Australia latest stats. The real story.
(Please check the data and links in the attachment for your own verification of the numbers)
Link here: DAEN summary
Total deaths as an outcome associated with 1 of the covid vaccines = 1,206
This between Jan 2021 and 20 Sep 2021 - 9 months = 134 deaths per month
As of same date 1,334 deaths from covid claimed. This since Feb 21 2020 - 19 months so the rate of death from covid (including comorbidities) = 70 per month.
1. The govt are lying on their own website by understating the fatality of the covid “vaccines” - they claim 545 deaths in their summary but the raw data confirms 1,206 deaths - a margin of understatement of 121% and this is only what is being officially recorded as being associated with the vaccines.
2. Covid (allegedly) has killed an average of 70 people per month since the announcement of the “pandemic” in Australia, which when compared with flu deaths in 2019, over 340 people died per month in that year. So far less deadly than flu which claims between 100-200 on average in any given year in this country. Covid ⅓ less risky
3. Covid vaccines on the other hand have killed 1,206 people in a very short space of time (9 months) at a rate of 134 month, almost double that of the disease itself. And they want to mandate these toxic deadly shots for everyone in the country including children and tell anyone who isn’t vaccinated that they’re a threat to the community.
4. The vaccines (read: mRNA gene therapy jabs) don’t work. They don’t protect the vaccinated from infection or transmission so the “fully” vaccinated infect others at the same rate that anyone else might do. The data from here and around the world confirm this. So why is our government targeting unvaccinated people, who are vaccine-risk educated and pro choice, as being the sector of the population who should be punished for exercising their democratic rights to refuse a potentially deadly medication - clearly more dangerous than the so called disease itself as can be confirmed by the government’s own raw data?
1. Why is your government consistently lying (overstating) about the risks associated with covid?
2. Why are they lying (understating) the risks associated with the “vaccines” and not publishing the raw data?
3. Why are they targeting one sector of the community who pose the same (or less) risk to others than those who have complied with unlawful coercion to get an experimental medical procedure that is demonstrably dangerous?
4. Based on the above which clearly proves that so called Covid is far less dangerous than annual flu events certainly over the last decade, why is the government continuing to endanger its population with unnecessary lockdowns, denial of primary cheap workable health care, and commercial, physical and mental attrition as a result of measures which have no validity in science, medicine or statistics?
And anyone can glibly dismiss what I’m saying with a little meme or something else that someone else contrived that “I did my own research”.
Fucking oath I did my own research (only from official government databases it has to be stressed - not social or even mainstream media, which is where so many detractors do get their “information”) and I have included the links for the verification of those conclusions.
Don’t believe me - please. I urge you to do your own research.
And let me know what you conclude from the raw numbers out there.
I’d be very surprised if it was anything different to the above.
The conclusion of this is that it is not the unvaccinated nor indeed the vaccinated that pose a danger to Australian society, it is the government itself doing that.
And one has to ask oneself why?
They have signally failed and continue to fail in their sworn duty to serve and protect the citizens of Australia and for this they should be removed from office through constitutionally based public referenda on these issues and we should start afresh with people in a system that does what democracy is defined to do - represent the will of the mob.
Currently and consistently anything but that is happening.
Vaxxed and unvaxxed need to digest and understand the true figures then unite to take this country back from the despots who are holding us in penal servitude. It is they who are the criminals, not us.
1 comment:
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