


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Sunday 2 May 2021

Covert-19 tyranny by stealth


Stock photos with multiple uses...

They were wheeling bodies from Central Park to morgues at the outset of the covert-19 scamdemic....not. There were emergency rooms and hospitals overflowing everywhere even in Canada around the world as it progressed - not. 

In Canada mayoral authority was proclaiming such things completely unfoundedly, as true journalists exposed - in other words the authorities were lying. 

Let’s call it what it is - THEY WERE AND CONTINUE TO FUCKING LIE. 

They even in the US are obfuscating the number of deaths by trying to separate out covert-19 cases and mortality apart from total death counts. But when you actually assess deaths from all causes year on year between 2019 and 2020 THERE ARE NO EXCESS DEATHS. They are lying. 

The same obtains in the UK and elsewhere - not that the true figures cannot be verified, they can - they just aren’t being - not by governments and not by media. 

One then has to stop asking if people are actually dying in India - of course they fucking are. Like they do every year by the thousands every week just like they do in the United States and every country on the planet. 

The difference now in the modern scaremongering media madness is that unlike ever before, they are reporting normal mortality rates through the media Week on week and in any ordinary year, over 55,000 people die in a week in the US alone but they are now calling it something else. They are claiming that covert is causing lots of those deaths. But when you actually add up the totals, no more deaths than usually occur are actually occurring. The false reassignment to covert is the real kicker especially when you consider that the people who would ordinarily die from a raft of conditions anyway (comorbidity) and they have now been tested with a procedure that has up to 96% inaccuracy (read: false positivity) then it’s easy to fudge the numbers and say covert was the culprit when it was actually regular flu or pneumonia or heart disease or cancer or just plain old age. And yet in the throes of the most deadly pandemic in modern times NO MORE PEOPLE ARE DYING THAN IS USUAL - EVEN IN FUCKING INDIA. 

I don’t claim to know where that footage was dredged up but what I do know with absolute conviction is that authorities do lie - Robert F Kennedy Sr quoted this truism during his lifetime and was, like his brother, engaged in going up against and exposing those corrupt authorities and look what happened to them. 

I’ve seen photos doing the rounds that looked like they could have been stock photos from the gas disaster on 7th May in India or even before that. It’s a tactic that’s oftentimes been employed to sensationalise a story. 

If anyone believes for a second that the collective governments and their captive sock-puppet medias wouldn’t employ deceptive tactics to further a particular agenda which might revolve around profiteering, population management and control, then they haven’t been paying attention. 

Frog, pot, gradually warming water - you do the math. 

It’s a crock of bullshit. 

If it wasn’t there would genuinely have been an increase in deaths to the tune of over 400,000 people in the US under Trump’s watch in 2020 - there weren’t and that is verifiable. 

The question we should be asking is not whether people are dying in India from a statistically non-lethal virus, it is why are we being lied to about all of this?

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