


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Friday, 20 September 2013


And so, as George Carlin might have once said: Here's another bunch of people who should be beaten to a pulp with mining equipment and left to bleed in a twitching heap - the feelgood fuckwits.

These are the people who always purport to take the higher moral ground usually because they've never struggled a day in their old-school-tie, daddy-paid-for-varsity-and-my-car-and-my-bail lives!

These are the ones who post a really tear-jerkingly, tragic then uplifting story on Facebook that has you snotty then ultimately all warm and fuzzy until they cap off their repost with:

"Like and repost if you care. Ignore means you don't care..."

What the fuck! Who suddenly made you the guilt police, douchebag?

If the story is good enough to repost, I'll fucking repost it - not because you have elected to give me a little nudge in the direction of moral rectitude. And just for that presumption - you can go fuck yourself, you sanctimonious, self-righteous, preachy little twat!
And the story can go fuck itself too just because of you!

And if that doesn't seem right and you're thinking - ag shame - two wrongs don't make a right - you can go fuck yourself as well - with the same rusty cheesegrater that Preachy Douchebag number one just used.

Let the story speak for itself, for fuck's sake. There are enough politically-correct, anal-retentive, OCD, control-freaky, authoritarian, nosy, holier-than-thou arseholes in the world as it is - we don't need to have our decision-making on Facebook and other social media networks policed as well - Zuckerberg and a few select US government agencies are already doing that on your behalf.

You wanna do something really morally upstanding and worthwhile? Go volunteer at a soup kitchen for the homeless, you supercilious knobhead - oh and remember to insist that the scabby, smelly poor bastards only consume wheat-free, ozone-friendly, free-range, animal-free, nutrition without any unnatural additives, preservatives, chemicals or synthetic substances...because it's all been donated by you, of course!

Holier-than-thou vomit only
And when you're done with that - help undress the hapless gits, pare their corns, wash their feet and scrape the fungus off their asses before tucking them up in bed to an educational story with a suitably subtle and apposite socio-political moral to try get them on the same straight and oh-so narrow road that you believe yourself to be on...

Get that right and I'll repost anything you fucking wish anytime you wish it.


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