


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Monday 26 July 2021


 Freedom protests across Australia 

Sydney 24th July 2021 

“They’re being selfish and endangering other Australians by refusing to wear masks, whiny little bitches who are akin to folk in blitz-torn London during WWII who simply refused to switch out their lights during bombing raids just to defy government orders - oh and they’re even punching horses…”

This is the inane nonsense that’s being peddled on social media currently regarding the recent freedom marches across the country, about which, the acquiescent, seem to have missed the point. 

It’s not about masks and blind defiance of government for the sake of it like some petulant brat throwing a tantrum rather than being told what to do by an authority figure. But that’s how it’s being painted. 

As noted, missing the point. Entirely. 

This is about the flagrant overreach of government both state and federal with entirely unwarranted attrionist restrictions as the basis of these health “guidelines” (that’s what they are - they are not laws) are without any solid or valid foundation and the statistics (even the flawed government stats) continue to validate this. 

But that isn’t what’s being reported. 

We can talk until the cows come home about masks and get nowhere. There’s a plethora of solid scientific studies and evidence debunking entirely the efficacy or usefulness of surgical masks on healthy individuals during any medical situation including epidemic events - useless, unwarranted and unnecessary. Health care workers? If they elect to wear them - it’s part of their working PPE - no problem, mask up as you see fit. The government health department has stressed this from the get-go yet the narrative and information on their website has evolved over time and interestingly, this same authority who vilified unscrupulous retailers during the SARS outbreak in 2003 (a coronavirus) and who threatened people with massive fines for selling surgical masks to the public which had no discernible infection control or meaningful benefit, they have suddenly, like Anthony Fauci, done the surgical mask flip-flop as it suited them. But here’s the thing - the science hasn’t changed and neither has virology or epidemiology so the narrative shouldn’t change either. Either the Australian government was lying in 2003 about masks or they’re lying now as they convolute the narrative like a comedic improv performer. Only, it isn’t funny. 

But that isn’t really what the marches were about either. 

It’s about being lied to over  this entire situation and flagrant misrepresentation of what’s really going on while these punitive restrictions drive people to suicide and businesses to bankruptcy while advocating a “lifestyle” that has no valid benefit whatsoever. The Sweden and Japan statistics verify this and if we unpack the basis upon which this entire pandemic is being premised, it becomes even more skewed and ridiculous. 

If there is a virus and perhaps there is then roll out the readily available approved, cost effective prophylactic meds that have been around for decades and have been demonstrated to work safely for these respiratory compromising illnesses. Instead, the Ivermectin and the hydroxychloroquine options get disingenuously slated as too risky under the COVID circumstances, which we know to be a blatant lie. 

There can be no immune system health through natural means apparently. The Australian health authorities haven’t once guided their citizens during these insane and reportedly dangerous times, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, load up on immune boosting vitamins such as C and D and A and get a daily dose of sunshine with a little zinc thrown in to boot. Whatever we may say about the nasty Chinese folk who apparently foist this disease upon the world, they knocked it over in a couple of months utilising combinations of the above. There was no vaccine. They didn’t need it. Take note. 

Yet now, we are being told, natural immunity is no good (despite the fact that it has consistently returned a 99.89% recovery rate for every strain of this “thing” so far), kids don’t get it or spread it and neither do the asymptomatic (an Australian/Chinese study in 2020 - a massive study - proved that) yet they continue to reinforce the WHO-driven narrative that the vaccine is the only way out of this thing. This we know also to be patently false. Once again, the science, the facts and the figures confirm this. 

And the Australian public aren’t quite as gung-ho to get this (so-called) vaccine anyway as is being made out - the vaccinated, the good guys. Well buckle up, bitches because there are still a whack load more of us “bad” guys than you as the uptake of this thing is still only at 37% of adults for the first shot - and just 28% of the total population.  Govt’s own figures prove this. Yep, 63% of the adult and 72% of the total population have not gone for this jab. Even more revealing - after 7 million adults got the first jab and were encouraged to go get that second booster - the next gene-therapy experimental shot - suddenly 59% of them hesitated to do so and are still hesitating - only 2.8 million went back for more… that hesitancy is profound. But nobody’s talking about that in the media. They just keep repeating the bogus mantra that you need to get vaccinated, it’s the only way and it’s safe. All nonsense. 

This is another thing the public is wary of - the nonsense and spin being used around the (it isn’t a) vaccine  - just how much damage is actually being done by this jab and this is something that these selfish marchers also represent on behalf of their vaccine-hesitant countrymen - the smoke and mirrors around the jab. People know there is something very wrong with a medical treatment if it doesn’t stop you getting sick, doesn’t stop you spreading the sickness, injures, maims and kills more people than any other vaccine in the last 3 decades and there is no recourse to compensation - the drug companies are exempt from liability despite the degree and scale of injury or death from the jab - but we are advised and are even being coerced and threatened into getting this jab instead of relying on innate immunity and readily available effective cheap meds that are suddenly and inexplicably being made unavailable. 

Come on - there is indeed something very wrong with this picture. And the Aussies - most of them and God bless them, seem to be savvy to this. 

But to take to the streets, those who (aren’t selfish but) are brave enough to do so under this draconian intimidation, should be applauded by their fellow citizens - the ones cowering behind their curtains with their masks on glued to the negative misrepresentative spin spewing forth from the TV networks. Instead, dispensing with facts, common sense and verifiable data, the fearful cast aspersions on the valiant who wish to maintain freedom and democracy and everything the ANZAC and other brave souls  fought to retain. Our critics want to throw that all away while putting their faith in the mongrels we trusted to protect and serve us but who are instead threatening and misrepresenting us. 

This is nothing like citizens leaving lights on during bombing raids in WWII - such a comparison is beyond facile - the evidence of bomb strewn devastation was plain for all to see and hear whereas there is no devastation associated with this situation here in Australia despite the spin and rhetoric and fearmongering and, truth be told, when one unpacks the totals of the so called excess deaths across the world in 2020, this too demonstrably confirms that this social engineering psyop is nothing at all like the media would have us believe. Not even remotely close. But they continue to report otherwise.  

The lies and deception just flow unabated but the acquiescent still hang on to the newscasts for the latest “figures” and “facts” about the current situation. 

If one takes the time to actually look at the real facts and figures  from the govt websites around the world, they do not look anything at all like the picture the global mainstream media is painting. 

You want to be fearful and question something? Fear and question that. It should be enough to terrify anyone. 

We have much more at stake here to face than some viral pandemic and that is what is being questioned here more than anything. 

Oh, and nobody was punching horses… to misrepresent that with a carefully selected still photo to convey a false narrative - well that simply serves to reinforce everything these protesters are griping about - abject misrepresentation by the media and authorities pertaining to every facet of this so-called pandemic. 

For the actual footage of the so-called “punch” see here: (Bogus horse punch) but the media, grubs that they are, promote a beautifully frozen image at just the right frame to catch the protester in mid action where he is fending off the approach of the horse and rider. Judge for yourself  

The fact that ordinary Australians would take this on and at face value is more cause for concern than any of their fellow citizens taking to the streets and taking the government to task for this continuous deception and erosion of common civil liberties, which apparently the acquiescent are willing to forego in a heartbeat and without question. 

So please stop being critical of people who are braving the force of authority whether warranted or not, and who are working on behalf of all Australians to force transparency on an issue that is being deliberately and sinisterly obfuscated. 

And it’s not about “belief” - that is the domain of those beholden to the religion of Covidanity - it’s about facts, statistics and verifiable data.


MATINA said...

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