The efficacy of cannabis as a broad spectrum medication has been known for a very long time but in the same way that hemp (another
strain of marijuana) was torpedoed decades back by corporate America as an
alternative to cotton and a myriad other applications, the bottom line was
simply that it posed too much of a threat to the established industries -
paper, textiles, medicine, fertilisers and pesticides (hemp is a natural insect
repellent) and it provides a much higher yield per acre than any other plant in
any of those industries. Ergo: it couldn't be considered and thus was passed
over to maintain the status quo while a bunch of crap propaganda was proffered
about the dangers of industrial hemp being used to conceal the narcotic strain
of cannabis by unscrupulous growers.
the same way, the pharmaceutical industry simply cannot afford to have
something natural that potentially cures cancer readily available to the public
when their whole reason for existing is to maintain repeat business and manage
sickness. They're not in the business of cures or managing health - that's not
a sustainable business model. Harsh but true.
their approach to cannabis as medicine is loaded with all the usual rhetoric -
studies are still underway and inconclusive - the science isn't verifiable -
the reports about cures through cannabis treatment are purely anecdotal etc.
of which could be changed if the industry took the potential seriously and
actually funded proper research in this area which they have had the means to
do for decades yet they still haven't actively pursued this....
answers are obvious.
vilification of cannabis by the establishment as a schedule 2 narcotic (in the
same category as heroin and cocaine!) is also a bogus attempt to keep the
distribution and use of the substance suppressed.
been shown empirically (Portugal / Switzerland) that legalising drugs - ALL
drugs leads to a dramatic drop in addiction rates and deaths associated with
the clandestine underground drug business which is, due to the fact it's
illegal, run by thugs and gangsters who wage war against rival operators and
cut their products with all manner of dangerous additives to further their
yield and no control whatsoever is maintained to protect their users. Who
the supply of drugs are regulated, governments gain control of the entire
operation, profit at every level of the supply chain and the illegal operators
have no viable opportunity to compete in the industry. Clinics are established
for addicts and the stigma associated with addiction is dramatically reduced.
casualty rates drop significantly. It's been done - the data's available.
a no brainer. But when the very governments and so called law enforcement
agencies are inextricably involved in the illicit business as has demonstrably
been shown time and again in the faux "war on drugs," there's no
chance of any meaningful improvement.
establishment wants to keep things just the way they are. It's up to us to
change that and ironically, if you want to medicate with medicinal cannabis,
nine times out of ten you have to do it illegally.
The world is a very screwed up
place indeed.
LINK TO: Cannabis and cancer
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