


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Friday 17 January 2014

GREY the novel, update…murder and sexual philandering

I'd just like to extend gratitude to all of you who've bought GREY the novel in ebook format through Kobo.

Thank you very much indeed.
I've now got to the point where sales have produced my first royalty payment, which, although modest, is a real milestone for me in my literary career.
If anyone would like to offer feedback about the book that would also be most welcome. Either here or on my author website

And if you'd like to network the novel to your friends that would also be greatly appreciated.

As far as the completion of (The First Book Of) PRANA goes (2 volumes), I am still busy with a small rewrite of certain sections to excise the (privately owned) song lyrics from the work as the permissions and flak I picked up from the owners was just silly.
I think they had some skewed idea that this was a book glorifying satanism or something and I was using songs like Murder By Numbers (The Police) to create incitement for dark deeds, which is ludicrous. I'm not sure what they thought exactly but the songs were used to form context only not to suggest that they promoted violence and murder…as was suggested by Jimmy Swaggart in 1983 when that specific song was released.

Aside: A poetically sweet paradox about that proclamation by Swaggart, was that a few years later in 1988 he was involved in a sex scandal with a prostitute and then again in 1991.
He had accused Sting and The Police of being "the sons of satan…"
Amusingly, at a Frank Zappa concert (1988), Sting guested to provide vocals for the song which Zappa covered and which later featured on his Broadway The Hard Way album. In the introduction to the song, "Mr" Sting (as Zappa dubbed him) raised the Swaggart issue, saying: "Four years ago, Jimmy Swaggart said this about me: this here song by the Police, Murder By Numbers was written by Satan, performed by the sons of Satan! Beelezebub! Lucifer! The horned one! 
"I wrote the fucking song, alright…"
Which engendered much enthusiastic applauding.

The PRANA works (essentially complete), the second and third volumes in the series, The Lucifer Chronicles shall be available shortly…watch this space…

In the words of a famous comic book icon: Excelsior!

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