


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Sunday, 23 May 2021



This pile of dog turd appeared recently. 

Clearly, I couldn’t agree...with almost all of it. I do, however, have no issues with Mexicans and they make nice culinary origami that can be stuffed with incredible fillings....

Point for point though: 

1. Antifa may indeed be an acronym for anti-fascism but the crop of disparate groups who rallied during 2020 were unarguably mustered very deliberately into an organised movement carrying banners and flags (often masked for anonymity) gathering to purportedly quell the racism and fascist leanings of the so-called “Trump supporters” all now apparently xenophobic, fascist, racist hooligans, which is simply facile and entirely disingenuous. Ergo anyone who voted for or supported Trump was a brainless racist idiot. I don’t think so. What’s more, (even cursory research confirms this) the collated Antifa gatherings anywhere Trump supporters rallied, more often than not erupted into violence initiated by the Antifa faction of those rallies, not the Trump cohort of the group.  And the Antifa brigade are quite comfortable using violence to spread their message of “liberty and democracy” apparently.  Sure, everyone should be pro-choice which is what true democracy means - the right to choose a leader,  a neighbourhood, a movie, a car, whatever and fascism removes the right to choice. Just remember this when it comes to vaccines and body autonomy. 

2. The “Democrat” (insert derisive laughter here) Joe Biden has done more to “socialise” the US economy in his first few months of office than Trump did in four years. Moving along... this is like saying Democrats in the US are actually liberal politically. They should be, by definition, but as with the Liberal party in Australia, nothing could be less liberal if you tried. They are conservative and socialist to the core, hiding behind the veil of a so called free economy which has done nothing but enrich the 1 percenters and ensure that the little guy, the ordinary American is squeezed dry. I’d happily bet that those ordinary Americans felt better under Trump than what passes for so called liberal democracy currently. 

3. Regarding presidential election fraud, the US so-called justice system notwithstanding - not one single body or legal or electoral expert has answered the question: how do 1.8 million mailed out ballots become 2.5 million mail in ballots in the final count? One can debate the inconsistencies and vagaries of the state legislatures, which did indeed fail to process the proposed lawsuits, not, however through a lack of evidence (there was and remains a plethora of unanswered evidence) but they simply failed to do their jobs. Had they done so and followed the judicial process rather than stonewalling each application, there would likely have been a very different outcome. Regardless, please point me to the cogent legal argument that resolves the mail in ballot mathematical anomaly. 

4. If, as you argue, “no one truly knows when life begins” in utero, how can you logically presume to know when it ends within the womb? Surely by this logic, one shouldn’t take a chance if one doesn’t truly know? What is, however factual and not just a vague opinion  is that the rate of survival for babies born at the generally “accepted” legal abortion threshold of 24-26 weeks (depends on the State) is between 60-77%. So, in effect, people who are aborting within these parameters (and there are plenty of them) aren’t simply erasing an unwanted mistake that wouldn’t have made it anyway,  they are destroying a human that has a better chance of healthily surviving than it would have of dying even at that premature juncture.  You do the math. Statistically, regardless of anyone’s supposed right to choose, aborting viable humans is killing babies that had very high chances of surviving had they been born. So anyone supporting that is by unarguable statistical reality, supporting the killing of babies. The moral,  ethical and spiritual arguments are something again entirely but there’s no escaping the scientific factuality that obtains. 

5. All Trump supporters are NOT QAnon supporters thus to suggest they are, is patently ludicrous and speaks to a profound presumptuousness and lack of knowledge.  I for one, am neither a Trump “supporter” nor an adept of QAnon but we’ve all been exposed to both phenomena.  White hats, black hats, all that stuff - never had much time for it. Better to follow what’s actually happening and MOST Trump supporters did just that. 

6. Climate change is real. Yes, indeed, climate, as cyclical as it undeniably is, changes all the time - ergo: climate “change” is real. That’s all climate does really - change. Catastrophic anthropogenic climate change is, however, scientifically unverifiable. There are hypotheses on both sides of that divide but whether NASA is flying bots and drones or arguably faking or making moon landings, carbon dioxide is not what it is being made out to be and being a gas four times less dense than atmospheric air - is NOT sitting at the upper atmosphere heating up the planet. Pure material physics disavows that possibility. It is doing what it’s done for millions of years, being discharged by a myriad of life forms on the planet while being “inhaled” as it descends toward the ground by plants who require it for heathy existence.  The notion of carbon credits and taxes based on CO2 emissions or the like is pure pseudoscientific fiction. But it does suit an elitist capitalistic agenda more than the purported saving of the planet. So in that sense, Trump is on the money regarding the climate and the industrialised “human influence” on it. When ice core samples prove that CO2 was at far greater density when the planet was provably much cooler than it is currently, this serves to torpedo the argument that any more CO2 in the air is going to warm the planet up fatally. It’s bollocks. Pollution from industry on the other hand - different thing entirely and Trump, should’ve  cleaned up the industrialists more than he did. But this spurious nonsense (propagated by establishment stooges like Greta Thunberg) about seven years to live before the Earth is uninhabitable due to the increase in ambient temperature is just that - utter nonsense.  There’s a very good reason that a raft of accredited scientists walked away from the IPCC - the whole matter of “climate change” had become politicised and the data was being fudged to maintain the catastrophist stance - disingenuously so. Heaps of source material for this if you are willing to look. But, of course, anyone (regardless of their scientific credibility) who dares question this narrative, is immediately labelled a lunatic conspiracy theorist. Yep, they go from revered expert (when touting the establishment script) to fringe idiot in an instant as soon as anything is questioned. And that’s what science seeks or should seek to do - question everything all the time. The science is never “settled” and anyone who uses this tired, lazy throwaway line as some form of bogus authoritative statement, should be treated with the utmost caution, skepticism and perhaps a modicum of reciprocal contempt. But hey, let’s go back to Al Gore’s hockey stick graph - that was the truth too apparently....

7.  Ah yes, COVID killed over half a million Americans - that old chestnut. I’m assuming you’ve scoured the CDC statistics and mortality graphs for 2019 and 2020 when, of course, it was claimed they were at the peak of the pandemic? No? Well, I have. And the figures aren’t what appear in the media. Funny that.  At that point, the media, in its frenzy of Trump-bashing declared that he had allowed 400,000 Americans to die from COVID on his watch. Let me repeat that - die FROM COVID... Not WITH COVID but FROM COVID. So without resorting to conspiracy websites and fringe loonies and even the mainstream media, who were making these unverifiable and outlandish claims, let’s look at the facts instead. Something I’ve always attempted to do. Not what’s in the print or visual or social media but the statistical data itself. That’s where the answers are. First up, just deflecting to your mate, Neil Ferguson’s catastrophically wrong catastrophist predictions (again - he’s been hopelessly wrong in the past too yet still maintains a professional position, Fauci too but more on him later) when he first modelled the impending COVID deaths.... all wrong. Fantastically incorrect. But what was even more misleading was the means whereby they elected to concoct the infection database in the first place - PCR “testing”. Happy to provide a plethora of links back to papers and interviews and statements from Kary Mullis, the inventor of this process - not a test, an analytical tool. This wonderful invention, whether by design or default was used inappropriately to “test” people FOR the presence of SARS-Cov-2 when it could do no such thing, no matter how colourful the language used to assert that it was a reliable diagnostical tool. Hell, the CDC and the WHO published pages in December 2020 on their websites alerting clinicians to the fact that depending on the number of replication cycles and base material, the “test” could be up to 97% inaccurate. In other words, depending on sample artefacts and replication cycles (an entirely arbitrary range decided by lab or by country and not necessarily standardised anywhere) the false-positive PCR+ counts could be overstated by as much as 97% - all downplayed and obfuscated by the media instead of them being outraged and doing their job which would have banner headlines claiming FRAUD. Nah, not in this case. So, as has happened consistently through this so called pandemic, people who were noticeably not sick or presenting with any symptoms were urged to be tested using this spurious “test” because suddenly, healthy people were labeled as being potentially asymptomatic. This has latterly been proven to be false. A vast Chinese and Australian study refutes this outright. Never in the history of virology or epidemiology have healthy people required to be tested for anything especially when no symptoms are present. Even so, when their natural immune responses lit up the “test” with false positives despite the 97% inaccuracy warning, this data was used to build the pandemic infection rate. Happy to send on all of the links to this scientific material if you wish. Then early in the piece, the WHO stipulated that even when people presented with any flulike symptoms, “to be safe”, clinicians around the world should consider these as COVID cases - this ahead of even the dodgy PCR test. So from the get-go, there were all of these flulike cases reassigned to COVID cases and then a ramping up when PCR hit the scene and millions of people tested positive for..... whatever the PCR happened to be amplifying at the time. Not virus but sample artefacts even in normal healthy people.  Then there’s the knock-on assumption that if any of those people who have tested positive on this nonsensical test happen to die from anything whatsoever, then they are deemed to have died not WITH COVID but as a result of COVID. Do you have any idea how insanely unrealistic, illogical and unscientific that is, not to mention, unprecedented...? All of a sudden all of the rules had been rewritten. But even if you do accept all of these bogus factors, the majority of deaths, in almost all countries, were among the elderly and over 95% of the mortality was in those with preexisting health conditions. How extremely unusual - NOT. But in those cases, nobody was permitted to admit that the stage 4 cancer or heart disease had killed the patient - if he or she had “tested” positive for COVID - that was to be put on the death certificate as the cause of death. You don’t see anything wrong with any of this yet? Then there are the death counts themselves. We have to take over 90% of the deaths that have been attributed to COVID as being falsely assigned given the anomalous nature of the diagnosis in the first place. This could have been flu, pneumonia or any of a raft of the common conditions that kill millions of elderly people every year, notwithstanding their preexisting health issues, statistically noted by even the CDC (again in December of 2020) comorbidity (preexisting health issues) as being the likely cause of “COVID-related” deaths - in other words they were stating that the death rate directly attributable to COVID could be as little as 6% of the stated total death count. At that time around 200,000, which could have readily been reduced to 12,000 at the stroke of a WHO / CDC pen. That should be seriously problematical for anyone but as usual, the mainstream media, who are let’s face it, sock puppets of the pharmaceutical industry, weren’t reporting any of this. So the only real way of actually proving that there was something killing people at a higher rate than normal between 2019 and 2020 pre and during-COVID was to analyse the TOTAL deaths from all causes between those 2 years, which is what I and a few other people did.  And the results of those analyses quite unambiguously revealed that the then claimed excess deaths from COVID for the whole year, of 400,000 was entirely false. Factoring in population growth and total counts proportionally across those 2 years the total death count did not exceed 252,000 in any of the CDC datasets and there is certainly not a 400,000 total  and nowhere near a 600,000 total. So one has to question where these figures are coming from and why? Depending how one arrives at the CDC total death counts (the data is messy but the totals aren’t anywhere what the media is stating) these vary but even in the worst case scenario and factoring in the population increase of 0.9% between the 2 years, the difference in total death counts shows an increase of 0.105% from 0.84% ratio of death to total population to 0.94% in 2020 at a maximum of 252,074 whereas other figures state even lower rates than this. Nowhere does it figure anywhere near the claimed 400,000 or 600,000 - these figures bandied about by the media are entirely fictitious. Yet nobody is questioning this. Why is nobody asking why the media is lying to us about the death count? Isn’t that more of a serious issue than bashing Trump supporters? Your media is distorting facts and reality to foment fear within people and have you arrive at false conclusions then use this false narrative to accuse anyone who doesn’t buy the obvious bullshit as being irresponsible or dangerous and having blood on their hands for NOT buying it. I’d argue that the misinformed who refuse to analyse the available datasets are the ones who pose more of a threat to normal society by running around crying wolf and victimising fellow citizens for no good reason. Based on the real figures, the pandemic was indeed a hoax as it doesn’t qualify in any manner or form as some virulent disease that ravaged the population. There is very strong data available that medical abdication of care resulting from fear and mistreatment through the lockdowns and incorrect applications of ventilators etc, could be largely attributable to an increase in deaths (not to mention stress, increased depression and suicides due to the draconian and unjustifiable lockdowns of people and commerce everywhere)  but everything that happened in 2020 was reassigned to COVID by default. It’s utter bullshit. Iatrogenic death runs at over 30% per annum in the US - ponder that for a moment - over 30% of recorded deaths are directly attributable to the medical system itself, misdiagnosis, malpractice, surgical error, prescription drug related etc.  and in a year of medical panic do you think that figure went down? Come on. As for masks, just as an example, here in Australia in April 2003 when the coronavirus known as SARS swept the country, the University of Sydney was consulted on the matter of masks as a mitigating measure, whereupon they asserted unequivocally that masks were useless as prophylaxes for such viruses - they neither stopped viral particles nor did they confer any benefit to the wearers. The Sydney Morning Herald ran an article at the time stressing this and the government stance was that anyone trying to disingenuously sell masks to the Australian public under false pretences (i.e. claiming they were effective) were liable for fines up to $110,000 as this was overtly exploitative.  Now suddenly masks have been recredited with a new and demonstrably false efficacy. Even Tony Fauci has asserted this openly, as have the WHO but there’s this hysterical ethos that anyone failing to wear a mask, even the healthy normal people, they somehow pose a threat to others. Maybe such people need a commonsense transplant as this seems to have flown out of the window during these times. The statistics on the so called pandemic have consistently confirmed that the recovery rate across the population is better than 99.89% on average and that infection rates (bearing in mind, these are based on the fatally flawed PCR in the first place) are no worse than seasonal flu - better when you bin the PCR false positives and run that down by 95% or so. People have died, yes, and they continue to die as they do every year. Statistically in no greater numbers than before. Not even in India.  But let’s not let a little factuality get in the way of abject panic. Given that the global population  attained a herd immunity status months ago and innate immunity is measurably more effective than any of the experimental “vaccines” they’ve concocted for this cold virus (that’s what it is), there is no sane, logical, medical or scientific reason that anyone, particularly healthy people would require to be vaccinated and certainly no requirement to lock down/quarantine healthy people under these circumstances.  The whole thing is absurd in the extreme. Vulnerable people (mostly the aged or immunocompromised) should obviously be protected, as they are every year, but none of this insane restrictive crap has ever been necessary and Sweden amply proved that when one analyses the stats. So, no, dissident people who refused to wear masks or shunned the restrictions, have not contributed in any way to the annual death statistics across the planet anywhere and they certainly don’t have “blood on their hands” and haven’t extended anything - there was no pandemic to extend, merely a trumped up hysteria around PCR+ cases which are utterly meaningless. Fact.  Truth be told, the media is guilty of misreporting all of this and the false data that has been touted as fact, is the principle reason these unnecessary lockdown measures have been perpetuated.  It’s a crime against humanity period. 

8. Rapists and murderers exist among all people, foreign nationals among them but Trump’s heavy handed stance on immigration and in particular the Mexican border situation, verged on the hysterical  - no arguments there. 

9.  Right wing biased media is undeniably insidious, almost as insidious as the bullshit that passes for mainstream leftist liberal media, which, as amply demonstrated time and again has no interest in actually undertaking any form of objective journalism. The farce that was the US presidential election and the ongoing bilge that emanates from the main outlets around COVID attest to that. 

10. Jesus, if he existed, would have probably had a hard time reconciling himself with the fact that a cultist religion was built up in reverence to him by a converted Roman when he, himself was a hardcore militant Jew. Followers of Jesus would, by default then have been Jewish by faith as he was.  The humble man who was all about the message and not the messenger would likely have had little truck with the Christian faith that politically and bloodily evolved from his Essene teachings and the millions that have suffered and perished supposedly in his and his father’s name. I’d also wager that he’d most likely forgive Trump his sins as he would any other mortal soul. But hey out of all of these bullet point comments, this is the only one based in opinion. The others speak to verifiable facts.  So while Trump supporters might be appreciative of the opinions proffered, they aren’t necessarily things that they “should know” as almost all of them are fatally inaccurate and poorly researched.

What continues to slay me is this mirrored hypocrisy of the left when they hurl these accusations at anyone who might question the source of their viewpoint which seems to be mainstream “news.”  

And the reductionist simplification of: anyone who questions the media “authority” is anti-leftist liberal Democrat / ergo: they are right wing / ergo: they must be Trump supporters / ergo: they are xenophobic, racist,  violent, fascist extremists / ergo: they are mainstream denialists who are probably anti-vaxxers too / ergo: they are dangerous and must be stopped and they are everything that is wrong with America. 

Meanwhile, the current political and mainstream federal ethos that obtains is one of removing the right to choice insofar as body autonomy and health and free movement and the right to assemble is concerned. Ergo: the current system that these critics support is demonstrably and unarguably fascist. 

The irony is staggering. 

Tuesday, 4 May 2021




Ancient civilisations, before they were acknowledged by mainstream consensus to have had the abilities to do so, created magnificent monolithic structures across the various landscapes of this beautiful planet, mapping out precise geometries and points that are unarguably coordinated to celestial counterpoints. They aligned with unerring precision, their monoliths and sunsets or sunrises at equinox and solstice dates that proclaim a profound understanding and mastery of astronomy with generational reverence of the sun, our nearest and most significant star - without it, we would not exist. 

This was not a superstitious worship of the big magic light in the sky, this was a deeper narrative that speaks to the eternal hermetic principle of as-above-so-below which has contemporarily been proposed only recently in planetary history within the paradigm of quantum physics. 

These ancient people had, I believe, a knowledge of such things - the potential of interconnected dimensionality and the fact that nothing ever ends - it merely transforms its energy pattern from the most base material matter to the whimsical invisible realm of consciousness itself. 

Today, we are hard pressed to understand let alone replicate these astonishing feats undertaken by so-called primitive cultures and as such we refuse to try and understand them, so obsessed are we with the notion that everything has a technological solution and that we are the absolute pinnacle of achievement and evolution. Yet here we are custodians of a planet in turmoil where we seek to cage and corral our (and other) species for the gain of an elitist few who have placed themselves at the helm of humankind’s destiny. Where our relationship with the Earth and the cosmos is being sidelined in favour of an addiction to the skewed philosophies of our hegemonic masters who claim that everything requires their technology and chemicals to resolve fabricated problems, that we should hand over our sovereign power to them and allow ourselves to be led slavishly into service or die at their whim and convenience. 

This is not how it should be and it has been contrived to scare the species into believing it is so. 

Look back to the ancients and their wisdom and philosophy and look up into the sky, as you plant your bare feet on the skin of Mother Earth. 

The synthesised world has become a prison of our own making and it’s time we broke the shackles and exposed the lies. 

The power resides within us all. As within - so without, as above - so below. 



☮️ 🕉

False-positive “case” pandemic not a viral Holocaust


Rampant “case”- load hysteria 

A widely published contemporary author (whom I follow[ed]) on Facebook has recently been proselytising about the Covid vaccine being “the only way out of this mess.” 

When I privately and politely enquired into his justification for such a statement given the raft of contradictory statistics and scientific data available from verifiable sources, I was roundly chastised for being some type of dangerous lunatic and given the proverbial bum’s rush without a shred of discussion around the actual points raised. 

There’s a virus, there’s a vaccine that fixes everything - anything else is conspiracy nonsense - end of discussion. 


On November 22, 2020 a landmark court case in Portugal ruled that the polymerase chain reaction test (PCR) used worldwide to diagnose COVID-19 was not fit for purpose.  Most importantly, the judges ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection.

“In their ruling, judges Margarida Ramos de Almeida and Ana Paramés referred to severalscientific studies. Most notably   

Correlation Between 3790 Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction–Positives Samples and Positive Cell Cultures, Including 1941 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Isolates

found that – when running PCR tests with 35 cycles or more – the accuracy dropped to 3%, meaning up to 97% of positive results could be false positives.

The ruling goes on to conclude that, based on the science they read, any PCR test using over 25 cycles is totally unreliable. Governments and private labs have been very tight-lipped about the exact number of cycles they run when PCR testing, but it is known to sometimes be as high as 45. Even Anthony Fauci has publicly stated anything over 35 is totally unusable.”

This test is the means whereby the infection rate and claimed cases are being recorded globally and it is scientifically unarguably spurious. 

The science says so. 

And yet people who aren’t sick and cannot be reliably claimed as being asymptomatic, are being labelled as COVID cases as a result and this misrepresentation of the reality is the basis whereby lockdowns, masks and other restrictions are being imposed.  

All based on a fatally flawed premise. 

Here’s a little video link to the inventor of the PCR process, Kary Mullis outlining what it was actually designed to do.

The Portuguese Courts agree with this - why shouldn’t they - he invented the process hence the ruling as it being unfit for purpose. 

There’s a raft of peer reviewed studies which reach the same conclusions and even the WHO back in December warned clinicians about high rates of false positives and yet here we are.

When science goes wrong - in the hands of politicians and an ignorant media. 

So maybe another “way out of this mess” is to read the science properly and use accurate testing that is fit for purpose in order to build meaningful infection and mortality databases with which to inform the public.  

Similarly if the baseline premise is flawed and overstated, which it unarguably is, then the assignments of deaths FROM COVID rather than WITH COVID takes on an entirely different picture. The US Centers for Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) similarly admitted as far back as July 2020 (the “peak” of the pandemic there) 94% of deaths that occurred in the US WITH COVID had at least 2 or more contributing factors at play thus potentially the actual death rate purely FROM COVID was as little as 6% of the stated totals. This takes those total claimed (with) COVID death counts from 255,500 (at that time) to around 15,330, a significant bit of statistical information that changes the landscape and the true impact of the pandemic dramatically. But this wasn’t readily shared. 

It’s not a bit of woo-woo conspiracy theorising - it’s all right there on the website.

Nobody should be arguing about protecting vulnerable people (particularly the elderly) from disease and seasonal influenza which kills around 650,000+ people annually globally but we should certainly be interrogating the mainstream media which isn’t covering the full aspects of this situation and haven’t been from the get go. 

Sweden and Japan didn’t impose lockdown restrictions (measures which have unavoidable inbuilt attrition by default) and those countries have had equal or better results than the countries who have gone the whole hog such as the UK. 

So when one does actually analyse these factors and the globally published stats (even with an overstated infection and mortality rate) that people between the ages of 0-69 have a better than 99.8% recovery rate from this condition, it does beg the question why one would be rushing to receive a vaccine with an arguably claimed efficacy of 95% at best? 

And like as always - just logic, no anti vax sentiment - if the vaccine works then there should be no risk posed by those who haven’t had one, and this should be everyone’s sovereign choice, given that innate immunity is statistically and verifiably more effective in the first place. 

In counterpoint, the vaccine makers state on their inserts that the vaccine does not prevent transmission of the virus once vaccinated and similarly it does not prevent vaccine recipients from contracting the virus. It’s purportedly designed instead to reduce severity if infected and even the WHO has stipulated that despite vaccination  there will be a reliance on the population attaining herd immunity to overcome the situation. That is something that occurs naturally within populations and has done since time immemorial as the human immune system adapts to each new mutation of infection. 

Thus, innate immunity is an obvious and supportable option and everyone should respect that instead of this ridiculous polarising debate that goes on all day long about stupid anti and pro vaxxers. 

I agree we should read the science and maybe stop watching quite so much sponsored mainstream news. 

The science is as outlined above.  

Vax away or don’t as you see fit. 

But vaccinating certainly isn’t the only way out of this mess... and removing people’s right to that choice or not is most decidedly not the way forward either - that merely creates a problem potentially more virulent and damaging than any coronavirus. 

Monday, 3 May 2021

Did tens of thousands more people really die in 2020 than in 2019?

 Death rate 

In Australia 2019 - 2020

Increase in death rate from 2019 to 2020 

From 6.76/1000 population to 6.85/1000 

2019 25,203,000 / 170,372 deaths (0.676% rate of population) 

2020 25,500,000 / 174,675 deaths (0.685% rate of population)

Increase of 297,000 in population growth 

Which means an actual increase in death of 4,303 or a 0.009% increase in the year  NO SPIKE. NO EXCESS DEATHS. Just the usual trend one would expect. From 2014 to 2015 there was an increase in the death rate of 0.014% which is 35% higher than the difference between 2019 and 2020 when in the latter year we were supposedly in the midst of a deadly virulent pandemic. Come on. 

Check the figures. Do the math. 


2019 - 2020 

From 9.43/1000 population to 9.47/1000 

2019 66,797,000 / 629,896 deaths (0.943% rate of population) 

2020 67,886,000 / 642,880 deaths (0.947% rate of population) 

Increase of 1,089,000 in population growth 

Which means an actual increase in death of 12,984 or a 0.004% increase in the year  NO SPIKE. NO EXCESS DEATHS. Just the usual trend one would expect. From 2013 to 2020 there has been an upward trend in percentages of deaths year on year and in 2019-2020 this trend continues. But it doesn’t spike. There are not hundreds  of thousands of excess deaths. It just didn’t happen. And the increase could readily be explained by the attrition as a result of lockdown suicides and abdication of aged care. Come on. 

Check the figures. Do the math. 


2019 - 2020 

From 8.28/1000 population to 8.31/1000 

2019 - 329,060,000 / 2,724,617 deaths (0.828% rate of population) 

2020 - 330,660,000 / 2,747,785 deaths (0.831% rate of population) 

Increase of 1,600,000 in population growth (0.486% growth) 

Which means an actual increase in death of 23,168 or a 0.003% increase in the year  NO SPIKE. NO EXCESS DEATHS. Just the usual trend one would expect. From 2016 to 2017 there was an increase in the death rate of 0.02% which is 85% higher than the difference between 2019 and 2020 when in the latter year we were supposedly in the midst of a deadly virulent pandemic. Come on. 

Check the figures. Do the math. 

Where are the 400,000 covert-19 deaths they claimed happened over and above the annual average? 

Truth be told - they never happened. 

The numbers have just been shuffled around and the flu, pneumonia and other deaths, disappeared and reassigned to covert-19 falsely but no matter what you do, when the totals from all causes are compared year on year there are no unusual trends or excess death spikes.  

However, when one digs into the CDC figures for death counts, the true obfuscation emerges. The totals also differ from the Index Mundi data by some degree insofar as total deaths are concerned.  To make sense of it (which is impossible when people are being caught in a lie) this fantastic investigative article unpacks the deception. Celia Farber article UncoverDC

Oh, and in India it’s actually gone down between 2019 and 2020 but hey, nothing to see here. This information any gonna sell news airtime or vaccines... 



People should understand that PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) IS NOT A TEST - it is an analytical process that amplifies a small fragment of genetic material for the purpose of study. 

It was never intended to be used as a testing protocol nor for diagnostical purposes or to determine viral load.

Its inventor, Kary Mullis is on record stating as much.

He warned against it being used for viral detection for HIV when the establishment wanted to use it for that. 

Kary Mullis video:

And nothing about PCR has changed. 

What HAS changed is that Kary Mullis is now sadly deceased (2019 just before the great COVERT scamdemic) and he cannot speak out against this misuse of his incredible invention. And that in his absence with no authoritative dissenting voice, the establishment has gone back to its disingenuous ways and is using the procedure in an entirely inappropriate manner - to “diagnose” COVERT-19 

There are other scientists who have provided empirical peer-reviewed papers on the inconsistencies of PCR for this “purpose” so it’s not that the information isn’t out there - it is - just not through the mainstream media of course. 

The CDC and even the WHO have admitted on their websites that a range of amplification on the process that’s (deemed arbitrarily by them to be) too many - will render positive results every time, where up to 97% of these results will be false positives. But guess what - up until very recently, that’s still what they’ve been doing. All over the world. 

Which, in simple terms means: at those amplification cycles nearly everyone they test will be positive whether they are sick, healthy or otherwise. And as Kary Mullis has repeatedly stated: PCR doesn’t test you for virus.

Think about this for a moment - the ENTIRE basis for broadcasting to the populations of every country that there is a widespread rate of infection and the number of “infected” people is in the millions - IS BASED ON AN ENTIRELY BOGUS TESTING PROTOCOL.

So whereas they might claim there are 500,000 COVERT cases on the go - that actually translates in reality to maybe 15,000 actual flu-like cases and the rest of the people tested (485,000) are healthy and are certainly not Asymptomatic (i.e. - not showing symptoms but are carriers of the “disease”) - that too is bogus and there are  empirical studies to prove it. In 2020 onward, healthy has suddenly been (conveniently) mistranslated to now mean asymptomatic. 

It is all a pack of utter nonsense. 

And yet - here we are.

And people keep asking - why would they do this? 

Why would they lie to us?

To what end?

And I say (again) - most of the people in the front line do not know any better - hell, they prescribe and administer vaccines with the best of intentions too firmly believing them to be rigorously tested life saving medications whereas the reality is simply that not a single vaccine on the planet (show me a Pubmed paper that proves me wrong) has ever been double-blind-inert-placebo tested to prove its safety and efficacy - not one. But the pharmaceutical companies will state that they HAVE been safety tested. And some using placebos.

And that is true - to a point. But there is no baseline as the “placebos” they are using are not harmless sugar pills or saline shots - they are OTHER VACCINES which in turn have never been safety trialed against an actual INERT placebo, which is the GOLD STANDARD for any drug that requires to be safety tested properly. Most of your doctors will argue against this saying that the vaccines they’re givng your children have ALL been rigorously safety tested but they are wrong. They are just wrong.

So it’s no real stretch to see this scenario unfolding with COVERT-19 where the “authorities” (who have got every prediction and assertion regarding infection and mortality wrong and continue to mislead people about it) at the front line simply believe that what they are doing is the right thing to do.

It isn’t. It’s literally DEAD wrong. 

And the lockdown (not the virus) attrition proves this. 

With HIV they killed and/or maimed millions with toxic ARV drugs and summarily blamed that attrition on the little AIDS “virus” - that was the precursor to what we are experiencing now. 

Link to article in Spin magazine

Vaccines have a similar attrition rate only it’s being kept very firmly under the radar where vaccine injury and death is downplayed everywhere because that narrative doesn’t suit the manufacturers of those meds.
If vaccines were so wonderfully safe then why in 1983 would the industry have petitioned the US government to afford them blanket exemption from legal prosecution?
I’ll tell you why - because they were losing so much money through the incessant lawsuits when their products injured and/or killed (mostly) children during those years. They threatened the US government that they would stop making vaccines if something wasn’t done. And President Reagan buckled - in 1986 he initiated the vacccine injury compensation act and legislated that the drug companies could not be sued. Can you imagine that?

Vaccine compensation act

Well, it’s all true - that’s how safe they are. And when reclassified around the same time, to becoming biologics rather than “drugs” long term safety trials were no longer necessary. Look this up for yourself. All true. 

Difference between drugs and biologics

The AIDS industry has been worth trillions in aid, drugs, testing kits and even marketing (which is where bogus diagnosis first began with Elisa antibody testing) and this deadly pantomime is being played out once more - this time, instead of just gay men and impoverished third world people being the target cohort of a supposedly deadly virus,  an entire global population is now at the mercy of those who seek to exploit and profit from this deception.

This is no theory - this is verifiably researchable but the mainstream still maintains the deception about HIV being the (probable) cause of AIDS because, guess what(?) - just like SARS-Cov2, that sneaky little HI-Virus was never isolated or purified either and the man at the centre of that world-changing event and the first time anybody had ever really heard the word “pandemic” was one Anthony Fauci.

Do the math. Stop believing that authorities don’t lie or deceive - they do for profit and power grabbing and have done so since the species learned how to walk upright. 

Every single manufacturer of vaccines has been convicted numerously of fraud and wilful and wrongful death of millions of innocent civilians over the years but those are merely statistics in their actuarial calculations where profit is measured against potential losses through lawsuits when their drugs cause injury or death. And if the profit is viable, then so is the harm they know will be caused. It’s business. 

It’s not a curing game - it’s a numbers and profit game and hey - if they can cull a few million people at the same time (something that our mate, Mr Gates has proclaimed on many occasions - gleefully I might add - is really necessary - it’s not) then for the profiteers - that is a bonus. Some say it is the main part of the elite agenda and they may be right - it doesn’t matter. The profiteering alone just through test kits and vaccines (the ultimate end game and biggest earner - Gates is on record stating that too) is self evident. Do the math - follow the money 7+ billion people x 3 - 6 shots of experimental poison at arguably around 1,000 a shot is a shit ton of money - it’s actually around $43.2 trillion - that’s just the vaccines - $43,200,000,000,000 - you can hardly write that number out never mind count it...

And you still think this is about your health....?

Come on.

Rampant technocratic Transhumanism


To “live” vicariously in the digital realm because the reality we currently experience sucks.... that’s the message. 

Fuckerberg was spouting this stuff back in 2017 on his path to creating a way for humankind to subsist (I refuse to use the word exist) in a simulated digital reality, much in the manner of the characters in Avatar or the Bruce Willis movie, Surrogate. 

Life devolves to becoming a catatonic lump in a chair, hooked up to the digital realm through a VR interface where one can “live” and adventure safely. 

Sounds just peachy, right. Because the planet outside really sucks. 

Think about what’s playing out right now about people being systematically separated and forced into isolation. It’s all based on a bogus premise but man it has been effective. Coincidence of course. 

Fuckerberg noted: 

'This will help us mix the physical and digital in new ways, and make reality better'.


'We'll start today with basic effect such as face masks.’

It’s just a game, right? 


Come on, people. Wake up and smell the covert revolution and the war on your very consciousness. 

I for one, ain’t falling for it. 

How about you? 

Link to article:

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Covert-19 tyranny by stealth


Stock photos with multiple uses...

They were wheeling bodies from Central Park to morgues at the outset of the covert-19 scamdemic....not. There were emergency rooms and hospitals overflowing everywhere even in Canada around the world as it progressed - not. 

In Canada mayoral authority was proclaiming such things completely unfoundedly, as true journalists exposed - in other words the authorities were lying. 

Let’s call it what it is - THEY WERE AND CONTINUE TO FUCKING LIE. 

They even in the US are obfuscating the number of deaths by trying to separate out covert-19 cases and mortality apart from total death counts. But when you actually assess deaths from all causes year on year between 2019 and 2020 THERE ARE NO EXCESS DEATHS. They are lying. 

The same obtains in the UK and elsewhere - not that the true figures cannot be verified, they can - they just aren’t being - not by governments and not by media. 

One then has to stop asking if people are actually dying in India - of course they fucking are. Like they do every year by the thousands every week just like they do in the United States and every country on the planet. 

The difference now in the modern scaremongering media madness is that unlike ever before, they are reporting normal mortality rates through the media Week on week and in any ordinary year, over 55,000 people die in a week in the US alone but they are now calling it something else. They are claiming that covert is causing lots of those deaths. But when you actually add up the totals, no more deaths than usually occur are actually occurring. The false reassignment to covert is the real kicker especially when you consider that the people who would ordinarily die from a raft of conditions anyway (comorbidity) and they have now been tested with a procedure that has up to 96% inaccuracy (read: false positivity) then it’s easy to fudge the numbers and say covert was the culprit when it was actually regular flu or pneumonia or heart disease or cancer or just plain old age. And yet in the throes of the most deadly pandemic in modern times NO MORE PEOPLE ARE DYING THAN IS USUAL - EVEN IN FUCKING INDIA. 

I don’t claim to know where that footage was dredged up but what I do know with absolute conviction is that authorities do lie - Robert F Kennedy Sr quoted this truism during his lifetime and was, like his brother, engaged in going up against and exposing those corrupt authorities and look what happened to them. 

I’ve seen photos doing the rounds that looked like they could have been stock photos from the gas disaster on 7th May in India or even before that. It’s a tactic that’s oftentimes been employed to sensationalise a story. 

If anyone believes for a second that the collective governments and their captive sock-puppet medias wouldn’t employ deceptive tactics to further a particular agenda which might revolve around profiteering, population management and control, then they haven’t been paying attention. 

Frog, pot, gradually warming water - you do the math. 

It’s a crock of bullshit. 

If it wasn’t there would genuinely have been an increase in deaths to the tune of over 400,000 people in the US under Trump’s watch in 2020 - there weren’t and that is verifiable. 

The question we should be asking is not whether people are dying in India from a statistically non-lethal virus, it is why are we being lied to about all of this?