


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Saturday 6 June 2015


Democracy isn't the competition it's made out to be with such and such political party opposing the other one. It's all part of the system of delivering the same, or very similar, legislation and governance over the masses while maintaining the illusion that the electorate actually has a say in that governance.  
In the case of the "conservative" Republican administration of GW Bush versus the "liberal" Democratic one of Obama, it was only the delivery and the form of criticism that adopted different flavours, however, the political agendas are essentially the same. At least with Bush, it was overtly obvious that he was a dictatorial scumbag who had a desire to start a war in the Middle East based on a contrived premise. And he did. The rest, as they say...
Obama's security goons have taken the deception and subterfuge to a whole new level as they've utilised modern technology to obfuscate, spy (mostly on their own citizens), mislead and generally augment their smorgasbord of dirty tricks while stonewalling the "real" media who've attempted to report on their covert agendas. Charismatic, articulate presidents do not an ethical democracy make. Obama has proven this beyond any reasonable doubt as evidenced by the outcry from the US media as his being the most opaque administration in that country's history. Unfortunately, much of the mainstream media has simply become Obama's bitch and are an integral part of the problem. 
Simply put, our governments deceive us and lie to us as a matter of course and only when caught out do they offer up excuses or what they euphemistically like to call explanations and rationale for their insidious behaviour, the hoary old chestnut of which is usually - in the public interest and/or in the interest of national security, which is obviously why it was so confidential in the first place. 
So what they've done here is set the precedent that it's okay to be untruthful if the situation warrants it, which always puts me in mind of Nicholson's iconic line in A Few Good Men: "You can't handle the truth!" to which we must all say: "Try us or at least let us make an informed decision about that!" 
I know it's not just me but that most people I know have the feeling that the politicos who have been elected to public office seem, somehow to be the enemy or at the very least, disdainful of the people whose asses they kissed to put them there. 
And that simply isn't the way it should be. 
We don't need a change of party at the elections. We need a change of system. This one just ain't working. 

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