


Half the story is a dangerous thing


All content on this blog is the copyright © of Paul Murray (unless noted otherwise / reposts etc.) and the intellectual property is owned by him, however, the purpose of this forum is to share the content with all who dare to venture here.
The subject matter is adult in nature so those who are easily offended, misunderstand satire, or are generally too uptight to have a good time or even like who they are, it's probably a good idea to leave now.
Enjoy responsibly...

Tuesday 4 May 2021




Ancient civilisations, before they were acknowledged by mainstream consensus to have had the abilities to do so, created magnificent monolithic structures across the various landscapes of this beautiful planet, mapping out precise geometries and points that are unarguably coordinated to celestial counterpoints. They aligned with unerring precision, their monoliths and sunsets or sunrises at equinox and solstice dates that proclaim a profound understanding and mastery of astronomy with generational reverence of the sun, our nearest and most significant star - without it, we would not exist. 

This was not a superstitious worship of the big magic light in the sky, this was a deeper narrative that speaks to the eternal hermetic principle of as-above-so-below which has contemporarily been proposed only recently in planetary history within the paradigm of quantum physics. 

These ancient people had, I believe, a knowledge of such things - the potential of interconnected dimensionality and the fact that nothing ever ends - it merely transforms its energy pattern from the most base material matter to the whimsical invisible realm of consciousness itself. 

Today, we are hard pressed to understand let alone replicate these astonishing feats undertaken by so-called primitive cultures and as such we refuse to try and understand them, so obsessed are we with the notion that everything has a technological solution and that we are the absolute pinnacle of achievement and evolution. Yet here we are custodians of a planet in turmoil where we seek to cage and corral our (and other) species for the gain of an elitist few who have placed themselves at the helm of humankind’s destiny. Where our relationship with the Earth and the cosmos is being sidelined in favour of an addiction to the skewed philosophies of our hegemonic masters who claim that everything requires their technology and chemicals to resolve fabricated problems, that we should hand over our sovereign power to them and allow ourselves to be led slavishly into service or die at their whim and convenience. 

This is not how it should be and it has been contrived to scare the species into believing it is so. 

Look back to the ancients and their wisdom and philosophy and look up into the sky, as you plant your bare feet on the skin of Mother Earth. 

The synthesised world has become a prison of our own making and it’s time we broke the shackles and exposed the lies. 

The power resides within us all. As within - so without, as above - so below. 



☮️ 🕉

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