


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Thursday 6 January 2022


We are now in the ultimate scam phase of covid. 

Where we get to determine our own “infectiousness” at our own expense so we can agree to be locked down, restricted and jabbed some more because the little home test kit says we’re sick. Even when we demonstrably are not. 

The population (many of them) have been duped into believing they should test themselves at their own expense, especially when they have no symptoms, using a non-specific methodology (flagged by many factors other than an antibody response to a specific viral genetic marker) to determine if they have contracted the named infection. 

That is about as perfect a scam as has ever been contrived. 

If there was a specific test that flagged only viral particles in mucus or saliva or blood - great - they’re testing for virus, a specific and unique virus. Which they can only do if they’ve actually isolated that virus. 

However, if you haven’t got the specific, unique viral fingerprint you then have to come up with a different type of test which one can claim that, although it’s not actually testing for virus or whether you’re sick or not, it’s still testing for something that is specific to that virus. Like say, an immune antibody (antigen) response which is the first thing your body does when it’s being infected. 

The antibodies are the good guys, remember. They’re not the villain of the piece. They’re the response to an infection or a disease. 

But here’s the thing. As with so called HIV tests, when antibody testing was first concocted (yeah, another virus they hadn’t isolated so couldn’t identify in blood) our bodies produce a range of antibody / protein / exosomic responses when we are sick or immunocompromised or just plain run down or even stressed and these are what’s being flagged in antibody/antigen testing kits and they’re horribly non specific and subject to high rates of false-positive results. Hence, the more people who are tested, the more (false)positive results will be realised which have nothing to do with covid, sickness or virus whatsoever. But this gets used to build the “case” numbers, maintain the restrictions and, of course, promote the drive to force (completely useless, unnecessary toxic) vaccines on everybody. 

More and more people are becoming savvy to this deception and the clinicians who administer the tests are just doing their jobs believing it to be the right thing to do. 

Every antibody testing kit that I have ever seen all come with a package disclaimer that states their kit is not a definitive test for any specific virus.  They indemnify themselves very carefully against this and state that false positives can occur. 

But hey, it’s a test, it’s being done by nurses and doctors under government directive so it must be valid and now I can do it at home - bonus! 

It’s the second phase of the great HIV antibody testing scam only now they’re getting us to scam ourselves at our own expense so the governments of the world can say, see, we told you you might be covid positive now get in line, buy some more masks, lock yourselves up and don’t go anywhere until you’ve been triple jabbed. 

It’s a very clever, neat profiteering scheme of social control wouldn’t you say?

What you can also say is - NO.

They do, of course state extremely high specificity in the package inserts but RAT tests are pretty much useless on people with no symptoms or if you’ve gone past the first few days of “symptoms” because they’re looking at your physical response to the infection, not the infection itself. But they’ll cite the range of different types of sars virus assays they’ve used in the testing. None of which have been measured in a sample. It’s your response to whatever it is that they’re claiming is specific to those viruses. 

Independent testing has said things like:

2021 Aug 14

Accuracy of COVID-19 rapid antigenic tests compared to RT-PCR in a student population: The StudyCov study

Conclusions: This study shows the poor sensitivity of AT in asymptomatic subjects, specificity being however excellent. The performance results fall below the World Health Organization recommendation of 80% sensitivity and question using AT in general population, especially when asymptomatic.

And every RAT kit says that if you test positive you should get confirmation through a PCR which is like saying - your doctor has told you that covid vaccines are safe and effective but to be sure just ask the Pharma industry if that’s the case. And they’ll tell you, yes, of course they are. 

Then you go read their package inserts and check the TGA DAEN website and you find that the covid vaccines are actually killing people at  a 1 ½ times higher rate per month than the actual “virus”


 How can one say it any plainer: 

You are just stupid, irrationally fearful idiots if you continue to buy this covid narrative.  


In Australia alone. 

If they reported case counts of annual flu like they’re reporting on this coronavirus bullshit, it would be way in excess of or equal to the rona infections - the hospitalisations and ICU admissions are magnitudes of scale way less than what happens with annual flu. See below 

And the deaths, have been more per annum from flu than from what they claim as being from the rona. 


Guaranteed if they were asking people to go and get tested for flu even without symptoms every year and every week, those legacy flu “case” stats would’ve been exponentially even higher. Off the charts. Because the tests remain meaningless. 

Currently Wed 05/01/2022 

Supposedly - 254,232 “cases” 

° 1.05% hospitalisations 

Note: the hospitalisations for regular flu varies between 9 - 11.5 % of cases 

So nothing to see here. 

In fact there is - there are 800% - 1000% FEWER hospitalisations with rona 

° 0.07% ICU admissions 

Note: the ICU admissions for regular flu varies between 6 - 9% of cases 

So nothing to see here. 

In fact there is - 8,500% - 12,850% FEWER ICU admissions with rona 

Deaths per annum from a flu season varies but 2017 & 2019 when we had no rona or announced pandemics, 1,255 and 905 deaths respectively just from flu. If you factor in pneumonia, that goes up by 4 x that amount. 

But hey - let’s not ramp up fear for what happens year on year. 

Currently with rona “claimed” deaths from the onset of the pandemic over 23 months - 2,271 deaths. That’s an average of 1,185 deaths per year from covid. Which is the same as flu in 2017 and we know there has been multiple reassignments of flu to covid so it’s moot in any event. 

The point being - there is not and never has been any pandemic. Just a new paradigm of fear driven reporting on something that should never have been flagged in the first place. The numbers even after two years, globally, don’t stack up. 

So stop buying the bullshit. 

Say fuck off. 

Take your life back and stop being so fucking fearful. 

It’s ridiculous. 

And stop getting tested. It isn’t telling you anything meaningful. It’s just a means to keep this bullshit going.

Saturday 23 October 2021

The covid hysteria and vaccination at any cost


The covid hysteria and vaccination at any cost 

I love that I am frequently chastised for being a conspiracy theorist, selfish and irresponsible for posting information on this so called pandemic, admonished via algorithm by captive social media “fact” checkers and that the establishment generally regards my (and millions of others, it has to be said) views as downright dangerous. 

This would be extremely troubling for me, and it is to a degree, but not nearly as troubling as the reality which is being glossed over or simply ignored by the establishment, by which I mean, social and mainstream media and of course, our governments. 

I’m not about to launch into conspiracy “theories”  and the reasons why that establishment should wish to seemingly promote harmful measures against its citizens when it claims to be promoting the exact opposite while people like myself are the ones running amok with crazy dangerous theories. 

But here’s the thing - while I may not believe in the saccharin sentimentality of Bill Gates and our august politicians, it’s hard to ignore government and media sanctioned lies when these are revealed through their own official sources or peer reviewed science. 

That is no conspiracy - that’s just an unpacking of facts and data that isn’t in any way, manner or form subjective. 

And it isn’t being revealed by that establishment. 

One has then to ask why? 

It’s not my place to answer that question and, in fact, it’s not the place of my detractors to ask it of me. This question should be asked by the media of the government but that isn’t happening. 

And if rational citizens aren’t asking that question of themselves instead of trying to rubbish the factual data being placed before them, then I’m afraid there  is no hope of reaching anyone that immersed in cognitive dissonant denial. 

It’s the unarguable mandate of that establishment to preserve the freedom of its citizens and protect them. That is not and never has been happening since the announcement of a pandemic some 20 months ago. Why are they abdicating that responsibility? 

They’re simply not doing their jobs. 

And frankly, they’re lying to us. 

Again - why? 

What research of the facts globally reveal from the outset of this pandemic is as follows: 

The statistics being issued by “authorities” always make claims of covid deaths being excess deaths on yearly averages. Yet they count these deaths in isolation and take great pains to drop little notes on government websites where they continue to claim that mortality stats don’t take into account covid deaths then they go on to list all of the covid related deaths accordingly with no comparative TOTALS from all causes, which is the only meaningful benchmark to utilise. Because when you do that analysis, the hundreds of thousands of claimed excess deaths per country just don’t exist. And it’s easy to make deaths (allegedly) FROM covid seem frighteningly high if there is a reversal of deaths from other respiratory related illnesses such as flu and pneumonia which drop to virtually zero everywhere as mortality is conveniently reassigned to covid. 

That isn’t to say people might not contract covid and indeed die from or with it (usually the latter, usually in 80-90 years olds with preexisting health issues) but analysis reveals that the fatality and infection rates (using inappropriate and inaccurate testing protocols) are being overstated by orders of magnitude and this is demonstrably around 90-96% inflated. 

When looking at the differences between 2019 pre-covid and 2020 total deaths from all causes (in other words, general death rate)  when the world was purportedly in the peak of the pandemic, the stats consistently reveal that while (in some cases) the overall death rate may have climbed marginally, the figures unpacked show this to be well within the ranges of rates over the last couple of decades and in many instances, such as in Australia (pre-vaccines), the death rates in 2020 actually went down. Yet there remains the claim of excess deaths. 

They aren’t there. Not at all. Not anywhere. 

That there are millions of people dying globally is without question but that’s no different to any other year on planet Earth where 27,000 people die every day in India on average and 28,000 per day in China - for example. But they don’t usually show that on tv news - not until the era of covid that is.  Oh, and in India while they were ramping up hysteria about thousands of people dying every day and bodies being burned in the streets - that is what happens there traditionally day on day, year on year and newsflash - total death rates dropped in India between 2019 and 2020. 

No vaccines but they were using ivermectin. They’ve known about it for decades for other uses as a prophylactic medication because they’ve got billions of people and it’s dirt cheap. And they found that it works safely and effectively for covid. But not in the West apparently...

So once you get your head around the fact that what’s being reported is a flagrant distortion of the reality, you might start to look behind the daily fearcast spewing forth from the media. 

For example here in Australia they have the narrative (and that’s not a dirty word - it just means story but it seems to be falling into the same category as conspiracy, which has never been as relevant as it is today only it has moved from the realm of theory and fantasy to become manifest reality) gushing out minute by minute regurgitating the fantasy that vaccination is the only way. It’s not mandatory, it’s not compulsory but the government (against its own legislated vaccination laws) has effectively coerced people into taking it or else. Or else what? 

Well they use the vehicle of Public Health Orders, which again, are not enacted laws, to bully businesses into complying with their vaccination agenda. Only the double vaxxed may enter here. Only the double vaxxed may participate in this and that and the unvaccinated may not. And they have moved the vaccination rate targets ever onward and upward. 

Again with no basis in science whatsoever. 

And employers are similarly bullied into getting staff to comply under threat of fines against the businesses while employees are told if they aren’t getting vaxxed (remember that voluntary / non mandatory legislation?) they will lose their jobs and/or they’re banished from work. Does any of this sound like a voluntary pro-choice methodology where one has a democratic right to refuse a medical procedure? 

No, didn’t think so. 

The reality is, it’s downright coercively illegal not to mention unethical, immoral and here’s the kicker - unnecessary but they’re doing it anyway. 

Why? It has nothing to do with public health. 

The health “authorities” freely admit (as borne out by their own stats) that vaccination doesn’t confer full protection by which they actually mean - it doesn’t work. It doesn’t stop you from becoming infected or from passing it on. Which, let’s be honest, is the whole point of vaccination in the first place. To augment and manifest immunisation. They even use the terms interchangeably- vaccination and immunisation. They’re not the same thing but the first one is supposed to create the second one. And when you have sufficient immunisation within the population, herd immunity can be achieved. That is either by vaccination or through natural immunity. But the vaccinations just haven’t worked. 

And that too is borne out by the fact that even the WHO had to change their definition of herd immunity. At the end of 2020 it was a condition whereby, through natural exposure to a pathogen or through vaccination, a community attained protection from said pathogen where even those who hadn’t been exposed, were protected. 

However, the WHO suddenly and inexplicably removed the concept of natural exposure and innate immunity from the definition and rewrote it to state that only through vaccination could this be achieved. A blatant and outright distortion of virological reality. 

But they did it and people just seemed to accept this blanket distortion without question.

Why did they change the definition? 

In a nutshell: they removed the natural immunity factor and focused on VACCINATION. 

Let’s just recap. 

It’s been admitted that the vaccinations don’t work, they don’t confer protection, even if they do arguably assist in ameliorating symptoms (remember worldwide 96% of covid infections are mild to nonexistent - which ties in with the rate of false positive results on PCR tests, the premise upon which infection stats are based) - even so, boosters are purportedly “required” (even though the first and second shot didn’t do the job) and meds that actually do work as has been demonstrated in India, are disingenuously vilified and denounced as primary health care for if it was admitted, as it should be, that ivermectin did prevent and cure covid, there would be no basis upon which an emergency or a pandemic could be declared and the experimental (still being trialled) vaccines would fall by the wayside.  

So there is available treatment. It does work. It’s cheap. 

The death rates are being deliberately distorted as the total counts from all causes continue to confirm, and when one tallies the actual attrition rate of vaccine adverse events and deaths - even here in Australia (from the government’s own website) the rate of death as  an outcome when vaccinated, is double that of the actual disease. And this statistical reality obtains all over the world. But the establishment is distorting that reality as well. 

So if the vaccines don’t work (and they don’t) and they are killing people at a higher rate than the disease, and safe cheap effective primary health care is available (and it is) then why the insane hysteria to get everyone vaccinated when it is demonstrably unnecessary? 

Because it isn’t about public health. 

It’s about vaccines. 

It always has been. 

And if that isn’t self evident to everyone by now then you haven’t been paying attention.  

Again - why? 

I have my own ideas about that but it isn’t the point. 

The point is that this stuff is really happening and the authoritarian establishment continues to distort the narrative. That’s a simple fact. 

So instead of trying to debunk those who have listened and properly researched (not googled) the actual stats and the factual data that isn’t being broadcast via the media or your government, perhaps people should be asking themselves why this data is undoubtedly being distorted with fearmongering and societal division being disingenuously promoted instead?

It’s dangerous not to. 

The path of least resistance (and I use that word deliberately) is to simply absorb the media narrative and acquiesce accordingly to every distortion they promote with a naive belief that this will restore your “freedoms” (an ugly euphemism for inalienable RIGHTS) whereas the exact opposite has been happening. 

The only way through this is NOT vaccination (but people should be free to choose that option if they so desire) - it is to unite our populations and question everything and demand that the world be returned to proper normal as there is, and never has been any valid reason for these insane restrictions as a pandemic (in its proper definition) has never existed. 


Sunday 10 October 2021



He’s quoted out of context, they say. 

That’s not what he meant, they say. 

But I say - he said what he said and he meant it. 

He knows what he was saying and that was counterintuitive to everything that vackseens are supposed to do, which is protect health and the population, NOT reduce it. 

But Mr Gates knows full well that they maim, kill and sterilise people so there’s a good chance that with a global initiative driven to jab billions whether they want it or not  by something like, say, a viral pandemic that he and his mates planned - sorry, predicted in October 2019, the impact (not of the so-called virus but) of the vackseens (in which his companies have enormous stakes) would be significant. 

And that is proving to be true. 

Check out the video Here from 2:30 and listen carefully to what Bill Mengele Gates is saying. 

And here’s the other thing - don’t think for a minute that with all these distractions (read: fight for survival) over the fabricated pandemic, that Führer Gates has forgotten the other parts of his TED Talk equation - that’s right climate “change” - that’s where he and that programmed sock-puppet, Greta Thunberg (steered by Soros et-al) will be focusing their attention - on the next significant means of social engineering and control through impositions on lifestyle and choices and inevitably taxation on individual carbon emissions. He talks about it in this TED presentation euphemistically dubbed: “Services Per Person” - oh yeah, they’re coming for you…

And when they say carbon, the building blocks of life as we know it on Earth, they actually mean carbon dioxide, which, it is claimed, the human population have managed to train to defy the laws of physics and this life-sustaining gas (inhaled by the planet’s plants) has suddenly and inexplicably stopped being four times denser than atmospheric air and has floated to the upper atmosphere in such vast quantities so as to become a real global warming nuisance. 

Yeah, I know. Not sure what anthropogenic influence has precipitated this physics-defying transformation but hey, if they can get us to believe a 99,89% recoverable cold virus created a plague of such magnitude that we have to shut down the world and turn on each other and get unnecessarily vacksinated just so we can serve our masters for another paycheck and a cross-border travel pass to see the family, then the catastrophist climate change narrative will be a cinch as the next sword of Damocles to hold over the population’s head. The ramping up of fear and guilt will inevitably ensue with the wild-eyed Thunberg thing berating her parents’ generation for being such inconsiderate poisonous bastards while filling her peers with despair and gloom with no real future hope, these doomsday pronouncements enthusiastically applauded by the rabid cohort of transhumanist technocrats who ultimately created her. 

Don’t believe any of it. 

It’s all bullshit. 

But it’s the next chapter in the global push for centralised control and subjugation of the population. 

Mark my words. 

Be ready to fight, people. 

And win. 

For win we must. 

Wednesday 6 October 2021



Australia latest stats. The real story. 

(Please check the data and links in the attachment for your own verification of the numbers) 

Link here: DAEN summary

Total deaths as an outcome associated with 1 of the covid vaccines = 1,206 

This between Jan 2021 and 20 Sep 2021 - 9 months = 134 deaths per month 

As of same date  1,334 deaths from covid claimed. This since Feb 21 2020 - 19 months so the rate of death from covid (including comorbidities) = 70 per month. 


1. The govt are lying on their own website by understating the fatality of the covid “vaccines” - they claim 545 deaths in their summary but the raw data confirms 1,206 deaths - a margin of understatement of 121% and this is only what is being officially recorded as being associated with the vaccines. 

2. Covid (allegedly) has killed an average of 70 people per month since the announcement of the “pandemic” in Australia, which when compared with flu deaths in 2019, over 340 people died per month in that year. So far less deadly than flu which claims between 100-200 on average in any given year in this country. Covid ⅓ less risky

3. Covid vaccines on the other hand have killed 1,206 people in a very short space of time (9 months) at a rate of 134 month, almost double that of the disease itself. And they want to mandate these toxic deadly shots for everyone in the country including children and tell anyone who isn’t vaccinated that they’re a threat to the community. 

4. The vaccines (read: mRNA gene therapy jabs) don’t work. They don’t protect the vaccinated from infection or transmission so the “fully” vaccinated infect others at the same rate that anyone else might do. The data from here and around the world confirm this. So why is our government targeting unvaccinated people, who are vaccine-risk educated and pro choice, as being the sector of the population who should be punished for exercising their democratic rights to refuse a potentially deadly medication - clearly more dangerous than the so called disease itself as can be confirmed by the government’s own raw data? 


1. Why is your government consistently lying (overstating) about the risks associated with covid? 

2. Why are they lying (understating) the risks associated with the “vaccines” and not publishing the raw data? 

3. Why are they targeting one sector of the community who pose the same (or less) risk to others than those who have complied with unlawful coercion to get an experimental medical procedure that is demonstrably dangerous? 

4. Based on the above which clearly proves that so called Covid is far less dangerous than annual flu events certainly over the last decade, why is the government continuing to endanger its population with unnecessary lockdowns, denial of primary cheap workable health care, and commercial, physical and mental attrition as a result of measures which have no validity in science, medicine or statistics? 

And anyone can glibly dismiss what I’m saying with a little meme or something else that someone else contrived that “I did my own research”. 

Fucking oath I did my own research (only from official government databases it has to be stressed - not social or even mainstream media, which is where so many detractors do get their “information”) and I have included the links for the verification of those conclusions. 

Don’t believe me - please. I urge you to do your own research. 

And let me know what you conclude from the raw numbers out there. 

I’d be very surprised if it was anything different to the above. 

The conclusion of this is that it is not the unvaccinated nor indeed the vaccinated that pose a danger to Australian society, it is the government itself doing that. 

And one has to ask oneself why? 

They have signally failed and continue to fail in their sworn duty to serve and protect the citizens of Australia and for this they should be removed from office through constitutionally based public referenda on these issues and we should start afresh with people in a system that does what democracy is defined to do - represent the will of the mob. 

Currently and consistently anything but that is happening. 

Vaxxed and unvaxxed need to digest and understand the true figures then unite to take this country back from the despots who are holding us in penal servitude. It is they who are the criminals, not us.

Sunday 22 August 2021

THE WAR ON THE ORDINARY AUSTRALIAN 2021 (under the pretext of a pandemic)


The Australian “authorities” continue to distort the situation in this country around the so-called COVID pandemic, using these bogus data to keep ordinary healthy Aussies locked up and on their knees, preventing them from working under threat of unnecessary vaccination as the upper echelon of corporate society continues to reap its ill gotten rewards.

This statement reads like something from a dystopian Nazi nightmare when war is being waged by a government against a specific section of its society which happens to be the normal, healthy, driven, independent thinkers in that society - the ones any sane administration would be lauding as valuable citizens. Not so here or now.

This is a war and we require to close ranks, uniting against the most egregious tyranny this country has ever seen.

Australia 23/08/2021 covid reality 

Statement on Australian govt health website

“The first cases of COVID-19 in Australia were identified in late January 2020. Following a peak of cases at the end of March, low numbers of cases were reported each day until early-June 2020. From mid-June 2020, cases increased and peaked in early August 2020 and then declined. Since late-September 2020, a low number of new cases continue to be reported each day.”

A low number of cases and it’s been on the decline but the testing is problematic and is falsely overstating “cases”

The cumulative “cases” (giving the benefit of the doubt) since Feb 2020 is 43,119 (most likely dramatically overstated by false positives) but let’s say it is the case. 

Now here’s the bitter reality that they’re locking healthy people down over:

Feb 2020 - Aug 2020 there were cumulatively 25,746 cases 

7 months period - 3,678 cases per month on average. 

This is when the deaths (supposedly with COVID) spiked at around 833 

Rate of death - 119 per month 

Average ages of death around 87 years old (as it is every year)

Sep 2020 - Aug 2021 there were an additional 17,373 cases (43,119 in total since the start of the so called “pandemic”) 

12 month period - 1,448 cases per month on average - a drop of 60% on the preceding year 

Additional deaths (with COVID) 145 

Rate of death - 12.1 per month - a drop of 90% on the preceding year 

Average ages of death around 87 years old 

Current number of active cases 10,223 

Hospitalisations - 554 (5.4%) mostly elderly 

In other words - 94.6% of “cases” are mild or inconsequential or don’t even have symptoms which is in keeping with the rate of false positives likely from the bogus PCR testing. 

ICU - 94 (0.9%) same or less than seasonal flu 

Conclusion - even if you buy the covid narrative, there is no pandemic, there are no spikes in death rates. In fact, 2020 had the lowest crude death rate across the population in the last decade - this in the peak of a supposedly deadly pandemic. 

And in 2021 the case rate and the death rate has dropped so dramatically that it makes the 2019 flu season look like a real pandemic when there were 313,000 confirmed cases of flu and over 4,000 deaths. But hey, no problem then. 

There is no justification for any of these lockdowns of healthy people, closures of business and restrictions on normal movement. It is patently ridiculous and worse, unlawful especially when experimental medical interventions are being forced on Australians for no good reason at all, where these are patently risky, (injury and death stats already attest to this) and where SARS type infections are being very effectively treated and cured elsewhere in the world for next to no  cost and with upward of 93% efficacy. Ivermectin cures this disease. Fact. 

Australians are being coerced, bullied and blackmailed into getting this jab just so they can carry on earning a living. 

It is beyond outrageous. It is criminally negligent and a perpetration of human rights abuses - an attack on its own population. 

We need to stand up and fight this tyranny with the facts and the figures and the law - it is on out side and what is being done by these criminals in office should not and will not stand. 

Stand up and fight, Aussies. 

Tuesday 17 August 2021



Herd immunity - the re-re-definition thereof - the ever evolving gospel of the World Health Organisation…. 

So now they’re announcing everywhere that herd immunity is a physical impossibility for Covert-19…. this on the back of the WHO changing their definition of “herd immunity” in December 2020 stating that vaccination was the only way to achieve this (see below) where they suddenly wrote out the possibility of attaining herd immunity through natural exposure and relying on innate immunity to do its job. 

I guess they’re going to have to rewrite that definition yet again. It will be interesting to see what horseshit they come up with this time. 

And why has this come about?

Simple really - the “vaccines” don’t work. They are not preventing infection or transmission which is their core duty. That’s the only way that herd immunity could possibly work with vaccination - the chemicalised intervention has to be an effective preventative measure. 

That’s the way natural herd immunity works and always has and will continue to do despite what the vaccine salesmen tell you. 

They’ve blown it. 

But hey, instead of admitting that they fucked up (the legal, ethical and professional ramifications would be beyond imagining) they’ll defend the vaccine to the bitter end simply saying that they couldn’t keep up with the ever mutating virus so that’s why boosters will be necessary. More bullshit  but lots more profit. 

And guess what? Your own innate immune system (unless immunocompromised - potentially by these mRNA meds) adapts to any mutations and variants the pathogenic world can throw at you unless of course your immune system has been reprogrammed to only defend itself against specific pathogens, which is the case with the COVID (non) “vaccines.” They create immunocompromise…

The upshot - there never was any need for a vaccine (arguably there never has been in the entire history of humanity) and we are far too quick to assume that we weren’t originally designed with an evolving immune system that has the means to defend us against pretty much anything coming our way. 

I’m confident in mine though and will remain so forever.

Can’t wait to see the next pearl of wisdom to hit the WHO website - Rev 3 of herd immunity. 

Are you starting to comprehend that there is a lot of intentional obfuscation going on here yet? 

And might I remind you all that the WHO as with the CDC and the technocrats driving the narrative that repeats the messianic virtue of vaccines (unarguably failing here again), Rupert Murdoch and most governments around the world have one thing in common - they are all significantly financially invested in vaccines, none more so than the ones they’re promoting so emphatically right now. 

So again, they can never admit there’s anything wrong with them. They will literally defend them to the death and beyond. 

Ponder that for a bit while the WHO cooks up a new story. 

This is what the WHO, before December last year had on their website as the definition of herd immunity:  (Link here)

“ Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. This means that even people who haven’t been infected, or in whom an infection hasn’t triggered an immune response, they are protected because people around them who are immune can act as buffers between them and an infected person. The threshold for establishing herd immunity for COVID-19 is not yet clear.”


Which they suddenly (and not so surprisingly given their commercial stake in vaccines) changed to this  (Link here)  :

“Herd immunity,” also known as “population immunity,” is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.

Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a  virus, not by exposing them to it.”



In other words, the concept of relying on and utilising one’s own innate immune system was summarily written out of their previous advice and vaccination was blatantly promoted instead. Vaccination was the only way to attain it….

Only, suddenly - it isn’t. 

Back to the drawing board or here’s an idea - just leave nature to its own devices - but as there is no profit in that, a new improved booster and definition and obfuscation is sure to be appearing on the wire pretty soon….

Watch this space….