We are now in the ultimate scam phase of covid.
Where we get to determine our own “infectiousness” at our own expense so we can agree to be locked down, restricted and jabbed some more because the little home test kit says we’re sick. Even when we demonstrably are not.
The population (many of them) have been duped into believing they should test themselves at their own expense, especially when they have no symptoms, using a non-specific methodology (flagged by many factors other than an antibody response to a specific viral genetic marker) to determine if they have contracted the named infection.
That is about as perfect a scam as has ever been contrived.
If there was a specific test that flagged only viral particles in mucus or saliva or blood - great - they’re testing for virus, a specific and unique virus. Which they can only do if they’ve actually isolated that virus.
However, if you haven’t got the specific, unique viral fingerprint you then have to come up with a different type of test which one can claim that, although it’s not actually testing for virus or whether you’re sick or not, it’s still testing for something that is specific to that virus. Like say, an immune antibody (antigen) response which is the first thing your body does when it’s being infected.
The antibodies are the good guys, remember. They’re not the villain of the piece. They’re the response to an infection or a disease.
But here’s the thing. As with so called HIV tests, when antibody testing was first concocted (yeah, another virus they hadn’t isolated so couldn’t identify in blood) our bodies produce a range of antibody / protein / exosomic responses when we are sick or immunocompromised or just plain run down or even stressed and these are what’s being flagged in antibody/antigen testing kits and they’re horribly non specific and subject to high rates of false-positive results. Hence, the more people who are tested, the more (false)positive results will be realised which have nothing to do with covid, sickness or virus whatsoever. But this gets used to build the “case” numbers, maintain the restrictions and, of course, promote the drive to force (completely useless, unnecessary toxic) vaccines on everybody.
More and more people are becoming savvy to this deception and the clinicians who administer the tests are just doing their jobs believing it to be the right thing to do.
Every antibody testing kit that I have ever seen all come with a package disclaimer that states their kit is not a definitive test for any specific virus. They indemnify themselves very carefully against this and state that false positives can occur.
But hey, it’s a test, it’s being done by nurses and doctors under government directive so it must be valid and now I can do it at home - bonus!
It’s the second phase of the great HIV antibody testing scam only now they’re getting us to scam ourselves at our own expense so the governments of the world can say, see, we told you you might be covid positive now get in line, buy some more masks, lock yourselves up and don’t go anywhere until you’ve been triple jabbed.
It’s a very clever, neat profiteering scheme of social control wouldn’t you say?
What you can also say is - NO.
They do, of course state extremely high specificity in the package inserts but RAT tests are pretty much useless on people with no symptoms or if you’ve gone past the first few days of “symptoms” because they’re looking at your physical response to the infection, not the infection itself. But they’ll cite the range of different types of sars virus assays they’ve used in the testing. None of which have been measured in a sample. It’s your response to whatever it is that they’re claiming is specific to those viruses.
Independent testing has said things like:
2021 Aug 14
Accuracy of COVID-19 rapid antigenic tests compared to RT-PCR in a student population: The StudyCov study
Conclusions: This study shows the poor sensitivity of AT in asymptomatic subjects, specificity being however excellent. The performance results fall below the World Health Organization recommendation of 80% sensitivity and question using AT in general population, especially when asymptomatic.
And every RAT kit says that if you test positive you should get confirmation through a PCR which is like saying - your doctor has told you that covid vaccines are safe and effective but to be sure just ask the Pharma industry if that’s the case. And they’ll tell you, yes, of course they are.
Then you go read their package inserts and check the TGA DAEN website and you find that the covid vaccines are actually killing people at a 1 ½ times higher rate per month than the actual “virus”
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