


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Wednesday 28 July 2021



When the lie is so big….

Interestingly, now even many pro-vaxxers are becoming cautious of the covert-19 vaccine yet they retain their faith in all other vaccines without the same degree of interrogation. 

They might change that philosophy if they were to understand that almost every vaccine out there is an experimental medication that hasn’t undergone double-blind INERT-placebo trials. Many have been tested sure but more often than not, they are trialed “for safety” against another vaccine (as the “placebo”) when that vaccine hasn’t been safety trialed against an INERT placebo so there is no baseline risk profile against which to work. But it allows the industry to create this illusion of rigorous safety testing when nothing could be farther from the truth. 

So why do people retain this innate trust in the pharmaceutical industry for vaccines when every vaccine company, bar none, has been serially convicted as felons for medical fraud, murder and misrepresentation of their products? 

Perhaps the answer lies in the populism surrounding vaccines where we are brought up to accept and firmly believe that vaccines eradicated smallpox and polio and are necessary to combat measles, mumps and rubella… so if that was the case then vaccines are generally okay then…? No, not really as none of those statements are supportable by factual reality. 

For me, however, the short answer is simply : mass cognitive dissonance. The population is in the thrall of a collective Stockholm Syndrome where they are entranced by their captors and have even come to revere and trust them… why would they lie to us? 

Well, in the instance of all the meds they marketed that have killed millions of people globally, this was done calculatedly on the back of analyses done by Pharma industry actuaries where, simply put, the risks and costs associated with deaths and lawsuits and punitive damages was financially viable against the profit that would still be made. So that is why they would lie to you - for profit plain and simple. 

But not with vaccines? Why not? What’s the difference? 

In fact, there is even more incentive to lie about vaccine safety when you are having these products sponsored by governments and the public is coerced into having them or face punishment or exclusion if they don’t. The silver lining for the vaccine companies - they are exempt from liability if they simply declare all of the potential adverse reactions on their package inserts. What a business model. Shooting fish in a barrel - or rather shooting kids in the arm by governmental decree whether this is necessary or not. 

Yet anyone questioning this or the efficacy and/or actual attrition associated with these meds (now being openly seen with the COvID vax) no matter how solid their case may be, facts, figures and scientific proof notwithstanding, is still vilified as a nutty conspiratorial anti-vaxxer. But hey, guys - even the pro-vaxxers are starting to question these COvID vaxxes and for very good reason. 

So why don’t the authorities come clean and admit the truth about these meds? 

The truth can withstand any amount of interrogation whereas a lie cannot, hence perhaps the need for deception and censorship when anyone does question them. 

That dictum is seemingly too obvious for many people… 

The vaccine narrative has been running since the early 1800’s so it’s not surprising, given the fact that there has been vested interests in that narrative from inception and as the mainstream has owned the media all the way, the public has been driven to accept that official narrative as empirical fact. It isn’t - it is simply a populist belief that has been reinforced for so long that it now passes for truth hence the challenge facing anyone questioning this. 

Ironically, what the COvID “vaccine” narrative has served to illustrate, is the fact that there is potentially more behind what the authorities are telling the public as more and more attrition mounts, which those same authorities are electing to downplay and even sweep under the rug. 

But people, even pro-vaxxers are seeing through the deception 

With some luck, this may prompt them to look a little deeper into the entire vaccine narrative. 

The whole agenda is poised to backfire as long as we keep pumping out the truth, the facts and the science. 

As soon as that gets unpacked in a real public forum, the entire narrative disintegrates which is why nobody dare turn up to debate the likes of RFK Jr who has thrown that gauntlet down many times. They accept but when push comes to shove, they always renege - why is that? The “science” certainly isn’t settled no matter how many times they fall back on that tired old chestnut instead of actually debating THE SCIENCE. 

I believe, however, the tide is turning - ironically thanks to COVID. 

It certainly needs to for the sake of society. 

This deception and propaganda is far more dangerous than any supposed virus that’s floating around out there. 

And that is the plain truth.  


Greg said...

Brilliant summary. Yes, hopefully covid will be a catalyst for people waking up to the broader evil of pharma and vaccines.

MATINA said...

I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.

Ubong Stella said...

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