


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
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Sunday 19 June 2016


I miss my dad every day not just on Father's Day.
I'm sure that's normal for most people who've had the joy and privilege of knowing a father who cared for them and has now moved on to other realms.
There are those who've had unspeakably terrible experiences with fathers too, of course, and I don't even know how to begin to empathise with them as I only ever skirted the fringes of the flaws that made up the man I knew as my dad.
I was lucky.
I acknowledge that.
I had the benefit of having a teacher. Sometimes those lessons were being taught by a flawed and vulnerable human being and he was doing everything wrong but given the values that our parents believed in and tried to live by - we could recognise that those values gave us the insight to know they were being parents for the first and only time and were doing the best they could - even when it was tough and the decisions were beyond our understanding. 
We could always come back to a place where love lived amid the drama and the trauma and the complexity that is a family dynamic. 
They were trying their best. 
Others weren't and aren't so lucky so to those - please let all of us who've had the benefit of the unconditional, infinite love of our dads that continues to flow eternally through us from that heart-shaped place in the universe - let us channel some of that love, caring, compassion, joy and lightness of being with those who are most in need of it.
That's the thing about love - it's the highest frequency and it's infinite - we can't deplete it - it's always there. Parents and those who love us, are simply conduits for that energy and allow it to wash over us and through us when they experience the gift of a child in their lives.
It's there, it's always there and it awaits only to be sourced.
The beauty of it all is that the switch is in our own hearts. We don't need dads or mums or sisters or brothers or lovers or friends - we only need to switch it on - everything and everyone else are just bonuses. The best kind of bonuses and we should never forget that.
Then, to top this, we sometimes are given the most awesome opportunity of all - to become dads ourselves. In this way we experience the flow of that love first hand as channellers of the infinite energy.
This may seem soppy and a bit space-cadetish but it's how I see and feel the world. 
I want to be a dad that allows that love, without any judgement, to flow to my children for all time. I don't know if I'm doing that but I swear to God, I'm trying.
I don't care what they do or how they do it in life - just that they are doing what they want to do and they're doing something that makes them happy and is uplifting so that they too can feel the love and it let it flow.
That would be the most gratifying thing of all.
Flick the switch.  
Pay it forward.

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