Thursday, 4 July 2019
We don’t trust authority or industrial corporations yet we trust Big Pharma.... really?
We don’t trust authority or industrial corporations yet we trust Big Pharma.... really?
Repeating the claim that vaccines do not cause autism, doesn't make it factual and the attempt by the mainstream to continue to do so without unpacking both sides of this issue, is disingenuous to say the least. The usual culprit that’s defended to the death is the MMR vaccine - measles, mumps, rubella in combi with the focus being on measles - nobody speaks about the mumps and there’s a reason for that.
First and foremost, one has to consider the danger of measles, which is very low indeed. It's an innocuous childhood ailment and to drum up all this dramatic hype around it has everything to do with vaccines sales and zero to do with public health risks from measles.
Second, I'd draw your attention to the fact that although the CDC (US Centers for Disease Control and prevention) does indeed make the claim that vaccines (plural - i.e. ALL vaccines do not cause autism) that claim is made on their website and the CDC is reputed to be the foremost authority on vaccines certainly in the US and some would say, arguably - the world. But here's the problem. The CDC website references the citation for this claim as a 2011 study (linked back on their own website) which does no such thing - the study does, in fact state that they cannot conclude whether there is a causal link or not. So there is an outright spurious claim in the first place. The first lie - the source material. That should raise a little red flag wouldn't you say?
If you dig a little further and look at the DeStefano study done within the CDC (a vaccine industry sponsored organisation for the record where employees receive payments for vaccines that are registered on the schedule thereby introducing huge conflicts of interests which would be deemed fraud in the private sector), the chief vaccine researcher in that study Dr William Thompson (still at the CDC today) blew the whistle at the time and provided around 10,000 documents verifying that the CDC had conducted scientific fraud during that study as they demonstrated that African American boys who were given the MMR vaccine according to the schedule, were 3.36 times more likely (that's a 336% higher risk) to present with autism than other race/gender groups. When that data was discovered, it was deliberately and fraudulently quashed and removed from the study. Thompson has volunteered to testify before congress confirming this fraud and outline the details but that little endeavour has been shut down by the CDC and the vaccine lobbyists in Washington DC for very obvious reasons. There’s a YouTube video clip of senator Bill Posey confirming this data before congress and that’s where it’s stalled...
Ergo: vaccines (some of them) can and do cause autism. The CDC have proven this to be the case - oh and then covered it up and lied about it. The authority - the regulator - the public health protector. Ergo: we cannot trust their assertions.
If you trawl into the actual manufacturer's inserts, they themselves list encephalopathy and autism as an adverse event/reaction to vaccines.
The Merck MMR insert reads (in part for just the nervous system adverse reactions that have been reported):
"Post-Marketing Experience
The following adverse events have been identified during post-approval use of either the components of ProQuad or ProQuad. Because the events are in some cases described in the literature or reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to vaccine exposure.
Nervous system disorders
Measles inclusion body encephalitis [see Contraindications (4.2)], acute disseminated
encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, cerebrovascular accident, encephalopathy (see below), Guillain-Barré syndrome, optic neuritis, Bell’s palsy, polyneuropathy, ataxia, hypersomnia, afebrile convulsions or seizures, febrile seizure, headache, syncope, dizziness, tremor, paraesthesia."
These conditions are synonymous with autism spectrum disorder symptoms but the word is carefully masked for obvious reasons.
So this mantra of simply repeating over and over again that studies prove no link is, I'm afraid, total bullshit.
And the question one might ask whether such mainstream articles are designed to confuse - I would readily answer, yes, of course. When the vaccine industry in the US alone has gone from a $1 billion per annum business to a $44 billion product line in the space of 30 years, I'd say there is a very strong incentive to make sure that no controversy or criticism can be levelled at vaccines. If you think that is cynical, let me ask this question: why would you trust the medical authorities and/or the state on this issue absolutely when they have shown over and over again that they lie to the public about all manner of issues and only (sometimes) ever come clean and usually when they are caught?
We are being lied to by our governments about the cost per kW/hr of delivered coal-fired electricity because they have vested interests in that industry and skew the figures by hiding the true cost to produce a kW of power minus subsidies and tax breaks. And the toxic train rumbles on while the deception is maintained. Now, that’s cynical.
We are also being lied to by the global telecommunications industry about 5G and the fact that they have done absolutely no definitive safety studies on the effects of millimetre EMF on human tissue over a protracted period of time - again there are state and government investments in this trillion dollar industry so the safety aspects are being downplayed in favour of profit. Several privately funded studies have all returned very disturbing results from 5G exposure even in a limited area so the suburban inundation that is required to have 5G attain the requisite coverage, is absolutely terrifying to contemplate. As our devices get “smarter” we, by contrast seem to get dumber and dumber...
Ergo: money is placed ahead of public health every single time.
Here in Central Coast NSW, coal-fired power stations (such as Vales Point) have been un-mothballed to produce power without the producer being forced to clean up the emissions from the plant which could be reduced using catalytic filtration by as much as 85%. There is no forced legislation to impose this restriction so the company, Delta gets away with pumping dangerously toxic gas and liquid pollutants into the air and surrounding lakes at their will and the long term consequences on the local population is ignored because Delta employ a few hundred people in the region. Again - profit before health.
You must have seen the recent coverage of the Monsanto/Bayer lawsuits where they are liable for multiple billions of dollars payouts to ordinary citizens who were poisoned and contracted cancer from the use of Monsanto’s "safety-tested" (sic) weedkiller RoundUp (glyphosate). But hey, it went through the FDA 90 day safety trial and none of the lab rats got cancer. Ergo: it is safe. Ergo: people only eat food for 90 days then stop, right?
No, the safety studies are completely bogus and when independent studies were conducted, they repeatedly showed that the lab animals ALL contracted cancerous tumours after continued exposure to glyphosate beyond the stupid 90 day trial period.
But the regulator said it was okay - that it was safe.
There are around 11,000 additional lawsuits waiting in the wings and Bayer's share price has plummeted. I only hope they last long enough to compensate (sic) the people they have poisoned then they can shrivel up and die as far as I am concerned. It’s more than they deserve.
You see a pattern here, right? Inadequate safety studies, lies to the public and repeated assurances that everything is safe and hunky dory.
And yet the public accepts without question that the media-driven information on vaccines is above reproach or scrutiny. Surely that suggests a profound naivety?
The Danish study that I was responding to cited in an article posted /
where they are claiming the science is settled - vaccines don’t cause autism - the study conclusively proves this apparently and is being cited everywhere as the final nail in the vaccines-cause-autism coffin - it’s also questionable, however, the premise of the claim as per above, that vaccines do not cause autism is readily refutable so the detail of that study is academic. It’s particularly paradoxical when Merck itself states that the MMR does, in fact cause autistic symptoms in its vaccine insert adverse reactions listing - see above. So the guys who make the drug state it DOES potentially cause autism but the Danish study seemingly refutes this and informs Merck that they don’t know what they’re talking about... interesting.
However, there is some even more interesting reading here in contrast to the supposedly unimpeachable Danish study:
I would urge people to also do a good search through RFK Jr's Childrens Health Defense website, (more here about Childrens Health Defense: ) something that grew out of his original campaign against environmental poisoners and polluters that morphed into the vaccine topic by default, Childrens Health Defensgiven the fact that there are so many environmental and dangerous toxins in vaccines. He got there through his research into mercury poisoning and the thimerosal link. He doesn’t need the money or the bad publicity, believe me - but the wealth of data that damns vaccine safety is irrefutable. Yet, somehow for RFK Jr to question this makes him a pariah within his own family and the Democratic Party and wrong about vaccines. The man has argued science in environmental toxin cases for over three decades - he knows what he’s talking about and his purpose isn’t fame - it’s the protection of America’s children and their environment - you need both to be healthy for any sustainable future to be possible. And yet the most vaccinated developed country on the planet has the sickest generation of children in that country’s history. But it can’t be the vaccines. Then what the fuck is it? Instead of just saying these drugs are safe - the authorities need to prove it - they have failed to do so and RFKJ has fought and won that particular battle against the DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) where they were found to have failed to provide any meaningful form of vaccine safety testing whatsoever.
Do your own digging and see if you can find the facts behind the fast-tracking of vaccine approvals back in the 1980's to ensure a fully "immunised" US military (the primary objective at the time). This opened up a gap for the drug industry to drive in a wedge. In order to make vaccines quicker-to-market, they could not (and never have had to) go through the rigorous 4-5 year double blind inert placebo safety trials like other drugs at the FDA so they simply recategorised them from being drugs to becoming "biologics" and the safety trial issue went away. Many vaccines are "trialed" (sic) for as little as 3-4 days and NOT ONE SINGLE VACCINE HAS EVER UNDERGONE A DOUBLE BLIND INERT PLACEBO SAFETY TRIAL. Not one. So there is no known risk profile associated with any vaccines other than to trial them on the population at large - millions of lab rats at Big Pharma's beck and call. That would be you and your kids. This isn’t ringing any alarm bells yet? This is far more dangerous than measles, mumps or rubella, I can assure you.
The national payout for vaccine injury to date in the US - $4 billion and climbing. That's not just some collateral casualties, that is an epidemic that far surpasses any measles outbreak.
Vaccine deaths are significantly higher than any measles deaths and that has nothing to do with the vaccine uptake either. The vaccinated are demonstrably susceptible to contracting the disease. Which should lead any rational person to conclude that they don’t really work then.
Do some research on the mumps portion of the MMR too which in plain speak - also doesn't work - a full complement of US Navy troops on a warship (USS Fort McHenry) recently had to be quarantined at sea for weeks on end as the fully MMR-vaccinated crew all had mumps and couldn't come ashore. But you didn't read that anywhere in the MSM.
You can read about it here though:
The CDC and the US medical establishment (DHHS & NIH) has access to the national database of population medical records and despite numerous requests, they have signally failed to conduct any form of statistical analysis on the vaccinated versus unvaccinated cohorts of the population. You have to ask yourself why that is. I will tell you - all studies that have been done (and there have been a few independent ones) show in every case that the unvaccinated cohort of the study are significantly healthier and less prone to chronic ailments than the vaccinated cohort. Every single time.
A case in point was found in Mississippi which has the highest vaccination uptake of any state in the US and yet statistically they have the worst health in the country.
Additionally, the lazy old references to the vaccine-devil himself Andrew Wakefield are just so much unresearched inaccuracies that the throwaway remarks are now seen as fact although they are truly just populist opinion yet again.
If you want the background to the true Wakefield saga - I have done the research and wrote an article about it in 2016 here:
The findings from the so-called debunked paper, in fact still stand and many other peer-reviewed studies have found the same causal link - that is between chronic bowel disease and the children in the study who had presented with autism. Yet once again, all of that is skewed out of context by suggesting that Wakefield 's study was about linking the MMR vaccine to autism - it wasn't then and it isn't now. His colleague and senior researcher, Walker-Smith was exonerated, the findings stand but the media continue to flog this dead horse without updating the facts.
That the so-called regulators are in Big Pharma's pocket and profit individually and collectively from the vaccine industry should give anyone pause.
That all major vaccine makers (and I do mean ALL) are convicted felons who have been shown to have deceived the public for the sake of profit is a plain fact.
So forgive me if I don’t swallow the repeated assertion that vaccines don’t cause autism – they can and they do.
They are not the only cause, obviously, but until the CDC or any other so-called regulator undertakes a proper vaccinated versus unvaccinated study and compels the drug manufacturers (that’s what they are – drugs not “biologics” – they are drugs) to do proper double-blind inert placebo safety trials, there is nobody on the planet who can make the claim that the science has been done or settled on this issue as there is no gold standard comparison (other than the public at large) for the safety of any vaccine.
And the bald reality is – they won’t do it because they know what the outcome will be and the $44 billion dollars on the balance sheet will disappear overnight.
Japan reversed their stance on the MMR and the mandatory approach to vaccines and they have implemented a protracted and voluntary vaccine schedule – their adverse events and autism incidence has dropped dramatically since – but hey…must be coincidence, right...
This has nothing whatsoever to do with public health – it’s about profit at the end of a syringe being held to the public head like a loaded gun. And you still trust them...
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