


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Thursday 7 August 2014


By dint of humankind's self-proclaimed custodianship of the planet as the supreme species, we rate ourselves more advanced and intelligent than any other creature with whom we purportedly share the rock.
Ergo: we should have some idea of how to make shit work by now. Sadly, when it comes to our much vaunted egotistical intelligence, we aren't really evolved at all.
Some three thousand years after the birth of mainstream religion (some admittedly came a bit later and many belief systems were extant long before that), we still cannot agree on anything pertaining to what that actually means.
We ostensibly agree (for those who do believe) that there is one supreme divine deity yet we have concocted books that interpret what that means exactly as there is a bunch of real estate involved and divine decrees which appear in some books but not in others.
These religious manuals were written by a host of people back in the day and it seems that this one deity on whom the works were all allegedly based had a real problem communicating its intentions unambiguously which seems rather odd for an all-seeing, omnipresent, omnipotent entity unless there was a mischievous intention behind it all. Who knows? Maybe there's an apocryphal Book Of Goofy still lurking undiscovered in a cave at Qumran that will put it all into context - the world was just a crazy joke and we keep missing the punchline.
Imagine for a moment that you were the Supreme Deity, creator of the universe and everything in it and you wanted to give these talking monkeys you'd just made some form of survival guide for their time on the planet....
Wouldn't you write one manual in the plainest, unambiguous manner and ensure that everyone understood its meaning? Hell, you wouldn't even have to use language or words - you could just program it into their DNA... but as 99% of it is supposedly "junk" anyway, maybe a few thousand years of ignoring our innate higher nature has just got that bit of junk switched off...
Instead, it is claimed, I supposedly wrote a manual for the Jews, a manual for the Buddhists, a manual for the Muslims, a manual for the Christians, one for the Sufis et-al? Why?
If I'd wanted to do that, I'd have made one for the scientists too just to show them that the divine order of things actually does conform to a logical, explicable arrangement - it's just that they haven't necessarily made the equipment to understand or measure it all just yet...but keep looking - oh and tell that Dawkins bloke to cheer up a bit, please.
That's what I would've done if I'd got the job as Supreme Creator of life, the universe and everything - made one book that explained everything and made it very plain that creating different sets of rules and interpretations and using different manuals to further your own loaded agendas wasn't in the interest of acknowledging the single deity nor was it ingenuous in any manner or form.
I didn't say that this lot was entitled to that real estate because I thought they were my finest work... Lucifer and the other angels were actually my finest work and look what happened to them...
Some clever human said at some point that with great power comes great responsibility and that's been the problem with you humans from the get-go - you've never taken responsibility for your own business and deeds - always fobbed it off on me...or that other handy scapegoat - the if that was an opposing force to the creator of the universe...pfffffftttttt.....
You lot decided to write your own books, claim they were my doing and then beat the shit out of each other when these interpretive manuscripts failed to convince your neighbours that they were doing it wrong when their own manual said otherwise. Can't you see the circular argument that's in play here? No? 
So if you all still agree that I'm the ultimate judge of humankind let me say this - what a bunch of stupid, egocentric morons you are expecting multiple sets of human-contrived dogma to work when they're simply designed to highlight your differences and place one contrived set of beliefs over another.
Rather take all of those books, see where the common ground is and delete all the other stuff that doesn't apply - y'know the stuff that says your mob are better than this or that mob.
Here's the cold, hard reality - none of you are chosen and conversely you all are - and ultimately no matter which strand of life's infinite  spider web you choose to walk along, you are all going to the middle point (whatever that means to you - death, ascension, oblivion, nothing, nirvana, whatever...) and the strands of the web are all linked and validated by a common spiral strand that holds it all together.
If I was to describe that common thread in your language, I'd call it love - it's the universal glue that keeps it all in place.
And after so many thousand years of proving to yourselves that fear and war and acrimony serve no higher purpose but only sow the seeds of discontent and destruction, don't you think that by now you should have learned that this self-serving, fear-based, materialistic, man-made religious bigotry isn't a constructive way forward?
You haven't?
Well, all I can say is that you should perhaps go back to the manual and read it again properly. Not the one that your own brand of manipulators wrote - the one that I imprinted in your heart and that speaks only one common language - the language of love.
It's really simple... 
Try it. It even feels nice.
And there will be no divine smiting involved at all if you decide to love your fellow planetary colleagues - smiting too is the domain of humankind. There will be only good consequences...
I don't know how else to put it really.
And if you don't believe in me, that's also fine - just be kind no matter what. 
You don't have to be a happy-clapper to be a nice person - it's a choice - yours.
May you all one day go in peace and love. That day could be today.
The Great Architect of the Universe, The Big Bang, God, Allah, Yahweh, Goddess, Wakan Tanka, It, Collective Consciousness, Nothing, Everything, 42, Your Conscience, Morality etc.

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