


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Wednesday 21 August 2013


What's theoretical about a handful of corporations which have fingers in all the pies that effectively run the planet? Media, the food industry,the medical industry (not health), arms, oil and technology. 
What's theoretical about the governments in all so-called democracies passing more and more laws under the radar that purport to enshrine public interest but in reality undermine personal liberty? 
What's theoretical about global surveillance and public eavesdropping? This is legislated in every democracy of which I'm aware. 
We don't need to talk about dictatorships - they may be what lies at the heart of all governments but at least dictatorships don't pretend to be democratic.  
The only thing that remains theoretical is the reason that the corporations who own these governments actually do these things. 
If you believe it is in the interest of public safety and that old chestnut, national security, then I posit that you are a theoretical idiot. 

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