


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
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Monday 19 August 2013


The Great Mayan Calendar Conundrum

"XULTUNT, Guatemala — According to the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012, is the date for a major world cataclysm, perhaps, even the end of the world. But a newly reported discovery may soon eclipse that dire prediction."

So said Mel Borup Chandler, Contributor on 29th May 2012.
He does go on to say, however, that the most recent discovery shows a calendar of Mayan origin that continues on for 4,000 years beyond that fateful date which so many have come to regard with awe and perhaps many more with disdain.

But it has to be said that nowhere in the Mayan calendrical cosmology do they ever assert a cataclysmic end to the world on the now famously portentous date. They merely state that a great cosmological alignment will occur at this time which has the potential to initiate significant shift in humankind's consciousness.....or not....

But as my oh so worldly wise wife pointed out to me in bed this morning: Just because the Maya decided to carve out calendars with such precision doesn't necessarily mean they were fabricating each one to indicate the end of time and the world as we know it.
(The above discovery would seem to bear out that assertion)
And let's be honest, she went on to say, who determined when they stopped carving a calendar in the first place or even determined an end date for it? The poor bastards assigned to such a task must've needed a beer break now and again surely.
And what about working hours? Did they have The CCU (The Calendar Carvers' Union) back then or might the prediction for the end of the world have been subject to the vagaries of industrial action or a slack shift supervisor? Such factors might have moved the now fateful date to August 23rd 2014 - who can say?

The logic being applied by many to the famous Mayan calendar would necessitate us to then assume that because your current diary or wall calendar shows the upcoming year but not necessarily the one following it that the world will end at that time. I mean it has to - the calendar ends on that date, ergo so must the world...
Or may it perhaps mean that the manufacturer of said almanac hasn't contained all that future data in the current document so that he can sell you a new one next year or the one after that as is commercially expedient for his business? Repeat business is, after all, the best kind innit?

Or perhaps they simply don't include the calendrical information to the end of time as there wouldn't be enough trees on the planet to make the paper to record such a timescale. Or better yet they have come to the conclusion that the whole thing is a circular formula based on the premise that as they fell the trees to make the end-of-days almanac and actually begin to manufacture it, the mere fact that they are felling these trees at the rate required to do so will accelerate and alter the originally predicted end-of-days final date as we will deplete the planet of oxygen to such a degree that it will no longer sustain any form of human existence at a certain date. And to peg that zero date is an impossibility. So why bother making the thing in the first place?

It is my recommendation that in order to make this a self-fulfilling prophecy that we all (that is, the entire global population) at midnight precisely (Guatemalan time) on 21st December, leap into the air simultaneously and come crashing down, again simultaneously. This is very likely to shift the planet off its usual orbit and axis and push it inexorably into the path of (what should have been) a passing solar flare thereby conflagrating the planet and destroying all life thereupon. (except, of course, cockroaches - so it follows that politicians will be the gene pool that rekindles human existence in the new world and who would want to live in a world like that anyhoo?)
Or perhaps we can all stay home with a nice cup of Horlicks and watch TV until we pass out from boredom.
The choice is yours...

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