


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Sunday, 10 October 2021



He’s quoted out of context, they say. 

That’s not what he meant, they say. 

But I say - he said what he said and he meant it. 

He knows what he was saying and that was counterintuitive to everything that vackseens are supposed to do, which is protect health and the population, NOT reduce it. 

But Mr Gates knows full well that they maim, kill and sterilise people so there’s a good chance that with a global initiative driven to jab billions whether they want it or not  by something like, say, a viral pandemic that he and his mates planned - sorry, predicted in October 2019, the impact (not of the so-called virus but) of the vackseens (in which his companies have enormous stakes) would be significant. 

And that is proving to be true. 

Check out the video Here from 2:30 and listen carefully to what Bill Mengele Gates is saying. 

And here’s the other thing - don’t think for a minute that with all these distractions (read: fight for survival) over the fabricated pandemic, that Führer Gates has forgotten the other parts of his TED Talk equation - that’s right climate “change” - that’s where he and that programmed sock-puppet, Greta Thunberg (steered by Soros et-al) will be focusing their attention - on the next significant means of social engineering and control through impositions on lifestyle and choices and inevitably taxation on individual carbon emissions. He talks about it in this TED presentation euphemistically dubbed: “Services Per Person” - oh yeah, they’re coming for you…

And when they say carbon, the building blocks of life as we know it on Earth, they actually mean carbon dioxide, which, it is claimed, the human population have managed to train to defy the laws of physics and this life-sustaining gas (inhaled by the planet’s plants) has suddenly and inexplicably stopped being four times denser than atmospheric air and has floated to the upper atmosphere in such vast quantities so as to become a real global warming nuisance. 

Yeah, I know. Not sure what anthropogenic influence has precipitated this physics-defying transformation but hey, if they can get us to believe a 99,89% recoverable cold virus created a plague of such magnitude that we have to shut down the world and turn on each other and get unnecessarily vacksinated just so we can serve our masters for another paycheck and a cross-border travel pass to see the family, then the catastrophist climate change narrative will be a cinch as the next sword of Damocles to hold over the population’s head. The ramping up of fear and guilt will inevitably ensue with the wild-eyed Thunberg thing berating her parents’ generation for being such inconsiderate poisonous bastards while filling her peers with despair and gloom with no real future hope, these doomsday pronouncements enthusiastically applauded by the rabid cohort of transhumanist technocrats who ultimately created her. 

Don’t believe any of it. 

It’s all bullshit. 

But it’s the next chapter in the global push for centralised control and subjugation of the population. 

Mark my words. 

Be ready to fight, people. 

And win. 

For win we must. 

1 comment:

Ubong Stella said...

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