, an official government-funded eavesdropping site in collaboration with the US DOD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Gap) - and there are a few more besides, dotted all over the world - but there are programmed algorithms that screen for subversive phrases, websites, surfing content etc.
Trust me, this is how it works.
And the porn industry have got their SEO story in order (I am told by a good, filthy friend of mine...who would prefer to remain anonymous but hey - credit where it's due - Norman, you old dog!)
So no surprise when you just happen to inadvertently stumble across a porn site by mistake - probably some URL left in the browser history by a previous user - your wife or kids for example and voila - there you are at hornycoedswithvegetables.com or something equally tasteful...and these little regionally-apposite ads appear dotted around the page while you might be viewing Co-ed Candy preparing a butternut for tonight's stew...
Yeah, there are those ads for singles and easygoing MILF's (whatever those may be Mature Intellectual Lady Friends or something) and lo-and behold all in the very region from where you are accidentally viewing this website. And no questions asked by all accounts.
The wonders of modern technology and cyber communication eh?
As an aside - if there is a person on the planet who has access to the Internet and cannot get laid then I'm afraid it's suicide for you, my friend - and I'm sure there are websites for that as well....
But what I'm failing to understand is the ads that pop up during my Facebook sojourns as illustrated in the picture accompanying this post.
First off, they're telling me I'm a fat bastard and that I should be dieting using their chosen methodology. Now, it may be true to say that the midriff has thickened with the onset of fit-and-fifty-syndrome but as a vegetarian and an exerciser, non-drinker, non-smoker etc., I am still comfortably slipping (euphemism for wriggling) into my 34-36" (86-90cm) waisted trousers and have only gone up 1 size in about 30 years so they can take their fucking diet regimen and have it for dinner themselves, preferably via enema - the cheeky bastards!
Moving down the list, apparently they have been tracking my recent posts about the now-defunct iPod Touch and my whinge at Apple per-se. And thus appears the knight-in-shining-armour mobile device in the guise of Samsung. It could, of course, simply be that they've really, really perused my profile and are aware of my allegiance to the Blues of Chelsea Football Club, themselves sponsored by Samsung. Either way - they KNOW!
And fuck me if they haven't been reading the posts about potentially impending transportation of our piggies via trailer - there's an ad for one of those very machines right there. Spooky huh?
But, as they say in all the very best TV ads, wait - there's more!
Sliding further down the column (if you'll pardon the expression) I am invited to link up with one, Joanna Krupa, Polish super-model and all round babe it would appear. And this is where it begins to get a tad confusing...
Below that is the second partnering invitation - this time for Oriental love - is this at the bottom of the ad column because they are renowned for providing a happy-ending?
I am at a loss.
It has to be said that out of idle curiosity I clicked on those particular links - just to see what it was all about, you understand, in the interest of fair and accurate blogging....
And there - you see - perfectly harmless. On the Joanna Krupa link (now a US citizen by all accounts) right there crammed in with the ads for Ukrainian and Polish singles is the ad for Project Management courses (something I clearly need) as well as a download to speed up the Mac I'm using - the sneaky little so-and-so's...
But there is something seriously amiss with the "Secret Of Asian Women" link.
There I find that hot Asian women are looking for a normal guy like me.... and just by answering 3 easy questions, I will be doing it sideways in the Oriental way in a matter or moments, never to cast my eyes in the direction of another occidental woman again...
And that could be true - all of it but me, a normal guy? - that is just too far fetched to even think about.
I have no idea where they get this idea that I have this Oriental fetish though.
Ah, must dash, Karen is calling me back to our kinbaku session.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
I don't think it's just me is it? But there has been a more frank and unashamed approach to sex on film these days and I'm not talking your regular porn flick deep pink fare - no, I'm talking about the offerings being produced by Hollywood on TV and in film now being served up with increasing frequency.
It must be stated here and now, however, these are merely observations and certainly not complaints. Not yet, anyhow.
More tits, ass and full frontal exposures (even penile appendages, much to my good lady's amusement as she sees this as leveling the field somewhat after decades of womanly nudity with no male counterpoint) have become manifest with the advent of.... what? A more mature, discerning audience? Hmmmmm - perhaps not methinks.
I think it's simply a case of the global population having become gradually inured to the unspeakable "horror" of naked flesh on their screens - this, obviously, until now more horrifying than gratuitous violence with which the media networks see fit to inundate us on an hourly basis as Global Super Powers sabre-rattle or progress(?) to actually bombing the shit of people in the troubled Middle Earth region of our beleaguered planet. Therein lies true, unspeakable horror of a more naked type than the beauty of the human form, warts and all.
The war paradigm is a sad reality which I try hard to see beyond but the ongoing motion picture of Earth's staged anthropogenic conflicts, while devastating in a shameful, pernicious way, lack in their entirety, the majesty and magnificence of Gaia's own rumblings and bellicose rants - for me, terrestrial traits that have been cyclical and ongoing for millennia and not sudden, catastrophic changes imposed upon the planet by humankind's unsavoury activities as much as that would appease my own cynical sensibilities.
Point is - I simply don't believe it. The science (when scrutinised objectively and removed from the politicisation of this topic) simply doesn't hold up. The whole thing is bogus.
Returning, however, to the topic of sex on film, mainstream film: what for me is even more difficult to swallow (pardon the expression) is the manner in which this is presented. That is unbelievable. Not in the contemporary sense of - WOW - fucking unbelievable! In the sense that it lacks credulity on any level.
These Hollywood personages may indeed have the capacity and opportunity to bump, grind and shag like rabid rabbits in all manner of acrobatic, contortional positions which would make the authors of the Karma Sutra blush and with an appetite and stamina to repeat the process within minutes of the previous session (or so the continuity staff would have us believe). I can swallow all that (oops - again).
But what strains the very bounds of plausible reason, believability and the condition of the human beast as I have come to know it over decades of studying it in its natural (and oftentimes unnatural) habitat - is the postulation that everyone who ever gets naked on screen regardless of age condition or social circumstances and who resorts to a bout of the horizontal bop for the sake of our entertainment and (perchance) plotline - has a perfectly smooth, unblemished arse.
Fuck right off, folks - it is just not plausible. I'm not buying that shit at all.
Shape-shifting lizards ruling the roost in Buckingham Palace are a more plausible idea at this point.
Pimple-free arses for as far as Hollywood can ever hope to see - never!
There's always one.
And that's the bare-arsed truth!
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
GREY, the novel - launched...
Hi Facebookers - GREY the novel is now available in store and can be purchased online at Kobo. It's a blast!
This is the singular shade of Grey but there just might be a raunchy sex scene in there somewhere...
Check my website link at: and browse the site - you can peruse the Books' synopses here or link directly to Kobo here:

Hi Facebookers - GREY the novel is now available in store and can be purchased online at Kobo. It's a blast!
This is the singular shade of Grey but there just might be a raunchy sex scene in there somewhere...
Check my website link at: and browse the site - you can peruse the Books' synopses here or link directly to Kobo here:
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
On Catholicism
What I find fascinating is the "devolution" that takes place over time in both etymology and the ritual practice of religious rites.
"Catholic" for example means "all-embracing" which hints towards tolerance and, I suppose in a cynically unintentional serendipitous sense, a religion born of a mishmash of pagan and inherited myths is indeed all-embracing even if its true origins are unknown to so many of its devotees. Even more ironic perhaps, the fact that Catholicism is (even today) founded on dogma which is forged on exclusivity rather than inclusion thereby rendering its epithet entirely oxymoronic.
And Catholicism is just one splinter of the doctrine of Christianity, forged from a story of the demise and (purported [for some]) return of a prophet, a story which paradoxically took the Judaic teachings of that prophet, largely ignoring the message and birthing a new religion based on the reverence of the messenger himself. Something, Christ, arguably may not even have claimed if the Christian concept of talking in parable and metaphor is to be believed.
Once created, Christianity became much manipulated for the sake of Roman political expediency and thus appeared the Roman Catholic cult or branch if you prefer.
The chosen sites for Christian/Catholic churches and cathedrals owe more to pagan geomancy than they do to divine guidance or instruction from "God" although in my own theological perspective those aspects actually form one and the same thing. However, I do not exclude the paganistic validity in the great scheme of things whereas the Catholic Church does. Again - non-embracing.
Arguably a more rounded form of "orthodox" Christianity was practiced by the so-called Cathars in the 12th century through the Languedoc region of France and where Christ was not seen as divine son of God and duality was accepted in a totally different way.
Upshot, the all-embracing "Catholic" Church launched the Albigensian Crusade, a pogrom that annihilated almost every man, woman and child who dared oppose the "official" religion of Rome unless they recanted and embraced "true" Christianity.
So for me, what Catholicism was, went through and what it has become is, in every sense, a bogus, misogynistic all-exclusive doctrine that has and continues to foment more harm than benevolence in the world.
That isn't to say that there aren't benevolent, dedicated, wonderful, tolerant, altruistic Catholics - of course there are, many of them but unless the essence of the original TEACHINGS of Christ are embraced and practiced and the manipulative self-serving machinations of what the religion has become, discarded, I'm afraid it's nothing more than another corrupt Boy's Club driven by power, greed and manipulation.
I wouldn't want to ever be part of that particular cult not even as an honorary member...
Sunday, 8 September 2013
We're a long way from being Aussies yet but here's how I understand this:
º In 2007 Australians voted in the Labor Party (ALP) into government in an ALP led coalition
º Kevin Rudd led the country as Prime Minister until 2010 at which time his popularity with Australians and within the ALP had waned considerably
º Julia Gillard challenged Rudd for the party leadership in 2010 which she won unopposed and duly became Australia's first female Prime Minister
º Gillard announced a date for the next general election which happened just months after her appointment. The vote resulted in a hung parliament and Gillard was ultimately supported by 4 of the 6 crossbench MP's maintaining Labor in power in a minority government
º Gillard's popularity waned within the country and Rudd saw fit to challenge for party leadership in 2012 which he lost 71 - 31 votes, thus Gillard remained PM
º In March 2013 another ALP leadership spill was announced with Rudd nominated to oppose Gillard. At the last minute, Rudd withdrew and Gillard maintained the leadership
º Uncertainty remained within the ALP and in June 2013 Rudd challenged Gillard again and retook the leadership role becoming PM once again
º A general (federal) election was held yesterday (7th September 2013) with the Liberal Party led national coalition headed by Tony Abbott defeating Rudd and Labor by 89 - 57 seats with Abbott set to be the new PM
º Aussies are already moaning like hell about Abbott....
What the fuck do you actually want, Australia? Do you know?
At least you seem to have the power to change things whereas here in South Africa we don't.
Friday, 6 September 2013
Even though I have to confess to having been more the victim of a brain-fart (leaving my travel bag on the plane on Wednesday) than a victim of some nefarious conspiracy, I have to be grateful to the universe (and the good folk at Mango Air - with the exception perhaps of the cleaners who may have been the culprits who stole my Garmin and iPod) as the important stuff all came back to me unscathed.
I shall never be critical of a woman's handbag ever again having given my own little baggie a spring clean - is it possible to get so much into such a small space?
Black holes do exist.
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
In-flight entertainment.
It is usual for one to seek some form of amusement once you've been deprived of the use of your array of "electronic devices" as you yawn through the safety announcements beaming at you via the bulkhead console over your head.
And it is rare for any real stimulation to be found between the pages of the well-thumbed in-flight magazine. Isn't it?
However, I was resoundingly and most emphatically wrong on that count as it turns out.
Mango Airlines inflight rag, "Juice" (yeah, I know) just up and smacked me in the face with a full page Monsanto ad pronouncing the joys, benefits and empathetic approach this conglomerate adopts toward the planet and its impending cataclysmic annihilation if we don't genetically modify everything immediately.
Nature and/or god and/or the human species have no chance of survival, they claim, without Monsanto sweeping to the rescue on their white charger, sowing the seeds of (what?) redemption - or something.
The image of Monsanto on a horse or perhaps more than one horse just conjured up even more images of the 4 riders of the apocalypse - well at least three of them - pestilence, famine and death. All they really needed was to go into weapons production (and it can be argued that they already have) for War to mount that last spectral horse and they would have the proverbial full-house.
I took some "before" pictures of the ad with my iPod as a cunning plan (to paraphrase one Edmund Blackadder) took shape within that twisted cranium of mine.
Ten minutes later I had overwritten the entire ad with captions and responses for the benefit of the next occupier of seat 4C - just to offer a balanced perspective, you understand and then I moved through the magazine in my usual flip and skip style.
That is - until I saw the best article - maybe ever in the whole history of journalism.
I shit you not, fair folk - would I ever shit you? I mean, come on...
It was ostensibly about champagne, local production thereof and the difference between sparking wine and champagne. Which is all quite passé really - I mean, we've all been down that road before, yawn.
But there were illustrations of the various bottle capacities in the champagne industry - from the half bottle (which is cryptically called - well - a half bottle) all the way through the range, viz: Bottle (wow, that's adventurous too), the Magnum (two bottle capacity), the Jeroboam (4 bottles in one), the Rehoboam (6 bottles), the Methuselah (yep, 8 bottles), the Salmanazar (12 bottles) and finally, the Nebuchadnezzar containing a whopping 20 bottles worth of bubbly.
Why, you may ask, does a tee-totalling vegetarian have anything but a passing interest in effervescent alcoholic beverages?
Why indeed?
Well, that wasn't the pièce-de-résistance at all folks - no - it gets better.
The prospect of sitting in a local restaurant, my lovely and I and ordering a cheeky little Nebuchadnezzar of champers is almost too tempting to ignore, not that we would ever get such a thing right, of course.
But it would be worth chancing inebriation just for the thrill of cracking a 15 litre bottle of champagne, sampling it only to tell them that it wasn't to your taste and could they bring you another?
All that aside, what really riveted me in the article was the small segment on "the art of sabrage".
And what, pray tell, might that be? One would be inclined to ask. I did.
It is quite simple: it is the art of opening a champagne bottle using a sabre. And I don't mean lopping off the cork, no. This involves a manoeuvre whereby the sabre-wielder holds the bottle at a particular angle, having already dispensed with the foil and the wire basket.
And then he slides the blade of the sabre deftly up the neck of the bottle along one of the seams until it connects with the annulus (that would be the ridge at the neck where it flares to accommodate the cork).
And bugger me if the whole thing (neck and cork) doesn't just neatly cleave at that point separating bottle from top amid, I would imagine, a spurt or two of foaming wine.
I mean - isn't that just fucking brilliant!
Back to the local pizzeria for me and the wife with a hearty summons of the maître-d and the procurement of yet another cheeky little Nebuchadnezzar of his finest if you please.
This in and of itself would initiate a curdling within his bowels for starters.
"....wait just one moment, my good man," I will intone with a suitably haughty expression on my face, lips pursed in faux indignation as the designated waiter (or perchance the maître-d himself) commences work with the foil and basket atop the megalithic receptacle.
"Sabrage, please," I would command, arresting his hands from the easing of that cork from its tight little green tunnel.
"I'm sorry, sir?" he will no doubt splutter.
"Sabrage," I shall repeat. "Sabrage, my lad."
I fear at this stage, he shall gape at me open-mouthed, bereft of verbiage.
I know I would were the situation reversed and I was in ignorance of this antiquated practice.
And I shall leap to his rescue.
"I would like the bottle to be opened traditionally..."I would venture. Just enough to confuse him further.
"Sir?" he might rejoinder.
"Sabre, my lad. Get a sword and slice the top off the bottle. Sabrage, don't you know..." and I might just add a "what" for maximum pomposity as the situation would, you must agree, warrant.
"A sword?" he is likely to splutter. "Slice off the top with a sword?"
"Yeeeeeaaas" I will drawl like Jim Carrey at his final Pet Detective audition.
"Oh for heaven's sake!" I will explete. "What kind of establishment is this? No sooner have I got you stocking Magnums, Jeroboams and Nebuchadnezzars and you mean to now tell me that you don't have the means to expedite a traditional opening! Good lord!"
And then, as if by magic, I shall reach below the table and extract a handy sabre, procured that very morn at some emporium of suitable purveyance (on the never-never as it were).
"Allow me," I shall say, straddling the mighty bottle as a child might mount a hobby horse.
"Have at thee," I would yell and promptly decapitate the Nebuchadnezzar in one swift stroke, erupting a foamy spurt all over the hapless maître-d's best penguin suit.
And that would almost be that except for the fact that I would have him trickle some of the foaming liquid into a flute whereupon I would stare aghast into the glass and proclaim in a horrified tone: "We cannot drink this, man - there's a splinter of glass in it.... please bring us another bottle..."
At which point I may have to defend myself with aforementioned sabre ensuring that the maître-d doesn't get hold of it first and try his hand at decapitation for himself.
Ah - perchance to dream.
And that, my friends is what in-flight entertainment is all about.
Kudos to Mango for supplying it.
And now, it is almost time to drift off to the dulcet tones of Stephen Fry reciting some of Paperweight Volume 2 and then to Cape Town.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
GREY the novel - now available in ebook format at Kobo online
eISBN procured for this ebook which is now available at the link below in Kobo Stores online
ISBN: 978-1-920663-64-3
Buy the book now through Kobo: http://www.kobobooks.com/ebook/GREY/book-rt0TOpQjaEe3gMpeEjUqHQ/page1.html?s=cXYMkrTYCUumMUPOx1GOOA&r=1
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Very exciting stuff...
chronicles in part, the bizarre interaction between the Smith family in
Johannesburg and the returning exiles, the Dlaminis from Washington DC through
circumstances no-one could ever have imagined.
pursuit of a stolen tracker chip, in Sipho Dlamini’s possession, by dark beings
from this world and beyond with the odd undercover agent, angel, demon and
shapeshifter thrown in for good measure culminates in a climax that may alter
the very fabric of the universe – and does… Or does it?
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Just in case South Africans think it's Spring today - it isn't.
That's still 20 odd days away and if you haven't noticed - it's fucking freezing outside. Don't take those frost covers off the plants just yet.
But if the ladies want to get into lightweight flowery frocks and prance about the streets - that's okay with me.
Just love the Aussies - Tony Abbot is not desirable but is acceptable...
That is just hilarious.
Tony Abbott - Mad Monk
That is just hilarious.
Tony Abbott - Mad Monk
First off - one has to believe that highly (likely) spurious claim that CO2 (carbon dioxide) is the unequivocal villain of the piece regarding impact on our environment and climate while the science, certainly where I've looked, doesn't begin to support that theory. And yes, it is a THEORY - it is not fact as the eco-warriors (with varied agendas) would have us believe.
Anyhoo - assuming just for one moment that those grant-driven scientists who cannot accurately predict weather beyond ten days yet claim to have the models to predict climates in 300 - 3000 years time down pat - assume that they are correct - humour me.
Then that would make the United States the second biggest chemical polluter of our shared Earthly home after China, these mega industrialists contributing 23.5% and 18.5% of the total world's pollution respectively while Syria, for its sins, languishes in a modest 47th place on the list.
So who are the real chemical terrorists one might well ask? And on a perpetual basis...
The answer is simple - America and China.
And their captive victims? Well, their own civilians it would appear. And if we factor into the mix, the fact that there are probably more questionable chemical compounds in American foodstuffs (I use the term with the appropriate degree of reservation) then one might be led to conclude that the US government and its industrial complex bombard US citizens with chemicals inside and out on a daily basis - constantly. Notwithstanding the fact that Americans ingest more prescribed chemical medication per capita than any other nation on the planet. Which collectively may, of course, explain why they are the sickest, most chemically ravaged place on Earth.
And yet when Syria allegedly uses chemical weapons on 1,500 civilians in Damascus (a claim rubbished by Putin - of course he will - it's his designated role - he's the second protagonist) then the US cries foul and threatens punitive military intervention!
What the flying fuck?
Who the hell do these assholes think they are?
These are the guys who've nuked Japan, used napalm indiscriminately in a couple of conflicts, sprayed Agent Orange around willy-nilly, subjected people (including civilians) to white phosphorus attacks and continue to poison their own population on a daily basis. And they get to cry foul over Syria's chemical weapons policies....
Hypocrisy of the highest order that Obama thought somehow we wouldn't notice.
What a sleazy scum-sucking fuckwit that man is. Perhaps he should melt down that Nobel peace medallion and cook it up with a generous helping of humble pie before his flaking stars-and-stripes halo slips and chokes him to death.
We need to seriously take a look at what's going on in the US (after we get our own houses in order, of course) because, I shudder to say it, things might actually have been better under GW Bush.
Although the old: "in the land of the blind" adage springs to mind...
I wish America would consider adopting the same approach - get your own shit in order before you start "protecting" (pffffffffttttttt....) the rest of the world.
Some chance...eh?
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