


Half the story is a dangerous thing


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Thursday 22 July 2021



India death rates 

When asked about ALL the deaths in India - what I say is that the death rate in India is similar to what it’s been over the previous years and significantly lower than death rates going back in that country’s history. 

The death rate has been dropping in India for some time now and the “pandemic” year of 2020 is entirely unremarkable. 

See snapshot attached. 

This narrative is driven by the way they have decided to “report” infection and death through the media. That’s the only thing that has changed anywhere. 

Take an earlier post pertaining to Australia for example about flu deaths in 2019, higher than any year in the last decade, no pandemic, no problem, no lockdown, no bullshit - just another high impact flu season. 

If they had decided through the flu season in 2019 of approximately 17 weeks, to report the rate of death from influenza through the media in the same sensationalist scaremongering manner in which they’ve deliberately approached Corona, they would have been screaming every week that 240 people were dying and this was an absolute emergency. 

But they didn’t because it was just another year of flu albeit hard-hitting. 

No, the narrative has been very purposefully and concentratedly force-fed on a daily basis through the media with extremely selective information being disseminated that maintains the fear and entirely misrepresents the factuality of what’s really going on. It’s very easy to do when you control the narrative.

Look at it this way - on an average non-pandemic (insert scary music here) year, say 2019, in India - in a population of 1,366,417,755, the crude death rate was 7.265 per 1,000 people, which is 9.927 million people actually dying in that year without a pandemic in play.

That is 190,900 people per week or 27,197 people dying every day. 

And in 2020, that figure was slightly elevated, not statistically relevantly in any way though.

The population grew in 2020 to 1,380,004,385 and the crude death rate was: 7.309 which equates to 10.086 million people dying that year  which is 27,634 people dying every day which is a 0.61% increase which is in line with fluctuating trends in that country over the last few decades. In fact, it's a far lower fluctuation than many years before that.

Can you imagine how easy it would be to suddenly turn cameras to focus on daily or weekly deaths in India when nobody in the world is ever looking at that data other than professional statisticians?  

You start televising the mortality events that occur in India on a daily basis and have done for centuries and it is very easy to blow this up out of all context and make it look like a plague-driven devastation - it's not and the data proves this. But when the media gets hold of something - normal occurrences it's sensationalised and spun in such a way that we are deceived into thinking a deadly virus is doing the damage. It isn't.

It's once again, all bullshit.


MATINA said...

I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.

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