


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Saturday 8 October 2016


People (my generation and older) like to post memes about how hardy we were, didn't know about ADHD, autism, childhood allergies and how we played outside in the sunshine until all hours, messing about in dirt, soil, grass, water - you name it - and (pretty much) everyone was the better for it.

I remember those days fondly.
It's not just that we were stronger kids, it's more complicated than that. We weren't subjected to the barrage of toxic chemicals that now assail the current generation. We still bought organically farmed produce and the supermarkets stocked that stuff. It's all there was - thank goodness.
Chemical and factory farming was unheard of.
And we got maybe a handful of, this isn't a vaccine rant - nothing like that.
What changed to give our current crop of kids an autism rate that went from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 50 in the space of 35 years?
If anyone isn't disturbed by that, then they seem to miss the gravity of the exponential nature of that increase. If that were any other disease or condition, the world would call it what it undeniably is - a pandemic. Autism - meh - that shit just happens - bad luck - move on. That's the approach, I kid you not.
Two things become abundantly clear: first, the money the medical establishment is ploughing into autism research is going almost exclusively into genetics and by dint of the timing we've seen, this isn't a genetic or hereditary condition and if it were, genetic predisposition to a condition does not lead to epidemics. The numbers simply cannot do that in plain mathematical and statistical reality. It isn't a genetic problem.
Second: the suggestion that the diagnostical methodology has improved thereby identifying a lot more cases of people/kids on the AD spectrum also doesn't stack up in any way - it falls apart quite emphatically in fact when we suggest that the medical establishment has failed over a period of two decades to identify neurological developmental problems within the population to this degree that this would surely render the entire industry incompetent at best and downright dangerous and untrustworthy at worst.
Something this prevalent could not have slipped under the radar.
And it didn't. The fact is simply that the prevalence of the condition continued to grow - exponentially. 
Then there are the plethora of ailments that plague kids today - allergies, infections, digestive disorders even cancers, which are much more common in the young than ever before - the list goes on - things that we really hardly, if ever, saw when we were kids.
I'm no scientist or medical expert but I was always taught to follow my gut, rely on my instincts and apply my commonsense to life experiences and I've always done just that. A bit of research doesn't hurt either but there's always a little nagging needle when you know something isn't quite right. 
And something isn't right with our society, our system of food production and delivery and it certainly isn't right within our medical establishment when the very thing that's been fundamental in bringing this species to the point we're now at - i.e. maternal instincts - is ignored completely when a mother presents her thoughts to a doctor about her child. A mother knows when her child is well and she certainly knows when something is wrong. I challenge anyone to say otherwise. There are certainly exceptions but the motherly bond and instinct is a fundamental force of nature and nine times out of ten, mothers are usually right when it comes to their kids.
In the case of anecdotal evidence when something happens to transform a normally developing healthy child into a completely different and dysfunctional human being within the space of (sometimes) hours, days, weeks or even months - it's a good bet that the mother will be able to pinpoint what caused that change. But not apparently when it comes to autism and certainly not when they might suggest vaccines as a cause, even when the manufacturers themselves admit that this is a possible adverse reaction. Nope, again - not an anti-vaccine rant.
So if autism and all these other conditions aren't the result of genetics or superior diagnostical techniques, what causes them?
Why are there so many sick kids today? And there are more than ever before. We are the most medicated generation to have ever existed and although we have technology to prolong life, we should not be as sick as we are.
Stephanie Seneff, a professor of some renown at MIT, with hundreds of peer-reviewed published papers to her name has a very novel and, when you listen to her for half an hour or so, compelling case for causation that fits the current ailing society profile very snugly. (find her here: Stephanie Seneff home page) 
We are slowly but systematically being poisoned. Not in some grand eugenics conspiracy enacted by extraterrestrial shapeshifting reptilians but in the name of profit and monopoly.
If anyone hasn't noticed (and if you haven't, you're already in a coma, buddy) governments domestic and foreign are quite unashamedly implementing policies that seek to own us genetically and whether or not you think vaccination is a good thing (not the point of the discussion), mandatory vaccine programmes certainly play into that agenda. Informed consent and democratic choice over our own and our children's bodies is being handed to the state to do with as they see fit. That is a very unhealthy precedent to set and has potentially even more onerous consequences especially when it's being implemented through the machinations of playing on our fear.
In the US, viruses, diseases and unique human genetic sequences are patentable and many of them are already owned by pharmaceutical corporations. While it seems like a good thing that cannabis is being slowly decriminalised, the drug companies are synthesising the active cannabinoids that do the good work and you can bet your bottom dollar that the medical components of the plant will remain illegal and the public will be forced to purchase lab-synthesised medicinal cannabis from the industry at prohibitively expensive prices. In fact, it's already underway.
Taking a step back - we have to (if you're a true born cynic) admire the business model that's in play here. Not just from the cannabis perspective, which is unarguably an effective panacea for chronic conditions ranging from epilepsy to cancer - whether anecdotal or not, people have reported miraculous results all over the world. Correlation may not be causation as many a skeptic likes to spout, except of course when it is.
I'm talking about the business model that ensures a profit in every link of the circular chain we serve in modern society.
Seneff has conducted intensive research over the last 25 years into the pervasive chemical glyphosate which is the active ingredient in Monsanto's so-called herbicide, RoundUp. It's so much more than a herbicide. And it is everywhere. Especially in America. But it's commercially available over the counter in every country I know at any local hardware store and we're told it's harmless to humans.
It's anything but.
I'm not about to even attempt to explain what Seneff posits (google her - it's all there) but her studies have shown that this poison not only seriously damages the biology of the soil and the plants on which it's sprayed, it actually permeates the tissue of the plants and they cannot be cleansed of the toxin. When fruit, veg, grains (especially GMO ones) are harvested the glyphosate is liberally sprayed onto the grains again, this time as a desiccant to accelerate the drying process and the stuff is sent on for food production or delivery. The Round Up "ready" grains are also fed to livestock and they ingest the glyphosate which permeates the tissue (meat), the milk - everything. The livestock manure which is used to fertilise the land, is filled with the stuff and thus it gets mixed back into the soil, it pollutes the water - there is literally no escape from it and it's maintained in a horrible, toxic cycle even down to the rainwater - it's in that too.
Sadly, it has the same effect on the human biology as it does on the plant biology - it inhibits certain natural biological processes, bonds with metals, creates chronic deficiencies and through Seneff's analysis she concludes that it is so pervasive and biologically damaging that its effects could certainly be linked to heart disease, autism, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer, obesity and a range of other (now) common diseases that are impacting our population - especially children. The evidence is compelling.
And with our ongoing exposure to it through processed and non organic foods, we just keep upping the dosage on a daily basis. The human body cannot rid itself of the glyphosate and when it crosses the brain-blood barrier, that's when the neurological damage begins.
Now the fact that so many vaccines are cultured using animal tissue such as bovine gelatine (fact) Seneff proposes that glyphosate contaminated tissue is often used to do this and, in fact, many vaccine samples they harvested, tested positive for glyphosate contamination.
Now when an industry is telling you it's safe, they don't see an issue with someone pointing out that their vaccine has the chemical in it but they base their safety findings on studies that show exposure to glyphosate for 3 months only. No statistically relevant damage occurred within that time - ergo, it's good to go.
But here's the thing - independent research that protracts that time and analyses results on rats exposed to glyphosate for longer than 90 days, found conclusively and repeatedly that tumours began to form in the fourth month and got progressively worse thereafter - particularly in the reproductive organs. 
Great when you can write the rule book on these issues though - no problem.
So in a nutshell, when in the late 70's early 80's we began chemical farming, the increase in all of these conditions began to rise in that hockey-stick exponential graph that dovetails so neatly with that great technological chemical farming phenomenon and more specifically the use of Round Up/glyphosate in our food chain.
Don't listen to me - do your own research - it will scare the bejesus out of you I can assure you.
And it's in the vaccines too, none of which are subjected to proper drug safety trials.
But everything is perfectly safe - the government and the drugmakers say so - so why worry? 
I noticed when I came to Australia how I began to have digestive issues which is one of the reasons I moved from a vegetarian to a vegan diet and I've just made the transition to a purely organic vegan diet and am feeling the benefits already.
It's the only way to avoid this shit until the world wakes up and bans this insidious toxin completely as should undoubtedly happen. 
And for the world to wake up - WE need to wake up and talk about this instead of imagining that it's someone else's problem and simply walking away.
For the record, research has also shown empirically that a change to a fully organic diet (doesn't have to be vegan) in kids that have autism (they also present with serious gastrointestinal disorders) has a profound effect not only on the gut issues but on the neurological symptoms and behaviour too and if this condition is indeed shown to be environmental as I too believe it to be, then it's not only something that can be managed, it can potentially be cured.
Literally - food for thought.

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