


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Thursday 12 September 2013


I don't think it's just me is it? But there has been a more frank and unashamed approach to sex on film these days and I'm not talking your regular porn flick deep pink fare - no, I'm talking about the offerings being produced by Hollywood on TV and in film now being served up with increasing frequency.
It must be stated here and now, however, these are merely observations and certainly not complaints. Not yet, anyhow.

More tits, ass and full frontal exposures (even penile appendages, much to my good lady's amusement as she sees this as leveling the field somewhat after decades of womanly nudity with no male counterpoint) have become manifest with the advent of.... what? A more mature, discerning audience? Hmmmmm - perhaps not methinks.
I think it's simply a case of the global population having become gradually inured to the unspeakable "horror" of naked flesh on their screens - this, obviously, until now more horrifying than gratuitous violence with which the media networks see fit to inundate us on an hourly basis as Global Super Powers sabre-rattle or progress(?) to actually bombing the shit of people in the troubled Middle Earth region of our beleaguered planet. Therein lies true, unspeakable horror of a more naked type than the beauty of the human form, warts and all.

The war paradigm  is a sad reality which I try hard to see beyond but the ongoing motion picture of Earth's staged anthropogenic conflicts, while devastating in a shameful, pernicious way, lack in their entirety, the majesty and magnificence of Gaia's own rumblings and bellicose rants - for me, terrestrial traits that have been cyclical and ongoing for millennia and not sudden, catastrophic changes imposed upon the planet by humankind's unsavoury activities as much as that would appease my own cynical sensibilities.
Point is - I simply don't believe it. The science (when scrutinised objectively and removed from the politicisation of this topic) simply doesn't hold up. The whole thing is bogus.

Returning, however, to the topic of sex on film, mainstream film: what for me is even more difficult to swallow (pardon the expression) is the manner in which this is presented. That is unbelievable. Not in the contemporary sense of - WOW - fucking unbelievable! In the sense that it lacks credulity on any level.
These Hollywood personages may indeed have the capacity and opportunity to bump, grind and shag like rabid rabbits in all manner of acrobatic, contortional  positions which would make the authors of the Karma Sutra blush and with an appetite and stamina to repeat the process within minutes of the previous session (or so the continuity staff would have us believe). I can swallow all that (oops - again).

But what strains the very bounds of plausible reason, believability and the condition of the human beast as I have come to know it over decades of studying it in its natural (and oftentimes unnatural) habitat - is the postulation that everyone who ever gets naked on screen regardless of age condition or social circumstances and who resorts to a bout of the horizontal bop for the sake of our entertainment and (perchance) plotline - has a perfectly smooth, unblemished arse. 
Fuck right off, folks - it is just not plausible. I'm not buying that shit at all.

Shape-shifting lizards ruling the roost in Buckingham Palace are a more plausible idea at this point.
Pimple-free arses for as far as Hollywood can ever hope to see - never!  
There's always one. 
And that's the bare-arsed truth! 

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