


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Saturday 22 October 2016


On being told that Hillary Clinton is a good choice for the US presidency and that I know so little about her...
It's a truly sad state of affairs when Americans are faced with a choice between Clinton or Trump and are blind to the fact that they do have other choices, not that the media ever talks about that.
Sharyl Attkisson, for example, a real journalist - not one of the corporate-owned media drones - has written some very insightful, factual, exposés on Clinton (among many other topics) and if anyone believes for a moment that Clinton isn't a sociopathic narcissist then I'm afraid her lobbyists (including most of the mainstream press) are right - we probably exist in very different realities.
Clinton's track record (sic) as secretary of state alone should give any rational person pause but there is so much more.

I have indeed looked at the background and the legacy of HRC (both mainstream and more honest) and the glib premise whereby people are lauding her against an unarguable buffoon like Trump as a yardstick and promoting her cause as potentially "the first female president" as if those are somehow legitimate credentials to enter the Oval Office, are facile and without any substance whatsoever.
It's like saying we should vote for the paedophile babysitter instead of the child serial-killer because at least then the kids will still be alive...
Not - fuck this, let's find a babysitter we know we can trust.
Is she a cunning, savvy, effective, manipulative, assured politician? Without question.
But is she a rational, even-handed, broadminded, honest, ethical and visionary leader?
Not even close.
She, like that teflon-coated tapdancer in South Africa going by the name of Zuma, manages to wriggle and squirm and stay one step ahead of prosecution, nefarious and unarguable criminality notwithstanding.
She's the worst thing imaginable that could happen to the US or the world right now.
And, no, I'm not a Trump supporter either.
There are other, better choices but the mainstream media has convinced Americans that there aren't.
Still, given the fact that they elected (albeit illegally on at least one occasion, it must be said) someone like GW Bush for consecutive terms, speaks volumes about the American ethos and in that sense, if they aren't looking harder and further than hyperbole and campaign circus rhetoric, I guess they and sadly - we - get what they deserve.
And to think that not being American disavows the rest of the world from having an opinion on this topic, I'd counter by saying simply that this is probably the election that prompted more global citizens to start looking into the background of US politics than any other. Why? It affects us all - profoundly.
Only time will tell.
If ever there was an instance when I'd love to be wrong - this is it.
I'm not holding my breath...

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